Swire saint

Chapter 46

Chapter 46
That energy is extremely pure, although it is not comparable to the Primordial Purple Qi, it is much stronger than the general heaven and earth spiritual energy.Even low-grade crystals are far inferior.

Is it the spirit of barbarism in the wild ancient world?
Zhang Haotian knew that barbaric energy was the initial energy of the first era produced after chaos.At that time, the heaven and the earth first opened, and the energy was extremely rich.It is far better than it is now by more than a thousand times.

At that time, it was also the time when martial arts had just begun to multiply.Also because of the rich energy of the heaven and earth, the martial arts civilization multiplied to a peak in a short period of time.

Just because of unknown reasons, the world has undergone drastic changes in the ancient times.As a result, the energy of the heaven and the earth became thinner, and martial arts gradually declined as a result.Because of the long history, no one knows exactly what kind of drastic changes have taken place.However, Zhang Haotian has concluded that this energy is barbaric energy.

As soon as the savage energy entered Zhang Haotian's body, he found that his cultivation began to skyrocket.All of a sudden, it skyrocketed from the early stage of the first level of Qi training to the peak of the first level of Qi training.

Although this magnitude appears to be very low.But when it comes to the Qi training state, the progress of the original cultivation base is slower than that in the Body Tempering state.Being able to break through from the first level of Qi training to the peak of the first level of Qi training in just a few days, if it spreads, it will definitely scare the jaws of many people.

Zhang Haotian knew that the further inward this wild ancient world was, the more intense the energy would be.I have only three opportunities to enter here for each realm.That is to say, after this time, I only have two chances left.This must not be such a waste!
This time, Zhang Haotian mobilized all the zhenqi in his body to fight against the power ahead.But that invisible barrier is too strong.Even with Zhang Haotian's blushing and thick neck, he couldn't take a step forward.

Although it was only a step forward, Zhang Haotian felt that the pressure of this step was twice as strong as that of the previous step.

"Fight hard, there are still a hundred steps ahead, if I can't even take the second step, then I'm a fool!" Zhang Haotian gritted his teeth.

With Zhang Haotian exerting all his strength, his body slowly leaned forward.Even so, his heart is extremely satisfied.

It took Zhang Haotian half an hour to complete this step.Even so, Zhang Haotian was sore all over at the moment.It was more exhausting than fighting people for hundreds of rounds.

But after that extremely pure wildness entered his body.Zhang Haotian felt that all his hard work had paid off.

Dantian crazily absorbs the barbaric energy.


Early stage of Qi training
Zhang Haotian was very satisfied.This reckless spirit directly made Zhang Haotian advance.

Although he had advanced, Zhang Haotian was so exhausted at the moment that he almost lost his strength.If you want to take the third step, it must be more difficult than before.Therefore, Zhang Haotian thought about it and gave up.

Coming out of the orb world, Zhang Haotian's face showed a hint of joy.

At the second level of Qi training, my current combat power can definitely beat two of my previous selves.The strength has been greatly improved.

But Zhang Haotian felt that it was not enough.His current strength may not be a big problem against Zhang Jianwen.But there is no certainty of victory.

I am making progress, and Zhang Jianwen is also making progress.If you want to win Zhang Jianwen steadily, you must reach the middle level of Qi training to be sure of victory.

Just thinking that if he couldn't set foot on the tower within a year, he would lose the orb, and he felt deep pressure.Now I just take two steps, and I can't stand it.It takes a hundred steps to walk to the divine pagoda. Zhang Haotian has to reach the divine pagoda within a year, which is not an easy task.

Zhang Haotian thought that if he wanted to set foot on the tower, it would not be enough to just improve his cultivation.Because from the two steps just taken, Zhang Haotian felt that the suppressing force was the most powerful in suppressing the physical body.Therefore, at this moment, he must practice martial arts for body training.

The human body is the foundation of everything, and only when the body is strong can one go further in martial arts.This is what Zhang Haotian deeply understood in his previous life on Earth.

Didn't mother just keep a copy of the exercises for herself?Zhang Haotian quickly took out the body training exercise book.

"Tai Shang Domineering Body Art"

There are [-] floors in total, and the more powerful you get to the back.From the above introduction, this Taishang Hegemony Body Art is a top-notch body training method even in the ancient times.

Legend has it that if you practice to the extreme, you will be invulnerable to water and fire, immortal and immortal, and your body will be sanctified.Of course, this is just a legend.The Taishang Hegemony Jue on the [-]th floor is based on the annotations of the descendants above.The highest can only be cultivated to the tenth floor.In the ancient times, it was already an overlord.

Seeing this, Zhang Haotian was very surprised and excited.You know, that was the ancient times.To be the overlord in ancient times, in today's age of martial arts decline, not to mention sweeping the world with invincible opponents, is definitely super powerful.This further strengthened Zhang Haotian's determination to practice Taishang Hegemony.

Just according to the above introduction, to practice Taishang Hegemony Art, each floor must have auxiliary cultivation medicinal materials.Six of these herbs are quite common.However, although Tiangang water and green flint are not expensive, they are extremely rare. It is hard to say whether these things exist in the Vasi Principality.Zhang Haotian was in a bit of trouble.

"Forget it, let's try our luck if we have a chance!" Zhang Haotian murmured.

On the second day, Zhang Haotian just walked out of the guest room.Qin Xueer was already waiting for him, and when she saw Zhang Haotian, her face showed surprise.After looking up and down, he asked, "Have you made a breakthrough?"

"Well, there is a small gain." Zhang Haotian smiled faintly.

After speaking, Zhang Haotian looked at Qin Xueer and asked, "Didn't you say that there is a way to help me improve the power of my martial soul?"

Qin Xueer snorted, "Why don't you believe me?"

"I just remind you, lest you fool me!" Zhang Zekai looked at Qin Xueer.

"Go, Huyou, do you have money to make?" Qin Xueer disdainfully.

"Then how can you help me?" Zhang Haotian looked at Qin Xueer's determined look and was also very curious.

"You will know in the evening." Qin Xueer smiled mysteriously.

At night, Qin Xueer's carriage arrived in the outskirts, and the surroundings were pitch black, just rows of woods, with a feeling of being inaccessible.

"What are you doing here?" Zhang Haotian looked at Qin Xueer curiously.

"Participate in the auction!" Qin Xueer said as a matter of course.

"You are stupid, how can there be an auction house in this wilderness?" Zhang Haotian looked at Qin Xue'er like a fool.

"I say there is!"

Qin Xueer took out a purple-gold token, and saw that the token emitted a bright white light.Immediately afterwards, a water-blue light curtain appeared in front of the two of them.

Qin Xueer took Zhang Haotian's hand, and then tapped the token on the light curtain.A light gate appeared.

"Let's go, why are you still standing there?"

Qin Xueer dragged Zhang Haotian, who was still a little astonished, into the gate of light.After the two stepped into the light gate, the light gate disappeared immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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