Chapter 97
Qin Heng accompanied Lin Wu to borrow a lot of professional books in the library. He is a senior brother and has a year of study experience than her, so the books he helped her choose were more professional.

The hall is quiet.

The two leaned against the bookshelf, and Lin Wu flipped through the "Systematic Anatomy" in his hand, the paper of the book rustled.

Qin Heng raised his eyebrows, "Interested in this?"

Lin Wu collected his expression, "My roommate said that we will dissect animals in the future." Prepare for the human body in advance.

Qin Heng nodded, "This is a necessary stage."

Lin Wu thought for a while, "I used to kill chickens at home." The chicken with its throat cut, bled so much, it could still flop.

Qin Heng smiled: "What else have you killed?"

Lin Wu glanced at him, "Kill the fish."

Qin Heng: "Then you are a veteran, don't be afraid of the experimental class in the future."

Lin Wu: "..."

Qin Heng raised his hand suddenly, Lin Wu was taken aback.He pulled a book from her head.

Lin Wu breathed out secretly, and Qin Heng suddenly had an evil heart, wanting to tease her, he approached her, and his breath brushed over her head vaguely.

Before he could move, the voices of a man and a woman came from a row of bookshelves in front of him.

Man: "Go to the United States for a year, I will come back after a year, and we will get married."

The girl suppressed her voice and wept.

Man: "Then what do you say?"

Female: "I'm ready to go back to my home. City B is under too much pressure. Even if I stay, I can't go to a good hospital without connections and backgrounds."

Man: "Didn't we agree? Why give up at this time?"


All of a sudden, there was no voice, replaced by the entanglement of the corners of the lips.

The girl patted the boy's chest, and the boy's voice contained some patience: "Don't make trouble!"

Lin Wu's face turned red like a tomato in an instant, and she didn't dare to make a sound.

Time passed by second by second, and the two people were still lingering.

Lin Wu felt like she was under the scorching sun in summer, it was hot and stuffy.

Qin Hengyun flipped through the book lightly, he didn't read a single word of what was written in the book.

Lin Wu was in a hurry and wanted to leave.

Qin Heng leaned there, with a handsome figure, motionless.

The couple kissed inextricably.

Lin Wu gritted her teeth, suppressed her voice, "Let's go." She had just lifted her foot, and her footsteps were obviously so light, but it still alarmed people.I only heard the female voice complaining: "There is someone here! You are crazy!"

Boy: "You drove me crazy."

Lin Wu: "..."

Qin Heng pursed his lips and suppressed a smile.Lin Wu has never watched a romance TV series since he was a child, not even a kissing scene between the male and female protagonists. The first enlightenment was such an explosive scene, and he was still with Qin Heng.

She was embarrassed and couldn't look directly at Qin Heng, her heart was pounding nervously.

Qin Heng looked at her nonchalantly from the corner of his eye. She was wearing a simple T-shirt, blue jeans, and her hair was draped softly.She never cared about her appearance, nor did she know how good-looking she was.Even their dormitory started to gossip about the first-year junior sister. In the foreseeable future, she will definitely receive all kinds of confessions.

Finally, the pair of brothers and sisters left.

Only then did Lin Wu dare to take a breath, his face turned red, and he lost his ability to speak for a while.

Qin Heng laughed, "You have to understand."

Lin Wu pretended to be calm: "Understand what?"

Qin Heng: "Brother Daqi is not young anymore, he must be reluctant to break up. Otherwise, where can I find him in the future?"

big seven...

Calculate the age, only 25 six years old, not very old.

Lin Wu frowned, she really never thought about this question.

Qin Heng seemed to understand her thoughts, and said quietly: "It's either going to class or experimenting, and falling in love is a luxury. Late marriage and late childbearing are very difficult."

Lin Wu: "..." After doing the math, Qin Heng graduated with a Ph.D. and is just 26 years old.

Qin Heng's throat was dry, "My mother also urged me to find a girlfriend earlier."

Lin Wu blinked her eyes, her long eyelashes flickering. "Aunt--"

Qin Heng hummed, "It's her! She urged me last year." He stretched out his hand, clasped her palm tightly, and scratched gently with his fingertips.

Lin Wu: "..." There was a tingling sensation in his palm.She glared at him and withdrew her hand.

Qin Heng asked knowingly: "It's not you who did bad things, why are you so nervous? Your palms are so sweaty."

Lin Wu was speechless.

Qin Heng coughed lightly, with a slightly hoarse voice, "What should I do? You still have to watch nudes as a trainee in the future."

Lin Wu hurriedly turned around, unable to continue the conversation for the day.

There was a smile on the corner of Qin Heng's mouth, and the smile became deeper and deeper.

He never asked her to give him an affirmative answer.They got along day and night for three years, and he knew her better than anyone else.Now she has too many burdens, so he gets closer to her little by little.

There is no need to promise, as long as we are together, we will feel at ease.Anyway, the current model is very good.

Qin Heng enjoyed this kind of time, teasing her from time to time, watching her irritable and crazy.Lin Wu's strength is also her biggest weakness, her heart is too soft, especially for those she cares about.

In the first year of high school, Jiang Xiao copied her homework, she disapproved of it, but it was no match for Jiang Xiao's hard work.After class, she always finds time to help Jiang Xiao with lectures.

Qin Heng slowly took full advantage of this weakness.

In September, at the freshman opening ceremony, the dean gave a speech and interacted with the freshmen. "Why do you study medicine?"

Everyone talked heart-to-heart, saying their own answers.

Someone said: "My parents are doctors."

Someone said: "Watching TV dramas, I think the doctor is very handsome."

Someone said: "I just want to be a doctor, to cure diseases and save lives."

Someone said: "I chose this major out of nowhere."


The dean listened to their answers with the same expression and normal tone. "Initially you may choose medicine by accident, but once you choose, it is a serious matter. Every doctor must treat it with lifelong loyalty and enthusiasm. Now the domestic doctor's environment is very tense and complicated, and you may encounter it in the future. There are many difficulties and temptations, and I hope you, no matter in the future, ten years, 20 years, or 50 years, can maintain the original aspiration, the original aspiration of a doctor." These words, he will say every freshman, never get bored, Not exaggerating.

It is really a huge test in life to keep the original intention unchanged.

Qin Heng went up to speak as a representative of outstanding seniors. In the huge auditorium, everyone's eyes were on him.He stood there in proper attire, poised and composed, and his previous flamboyance was slowly replaced by calmness.

Lin Wu pursed his lips and looked ahead, as if time was running backwards.He didn't speak on stage for three years in high school, and now he stands there as a senior.

(End of this chapter)

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