Swire saint

Chapter 24 Who wins and who loses?

Chapter 24 Who wins and who loses?

The host of the appraisal this time is Zhang Xiao of the House of Commons.Zhang De and several deacons from the lower house, all with solemn faces, stood behind him.

As soon as Zhang Xiao appeared, the sound below immediately fell silent, and countless eyes fell on Zhang Xiao for a while.There is awe and hope.

Zhang Zhidong, Zhang Yuanhang, Zhang Shengli and others all looked at the supervisor Zhang Xiao on the stage with solemn expressions.

"So strong."

All three could feel Zhang Xiao's powerful aura, as if an invisible mountain was pressing on them.

"It should be above the middle stage of Qi training." Zhang Zhidong looked in awe.

Zhang Yuanhang and Zhang Shengli felt like Zhang Zhidong, and they didn't dare to take a breath. The stronger their strength, the greater the pressure they received.Body quenching environment and Qi training environment are completely different concepts.

The body quenching state is to exercise the physical body and is the foundation building stage.In the Qi training state, the Qi veins are formed in the body, and the real energy is mastered, and the strength is by no means comparable to that of the Body Tempering state.

"Next, I announce the official start of the hunting competition competition. All the teams I mentioned will come up to count the spoils of this hunting competition." Zhang Xiao said in a shocked voice.

"500 animal horns of the Feiyu team..."

"Wow, 500 horns, awesome. We only got 320."

The captain of the Feiyu team stepped down from the main stage complacently.

"Team Qingshan 250..."

Another exclamation.

"0 Bobcats..."

Bobcats people are very calm.The following participating teams are also tacit.In this hunting competition, except for some teams that are expected to win the top three, some others feel that there is no hope of winning the game, and they all hand over the spoils to the favorites to win the championship.Not only has he been compensated, but he has also been protected, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Zhang Xiao glanced at Zhang De lightly, and frowned.But there was no other action, and he continued to read.

"1200 horns of the Sky Knife Team!"

The participating teams in the audience were shocked, there were 1200 teams, and the previous strong participating teams instantly became scum.

1200 animal horns are absolutely bullish.Even Zhang Xiao looked at Zhang Yuanhang, the captain of the Tiandao team, with a little surprise.

Zhang Yuanhang is indeed full of confidence.Only Zhang Shengli, the captain of the Black Tiger Team, and Zhang Zhidong, the captain of the Blood Dragon Team, remained calm.

When Zhang Yuanhang got off the stage, he looked complacent, but after seeing Zhang Shengli and Zhang Zhidong clearly, his expression was slightly wrinkled.

Next, it was the turn of the Black Tigers to go up.

"1450 Black Tigers..." Zhang De gave Zhang Shengli a slightly surprised look.

The audience fry the pot again. 1450, this is a new record.In the past, the highest number of hunting competitions was only 1400 horns.Unexpectedly, the record was broken this time.

Zhang Zhidong gave Zhang Shengli a slightly surprised look, but his expression quickly calmed down.There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

a corner under the stage

The five members of the Tianlong team are in a hurry like ants on a hot pot.

"Why hasn't the boss come back? If he doesn't come back, there is absolutely no hope for the horn in our hands." Zhang Youda smiled wryly.

There are more than 900 animal horns in their hands, and it is definitely hopeless to enter the top three.

"Tianlong team!" Zhang Xiao shouted.

"No, it's our turn." Zhang Guangyuan's face changed slightly.

"Go up, or you will be disqualified." Zhang Youda sighed.

Just when the Tianlong team was about to take the stage.A strange voice sounded.

"I ask to let our Blood Dragon team go first, because our Blood Dragon team has a bet with Tianlong team." Zhang Zhidong came out more and more.

Zhang Xiao looked at the members of Blood Dragon Team and Tianlong Team.He said lightly, "Allowed."

Zhang Zhidong glanced at Zhang Youda and the others, and said coldly: "Do you know why I came on stage first? Because I want you to know what despair is."

After Zhang Zhidong took the stage, he handed over the storage bags to several deacons who were in charge of counting.

After counting, the results will come out soon.A smile appeared on Zhang De's face, and he said, "Blood Dragon Team, 2200 animal horns."

This is another new record.Everyone present felt shocked.Even the supervisor Zhang Xiao had a smile on his face.He is also honored to have achieved good results in the hunting contest under his auspices.Although how this result came about, everyone is tacitly aware of it.

"It's amazing. This achievement is probably unprecedented."

Although the teams present all knew that this result was a lot of water.But it didn't stop them from being shocked.To know the previous results, as long as there are 1200 animal horns, it is almost possible to secure No.1.The results achieved by the Blood Dragon team have greatly broken previous records.It can be said that it is the first team to break 2000.

"Yeah, this first place is well-deserved..."

Everyone present was very envious.

Both Zhang Yuanhang and Zhang Shengli were unwilling.A trace of dissatisfaction and helplessness flashed in his eyes.They naturally knew that a large part of Zhang Zhidong's achievement was due to Zhang De's help.In Maple Leaf Mountain, many teams sold their animal horns to Zhang Zhidong. Although they also adopted the same method after getting the news, they were still a step behind.

Zhang Zhidong looked at Zhang Youda and the others proudly and said, "Now you can take the animal horns up and count them."

Although Zhang Youda and the others knew that they would never be able to compete with Zhang Zhidong this time, they never thought that the gap was so big. At this moment, they knew that even if Zhang Haotian came back in time, they would not be able to change the result.

"Let's go up, even if we lose, we can't weaken our momentum." Zhang Youda shook his voice.

Zhang Guangyuan, Zhang Xiaobai, Zhang Daotai, Zhang Jian and others filed forward.

After counting, Zhang De looked at the Tianlong team mockingly, and announced: "The Tianlong team hunted 910 animal horns!"

To say that 910 animal horns were enough to win the top three in previous hunting competitions, even with luck, it is not impossible to win the championship.But this year, it can only be regarded as a foil.

People from all major teams in the audience were talking about it.

"The results of the Tianlong team are good, but they are unlucky. Otherwise, they might be in the top three at the previous level!"

"This time they are dead. I heard that they offended the Blood Dragon Squad. If they don't die now, they will lose their skin."

Everyone looked at the Tianlong team with a trace of pity.

Zhang Zhidong walked up to Zhang Youda and the others with his hands behind his back, glanced at the five members of the Tianlong team with a gloomy look, and said with a sneer, "Do you still remember the bet I made with Zhang Haotian?"

Zhang Youda and the others had a bad feeling in their hearts.

"Of course I remember." Zhang Youda felt that Zhang Zhidong had malicious intentions, so he said bravely.

"That's good. Whoever loses our bet will abolish his cultivation and apologize to the other party with a hundred bangs. Although Zhang Haotian is not here, you must send a representative to replace him." Zhang Zhidong smiled proudly.

Zhang Youda and others were stunned when they heard the words.Such humiliation, they would rather die.

"We refuse!"


Zhang Youda and the others gritted their teeth and glared at Zhang Zhidong.

"I would like to admit defeat. If you don't fulfill your promise, I will ask the host to be the master for us. I believe that the host will uphold justice for us." At this moment, Zhang Baiqiang also jumped out of the situation, triumphantly accusing Zhang Youda and others.

"Who said we lost."

A lazy voice sounded from the side.At some point, Zhang Haotian appeared in everyone's sight.

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(End of this chapter)

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