Swire saint

Chapter 50 Finding the Treasure

Chapter 50 Finding the Treasure
"Oh!" Zhang Haotian smiled noncommittally.

"Boy, now you rub our brother Niu's shoulders first, if you don't rub well, be careful of the pain." A young man threatened Zhang Haotian.

"Boy, what are you looking at, don't you need a beating?" Brother Niu stared at Zhang Haotian.

Zhang Haotian smiled and said: "Brother Niu, right? I am a person with great strength. I'm afraid I won't be able to stop it. If you lose arms and legs or something, it won't be good."

"Hahaha, don't be afraid, brother Niu, I'm not afraid of your strength, I'm just afraid of your lack of strength." Brother Niu said.

"That's right, what kind of strength do you have with small arms and thin legs?"

The other two also started booing.

Zhang Zekai smiled.Said: "Brother Niu, I will choose three strengths for you."

"The first one!"

Zhang Haotian picked up a piece of granite.Hold it with your hand.In an instant, the iron-hard granite stone shattered into powder.

The faces of the three changed slightly.The smile on his face began to get a little far-fetched.

Then, Zhang Haotian picked up a small knife.Hold it with your hand. "Creak creak!"

The knife turned into scrap metal.

The eyes of the three brothers Niu were a little dull.

"Brother Niu, there is another ultimate package for you to choose from."

Zhang Haotian picked up Brother Niu's weapon, the fine steel axe, gestured in his hand and said, "Good weapon, I don't know if it's strong or not!"


Under the unbelievable eyes of the three brothers Niu.Zhang Haotian twisted the ax into strange shapes like a twist.

"Okay, the performance is over. Brother Niu, what kind of set meal do you want? Oh, right. With your physique, it must be the last set meal, right?"

Zhang Haotian walked towards Brother Niu step by step.

Brother Niu was terrified, "Plop!", and knelt down for Zhang Haotian.He kowtowed like pounding garlic and said, "Forgive me, boss, you will be my boss from now on."

The other two also knelt down together, trembling with fright.

"Okay, since you call me the boss, you must follow my orders from now on. Otherwise, I don't mind if you become rotten metal in my hands." Zhang Haotian said coldly.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Under Zhang Haotian's threat of force, the three of them dared not go against it.

Soon, Zhang Haotian also got information on the three of them.The elder brother of the three is called Cheng Tieniu, the thin one is called Song Daren, and the fat one is called Wang Xiaochuan.All three are nearby villagers.He entered the mountain when he recruited disciples this year.He came half a year earlier than Zhang Haotian.

The three also provided Zhang Haotian with useful information.The Huajian faction executives won a batch of potions to improve their strength at the auction house in Yanwu City this year.The higher-ups are collectively retreating.Therefore, at this moment, the Huajian faction's highest combat power is only at the Qi training level, and there is no high-end force
This is indeed good news for Zhang Haotian.

That night, Zhang Haotian sneaked out of the residence secretly.

As a registered disciple who has just entered the mountain, it is absolutely not allowed to walk around in the Huajian School, but in fact this restriction is useless.Because the disciples of the Huajian School all spend their time on double cultivation and improving their strength, no one has the leisure time to pay attention to a registered disciple.Moreover, it is impossible for a low-strength registered disciple to pose too much threat to the Huajian faction.

Zhang Haotian checked around the Huajian faction.Find where the treasure house is.It's just that the Huajian pie is too big, and he didn't gain much for a while.

"I wonder how Qin Xueer's harvest will be!" Zhang Haotian murmured.

"Forget it, let's go back and rest first! I'll check tomorrow, anyway, there's still time." Zhang Haotian murmured.

Just as Zhang Haotian was about to go back, he suddenly saw a young girl hanging from a tree with a rope in her hand, about to hang herself.

The girl's head was already in the rope.

"Girl, you can't do it." Zhang Haotian took out a gold coin and shot it.

The gold coin directly cut the rope by which the girl hanged herself.

Zhang Haotian carried the girl down and laid it flat on the ground.He took a closer look and found that although the girl was not stunning, her appearance was pretty.

"Why are you so overwhelmed?" Zhang Haotian felt a little pity.Naturally, he could tell that this girl should have been kidnapped by the Huajian faction.

The girl's expression was a little sluggish, and she recovered after a while, looked at Zhang Haotian and said quietly: "Why save the slave's family, it is better to kill yourself than to live in humiliation."

Zhang Haotian said: "Ants can steal their lives, let alone human beings?"

"Being born, is it just being played by you?" The girl sneered.

"Girl, I'm different from them!" Zhang Haotian sighed.

The girl gave Zhang Haotian a deep look, and said for a long time, "I believe you?"

"Oh, the girl is so easy to believe?" Zhang Haotian was a little surprised.

"Because you don't have their evil spirit." The girl murmured.

"Well, girl, trust me. There is always hope in life." Zhang Haotian said.

After talking with this girl, Zhang Hao finally found out that this girl was called Xie Wanru, who was originally from a nearby town, but was kidnapped by disciples of the Huajian Sect and went up the mountain.

"My lord, I have something to ask from my family." Xie Wanru looked at Zhang Haotian with pleading eyes.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Haotian was a little surprised.

"Sir, please come with me."

Zhang Haotian followed Xie Wanru to the outside of the room where she lived.Xie Wanru entered Shaoqing, came out with a letter, handed it to Zhang Haotian and said: "Young master, if the slave family encounters unbelief, please deliver this letter to the sister of the slave family in Ninghai City."

Zhang Haotian took a deep look at Xie Wanru, nodded and said: "If there is such a day, I will definitely deliver it."

"Thank you son." Xie Wanru said gratefully.

Zhang Haotian and Xie Wanru got to know some more about the situation before leaving.

On the second day, Zhang Haotian wore the Huajian School's costume and wandered around the Huajian School.Anyway, he is just a registered disciple now, and there is no task to do.Only three days later, after the disciples outside had inspected him, would the mission be officially dispatched.

Of course, it is impossible for Zhang Haotian to stay in Huajian School.From his observations this day, the Huajian School is really an evil sect.The wind of martial arts is prevalent.

That's all.The love between men and women is human relations.However, many young girls of the Huajian School were looted from nearby villages or even towns.How many families have been destroyed and their wives and children separated, it is really a heinous crime.

On this day, although Zhang Haotian did not find the location of the treasure house, Zhang Haotian was not without gains, at least he remembered the intersection of the terrain of the Huajian School.When it's time to leave, don't run around like a headless chicken.

Before he knew it, Zhang Haotian came to a martial arts field a little far from the center of Huajian School.

Seeing the guards guarding the intersection, Zhang Haotian frowned and prepared to leave.

It's just that he wanted to leave now, but it was too late.

"Wait!" a guard called to stop him.

"Are you a registered disciple?" The guard looked at him cautiously.

"That's right!" Zhang Haotian looked at the logo on his body and knew that he couldn't deny it.

"A registered disciple sneaked in here, tsk tsk, it's really suspicious!" The guard looked deeply at Zhang Haotian.

"Come with us!" The guard looked at Zhang Haotian and smiled maliciously.

"I just entered here by mistake, let me leave!" Zhang Haotian frowned.

"I want to leave now, but it's too late."

Seven or eight guards surrounded him from all directions.

Zhang Haotian thought for a while, he didn't want to startle the snake, but also wanted to see what the other party was up to, so he said, "Okay, let's go with you."

(End of this chapter)

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