Swire saint

Chapter 75 Entering Yunwu Mountain

Chapter 75 Entering Yunwu Mountain

With a burst of noise.People from the Li family and the Tie family have all arrived.

Zhang Zekai first noticed two of the youths.These two youths are equally tall and straight, with imposing arms.The young man in black is called Li Kang.The one in blue is called Tie Chen.

"Sure enough, those who can enter the academy are not simple people." Zhang Haotian felt a terrible aura from the two of them, and his expression was dignified.

"Haotian, there are many precious herbs and fruits in Yunwu Mountain. If you have a chance, grab some along the way. But the most important thing is to protect yourself. This time, when you enter Yunwu Mountain, you should try to be with Ziqiong as much as possible." , so the risk will be less." Zhang Jincheng looked at Zhang Haotian and said seriously.

Zhang Haotian smiled wryly. In his father's opinion, his strength was far weaker than Zhang Ziqiong.But it's no wonder, a middle-level qi training, a first-level Yuan Kaijing, a genius from the three major academies.Naturally there is no comparison.

"Father, you seem to feel a little pity?" Zhang Haotian asked looking at Zhang Jincheng's frowning.

Zhang Jincheng nodded and said: "The rare and exotic fruits in Yunwu Mountain have another big harvest every hundred years. In the past, our Zhang family disciples were slaughtered by the Tie Li family before we explored deeply. Therefore, the rare medicinal materials in Yunwu Mountain They know the location better than us, and this time we probably have to fetch water from bamboo baskets again.”

"Father, don't worry, I'm here!" Zhang Haotian was full of confidence.

Zhang Jincheng thought that Zhang Haotian was comforting him, but he didn't take it to heart. He just told him to take care of himself, life is the most important thing.

This time, the rules of the Yunwu Mountain Hunting Contest were no different from previous ones.Every disciple who enters Yunwu Mountain has a number plate, and whichever family wins the most number plates wins.In the past, the Zhang family was the target of being slaughtered by the two families, and they came last in almost every competition.

After the heads of the three Patriarchs announced the start of the competition.The three Patriarchs joined forces to open the teleportation array.

Although this ancient teleportation array still retains its functions, each teleportation requires a large amount of spar.
"Boy, I heard that you abolished my brother's cultivation?" Li Kang looked at Zhang Haotian, and a sharp breath erupted from him.

"You're talking about Li Jiang, right? There is indeed such a person with a face that deserves to be punched. Every time I see him, my hands itch. There is no way..." Zhang Haotian said coldly.

"You'd better pray that you don't run into me in Yunwu Mountain, otherwise I will let you know what life is better than death." Li Kang made a gesture of wiping Zhang Haotian's neck.

"There are many people who want to kill me, who are you?" Zhang Haotian showed no sign of weakness.


Li Kang stepped into the teleportation formation.

"Haotian, let's go together." Zhang Yuanxiang and others were also preparing to enter the teleportation array.

"You'd better keep up, I don't want anything to happen to you inside, and Uncle Zhang blames me again." Zhang Ziqiong glanced at Zhang Haotian.

"Sister Ziqiong, smile more, you are fierce all day long, be careful not to get married." Zhang Haotian joked to Zhang Ziqiong.

"You... Zhang Haotian, I want you to look good when I go in." Zhang Ziqiong stared with beautiful eyes.

Zhang Haotian suddenly felt that the surrounding temperature dropped by dozens of degrees.I couldn't help but fight a cold war.Even Zhang Yuanxiang secretly gave Zhang Haotian a thumbs up, as if to say, brother, you are awesome, you dare to moles my sister.


Zhang Ziqiong gave Zhang Haotian a hard look before walking into the teleportation array.

Zhang Haotian smiled wryly and touched his neck.He murmured: "Am I wrong? It seems that the truth is really harsh!"

Most of the people from the three families entered the teleportation formation, leaving only the last young man in blue in the field.

"Zhang Haotian, right?" The young man in blue looked down at Zhang Haotian with a proud face.

"Tie Chen?"

"It seems that you have heard of me, that would be the best. As long as you promise to be my little brother and swear to be loyal to me forever, I can protect your life." Tie Chen looked at Zhang Haotian and said lightly.

That tone of giving you alms made Zhang Haotian feel sick.

"I was just about to say that, otherwise you swear allegiance to me and be my younger brother, how about I promise to spare your life in Yunwu Mountain?" Zhang Haotian laughed.


Tie Chen didn't expect Zhang Haotian to be so ignorant of flattery.

"I hope you don't regret it."

Tie Chen snorted coldly, and stepped into the teleportation array.

Zhang Haotian was the last to enter the legend formation.Zhang Haotian felt a killing intent and looked subconsciously.He noticed that Li Yuanting, who was in charge of opening the teleportation array, had a cold smile on his lips.

Zhang Haotian thought something was wrong in his heart.Suddenly, he found that the energy around the teleportation array was somewhat unstable.

"I've been tricked, Li Yuanting, I'll spoil your ancestors!"

Zhang Haotian was already very careful, he was the last one to go in, but he didn't want to, after all the calculations, he was still tricked.His eyes dimmed: then he didn't know anything.

Zhang Jincheng was furious, stared at Li Yuanting and asked, "Li Yuanting, what do you mean?"

"It's nothing interesting! I just forgot that the last spar was used, so the energy was a little unstable, it's just an accident." Li Yuanting said without changing his face.

"Yes, accidents often happen. It's not a big deal. Besides, even if your son is fine during the teleportation, he may not be able to make it out of this hunting. So, Patriarch Zhang, why bother so much. It's just a matter of time .” Li Yuanting smiled darkly.

"You!" Zhang Jincheng was extremely angry.

"What? Patriarch Zhang still wants to fight me?" Li Yuanting smiled disdainfully.

Zhang Jincheng forced himself to suppress the anger in his heart.He knew that he was by no means an opponent of the Tie and Li families.Only the appearance of his own father can overwhelm the opponent.He can only endure now.

"Damn it, if it wasn't for the conspiracy a year ago and the decline in cultivation level, it would be such a bad breath today." Zhang Jincheng thought to himself.

"Haotian, Haotian, I hope God will bless you." Zhang Jincheng thought to himself.

When Zhang Haotian woke up, he found himself lying on a hillside.

"Your grandma, Li Yuanting, if you go out, you must look good. Fortunately, I am lucky, otherwise I will die without knowing why." Zhang Haotian murmured.

After looking around, Zhang Haotian knew that he should have entered Yunwu Mountain, but he didn't know where he was in Yunwu Mountain.

"Oh, I don't know how Yuanxiang and Ziqiong are doing?"

Zhang Haotian was a little worried, knowing that when they entered Yunwu Mountain, the Tie and Li families would join forces to target them, especially this time, the strength of the two families was unprecedentedly strong.

However, Zhang Haotian didn't know where he was teleported at the moment, so he could only take a step at a time.

I hope Yuan Xiang and the others are okay, otherwise I will ask people from the two families to be buried with me.


Xiaobai suddenly poked out from Zhang Haotian's arms, very excited.

"Xiaobai, you said you smelled the smell of a strange fruit?" Zhang Haotian asked as he watched Xiaobai gesticulating with his forelimbs in joy.

PS: Brothers, please vote and comment more!
(End of this chapter)

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