Swire saint

Chapter 43 The Scary Seventh Sword

Chapter 43 The Scary Seventh Sword

"Zhang Haotian, you are exhausted now. Are you going to die by my hands in the end?" Kitano Xiong was very proud.

Suddenly, a carriage came galloping.There were four fast horses at the front of this carriage, galloping so fast that the soldiers dared not stop them at all.Just let him rush in.


A voice familiar to Zhang Haotian sounded.

Zhang Haotian followed the prestige, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the person who called him was not someone else.It was Jin Bao, his best playmate since childhood.He was a little surprised why Jin Bao appeared here.But it soon occurred to him that Jin Bao must have secretly followed because he was worried about his own safety.

Zhang Haotian was overjoyed, and put Zhang Chuqing on his back.

"Jinbao promised me that he would definitely bring Chuqing out for me."

After Zhang Haotian finished speaking, he threw Zhang Chuqing into the carriage.

"Boss, you're not with us? Come up, I'll take you away!" Jin Bao looked at Zhang Haotian anxiously.

Zhang Haotian shook his head, and said bitterly: "Their target is me now, if I go with you, they will definitely not let us go. Let me block them now, Jinbao, you promise me, you must take Chuqing out , Brother, thank you for the rest of your life?"

"Boss." Jin Bao didn't expect Zhang Haotian to be unwilling to go with him.

"Go, leave me alone." Zhang Haotian shouted loudly.

Looking at Zhang Haotian's firm expression.Jin Bao knew that no one could change his brother's determination.

"Boss, you must come back, otherwise I will come back to find you." Jin Bao shouted loudly, and then drove away in the carriage.

"Brother! Brother!"

Zhang Chuqing was on the carriage, looking at her brother's back, struggling crazily, as if she was about to jump off the carriage, but Jin Bao dragged her tightly.

Kitano Xiong saw that the cooked duck was about to fly, so naturally he would not be reconciled.He shouted loudly: "None of you even think about leaving. Follow me...it doesn't matter whether you live or die."

Kitano Xiong saw that Zhang Haotian was at the end of his battle at the moment, and rushed forward with the city guards.

A cruel expression appeared on Zhang Haotian's face.Crazy operation of the true energy in the body.

"Defying the heavens and killing it!"

Zhang Haotian endured the pain of shattering meridians in his body, and the muscles on his face became extremely distorted due to the pain.An invisible black hole in the body was devouring the energy in Zhang Haotian's body.

"The seventh sword!"

Every time Zhang Haotian slashed out with a sword, the phantom of the killing god behind him became more solidified.At this moment, after Zhang Haotian slashed out the seventh sword, the phantom of killing the god has completely appeared.

The ground shook uncontrollably, and a sword energy with a destructive aura surged out from the sword in Zhang Haotian's hand, sweeping forward.Gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas.Everything along the way was wiped out by Zhang Haotian's sword.

"No!" Kitano Xiong thrust out the spear frantically.If you intend to block it, you will be completely unable to block Zhang Haotian's sword.


Together with dozens of city guard soldiers around them, they were all swept away by Zhang Haotian's sword.Falling to the ground, Kitano was so dead that he couldn't die anymore.

At this moment, the tens of meters in front of Zhang Haotian were all in ruins.Remnants of limbs and arms, flesh and blood flying around, like ghosts.

"Boy, if you dare to kill my son, you will go to heaven and earth, and no one can save you."

Zhang Haotian found that in the void, a shadow approached rapidly.The man's breath was extremely terrifying.It seems that you can suppress yourself by flipping your hands.

Zhang Haotian knew in his heart that the person who came should be Kitano Xiong's father, Kitano Xing, the lord of Beifeng City.Kitano line, the strength is unfathomable.Although no one knows the specific strength of Kitano Xing, there is no doubt that he is definitely a martial artist at the Kaiyuan Realm.The Yuan Kaijing is beyond the scope of Qi Cultivation.If it is said that the Qi training state is the acquired martial artist, then the Yuan Kai state is the innate martial artist.

Zhang Haotian felt a murderous intent lock on him.Not to mention that he is at the end of his life at the moment, even in Zhang Haotian's heyday, he is definitely not an all-in-one enemy when facing a martial artist in the Yuan Kai state, after all, the Yuan opening state and the Qi training state are basically two concepts.

Zhang Haotian felt a terrifying murderous aura enveloped his body, as if he would be wiped out in the next second.

Zhang Haotian, who was already weak, was dizzy in an instant, but before he passed out, he saw a figure rushing from a distance, and then his body softened, as if someone had caught him.

An old man in green robe with white beard and hair embraced Zhang Haotian's body.A middle-aged warrior was facing the old man in green robe.

"Who is your Excellency, do you have to fight against the city lord?"

The person who spoke was the lord of Beifeng City, Bei Yexing.

Seeing that the murderer who killed his only son was rescued, he was very angry.If he hadn't been afraid of the person who suddenly appeared in front of him, he would have made a move long ago.

The old man in green robe looked at Kitano Xingdao expressionlessly: "I advise you to leave quickly, otherwise the old man will be rude."

"Your Excellency is so arrogant. What you have in your hands is the murderer who killed this old man's only son. This old man will never let you go. If you don't put down the murderer who killed this city lord's child, this city lord will not be polite." Bei Yexing gritted his teeth, his body exudes a lingering murderous intent.

A warning to Kitano.The old man in green robe didn't care, and said lightly: "Then you try."

"Damn it, then you will die for the city lord!"

Kitano patted it with a palm.This palm is so powerful that it can make the surrounding earth tremble.A violent gust of wind blew up.No one doubts that this palm is powerful and terrifying.

The old man in green robe smiled faintly, his body remained motionless, and he did not make any resistance.It seemed that the target of this palm was not him, but someone else.

Bei Yexing was extremely shocked. He felt that his palm hit the green robed old man's body like a breeze blowing willows, and disappeared without a trace.

Bei Yexing's original angry mood dissipated without a trace, replaced by fear, absolute fear.

The old man in green robe looked at Bei Yexing's terrified gaze, sneered and shouted: "Get out!"

It's just a sip.

Beiye Xing felt his seven orifices tremble, like thunder exploding in his ears, the Qi and blood in his body surged uncontrollably, and the seven orifices bleed.His body was instantly sent flying by an invisible force, and he had no power to resist.

The old man in green robe looked calm, as if he had done something insignificant.He sighed, and murmured, "Young lady should be satisfied now!"

After an unknown period of time, Zhang Haotian woke up faintly.He felt that his whole body was so sore that he was about to fall apart.

"This is where?"

Zhang Haotian was a little confused.Shaking his head, after waking up a little, he looked up and looked around.I found myself trembling slightly, as if I was in the carriage of a carriage.

"Are you awake?" A beautiful female voice came.The voice was pleasant and familiar.

(End of this chapter)

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