Chapter 217: Being Favored Like the Charm of Autumn 12
"Who are you? Who are you?"

Waking up at midnight again!How many times?I no longer remember.In the months since I met that woman, I have had the same dream every night.In my dream, I was wearing a mask, and I was with a woman wearing a silver half-mask. The woman couldn't see her face.She plays the piano and I dance the sword.She paints, I pose.She practices calligraphy, and I grind it.Such a harmonious scene, but whenever I want to lift the female mask, I will wake up from my dream!

The dream is getting clearer and clearer!
Perhaps, this is not a dream!Because, my feeling in the dream is so real!Could this be my lost memory?

In a trance, the figure of the woman in the dream coincides with the figure of the woman I saw that night!
I thought, I should ask that woman, my intuition told me that she knew the truth!

Thinking of this, I got up and planned to talk to Anfeng and the others.

Just opened the door, not out yet.Then I saw Anfeng standing at the door with two 'strangers'.The two 'strangers' are men, one old and one young.The same white clothes, the old man looks like a fairy, and the young man looks like a banished fairy.Anfeng's hand was still in the air, as if he was about to knock on the door.

"Dark Wind, you just came, I have something to tell you." I said.Turn around and sit down a few steps.

Dark Wind also came in with two 'strangers'.

"My lord, my subordinates also have something to say to you. Please listen to your subordinates first." An Feng said.The tone was a little anxious.

I nod.Signal Anfeng to speak first.It's hard to see Anfeng with such emotions, it must be a big deal.

Anfeng took out a small porcelain bottle from the hand of the old man behind him, poured out a white pill the size of a soybean, and handed it to Anfeng.Anfeng took the pill and handed it to me.However, I didn't immediately reach out to pick it up.

I looked up at Anfeng, my eyes full of doubts.

"Young master, didn't you always want to know what happened before you lost your memory? Didn't you want to know who the woman in your dream was? Don't you always feel empty in your heart? If you take this medicine, you will know everything Remember!" Dark Wind said.

Anfeng's three questions solved half of the doubts in my heart.

"My lord, eat it quickly! If it's later, you will never see your master again! You will regret it for the rest of your life!" Seeing that I was still hesitating, An Feng knelt down, with tears in his eyes : "Master, she doesn't have much time, young master, you can eat it quickly! Will this subordinate still harm you?!"

The dark wind will not harm me.This is certain and certain.

At this time, I was just dumbstruck!An Feng's words answered half of my doubts!Sure enough, I didn't go crazy and lose my memory.I'm not Dark Wind's master either.The master An Feng just mentioned should have a relationship with me, a very deep relationship.As for 'Meiqing', that probably isn't my real name either!
Facing the urgency of wanting to know all the truth, I took the pill in Anfeng's hand and put it in my mouth.The pill melts in the mouth, with a hint of cool lily scent.

After taking the pill, I didn't feel any discomfort.Dark Wind told me to lie down on the couch.Because the pills need to be assisted with acupuncture to stimulate the efficacy of the medicine and restore all my memories.

I obediently went back to the bed.

"Young Master Qiu, the old man is going to use silver needles to pierce the key points on your head. It may hurt a little when you apply the needles, please be patient." The old man brought in by the dark wind said to me.

I nod.Mr. Qiu?Autumn?Is this my real last name?
Immediately afterwards, the old man said to the young man behind him: "Jing'er, get the silver needle ready."

"Yes! Master!" The young man replied.

Are they masters and apprentices?No wonder the temperament of the two are somewhat similar.

There were bursts of tingling pain, not extreme pain, but a throbbing pain like someone beating a drum in my head, and the upper and lower jaws that restrained me also felt a little painful.

(End of this chapter)

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