Rebirth of the star giant tortoise

Chapter 4 The world is different!

Chapter 4 The world is different!

After several months, when He Song was sleeping most of the time and scanning the SH city and the surrounding areas with mental power for a small part of the time, he discovered all kinds of interesting things. An otaku was hit by a meteor, and even Nothing happened at all; a young man running in the wilderness unexpectedly ran 5 meters in [-] seconds;

He Song looked at these people in bewilderment, why didn't he realize that there are still strange people and strange things in this world, or did these things happen after the energy emitted by the system was absorbed by them?

He Song discovered that gradually there was thin energy around his body. Although it was still very thin, after a long period of time, people's bodies probably would not get sick easily except for drinking poison.This is the evolution energy provided by the system, right?He Song thought in his heart:

Everyone's physique will slowly rise, as for cultivation?He Song asked the system, and the system directly passed him a secret book, saying that it can develop human genes to absorb various energies in the universe.

It is said to be a secret code, but in He Song's view, it is just a villain doing some inexplicable actions.

So the system was released directly to the Internet. As for the name?This product was directly written on the "Secret Code of the Beginning", and it was introduced to improve human physical fitness and accelerate human evolution.

He Song looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction, and the system directly posted the secret codes to the top of various portal websites.

This can be regarded as stabbing a hornet's nest. The technical departments of each portal website are very busy, but there is nothing they can do about the advertisement at the top of their website.The country also reacted very quickly, because soldiers with superhuman physical strength and physical strength have appeared in the army. After a soldier dismantled a Nokia C601 mobile phone with his bare hands. .The report has been submitted to the top leadership table.

Everyone knows what kind of mobile phone Nokia is. To disassemble a Nokia with bare hands, even the YD gang who opened it and hung it up can't do it.

Later, there were various supermen who broke steel pipes with bare hands and threw a shot put hundreds of meters later in the army. The National Research Institute has started research according to the above instructions.They discovered the ubiquitous energy in the air, with high concentration in some places, such as SH city, and low concentration in some places, such as XJ province.

Just when I was troubled by the research that these energies can only be absorbed automatically by the body, there unexpectedly appeared such a secret book, which can also develop human genes and improve human body quality.How can we not make those old scholars in the research institute go crazy.

Immediately downloaded a copy, then backed it up and archived it, and then applied for a warrior from the army to try out the actions in the secret code.

Qin Feng, an in-service special soldier, belongs to the special force of the SH Garrison District of the NJ Military Region.

Qin Feng was the No.1 who dismantled Nokia with his bare hands. Therefore, this time when he applied for the research institute, the chief of the army found him.

In less than half an hour, Qin Feng had already reported at the research institute in SH City. Due to the relatively high energy concentration in SH City, the entire research institute had moved to SH City.

When the various physical examinations were carried out urgently, all the old scholars were amazed that Qin Feng's physical fitness and strength were more than twice that of similar special forces.

So I attached the induction sheet to the whole body.It was displayed on an unknown instrument that the energy concentration in the cell: 2. I don’t know what this 2 means. After testing the strength, speed, and nerve reflex speed, the test of "The Secret Code of Absolute Beginning" began .

It took an hour to complete a set of movements. Qin Feng felt that the cells in his body were cheering, and even sensed that the energy flowing slowly in the air was being slowly inhaled by the mouth and nose, entering the body and being absorbed by the cells. A trace of absorption.

Qin Feng's face was flushed, it was so cool. Before, he used to absorb passively. Passive absorption can't absorb much at all. Now he guides the absorption by himself. It seems that this secret code can effectively lock the energy in the air and prevent it from being lost. .

After closing his eyes and being intoxicated for a while, he opened his eyes and saw a group of stunned old scholars. Qin Feng looked puzzled, what's wrong?
Until he followed the line of sight of the group of old scholars and saw the energy concentration on the unknown instrument.The energy concentration I saw before was 2, but now I see that the energy concentration shown above is 2.2!

An hour ago, his cells reacted with an energy of 2, and after completing a set of movements, the energy concentration in his cells reached 2.2!

Doing a set of movements can increase energy concentration by one tenth?Qin Feng was stunned, what a secret code against the sky, just doing a set of movements, the energy of the whole body increased by one tenth?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng's heart became hot, and he couldn't wait to start doing the actions in the secret code again.

After more than 50 minutes this time, after a set of movements is done, a trace of energy is inhaled into the body from the mouth and nose, and dispersed to make the cells of the whole body cheer.

Open your eyes and look at the energy concentration on the instrument, this time the energy concentration has only increased by 0.1, from 2.2 to 2.3.

The body is also strengthened by unknown energy.Although it is a trace, it can be clearly felt.

In this way, Qin Feng worked faster and faster, 57 minutes, 56 minutes, 55 minutes.By the sixth time, you can no longer feel the energy in the air entering your body from your mouth and nose.

At this time, the energy concentration in Qin Feng's cells had reached 2.5.

After doing more movements, practice makes perfect, and the body has also been strengthened. It was not until the second movement that the energy concentration was increased by 0.1. Maybe today's cells are full, Qin Feng thought.

But no matter what, with the appearance of "Secret Code of Absolute Beginning", one day of practice can increase the energy concentration by 0.5. Although it is not compared with other people, other people should be similar, but it is not as long as it took before to accumulate 2 energy concentration. In comparison, it can be regarded as rapid progress.

A group of old scholars quickly reported the news, and after 10 minutes, the report was already on the table of the top leader.

So the country issued an order to reduce the daily training of the army, and added 5 times the movements of the "Secret Code of Absolute Beginning".

As for the folks, there are also people who try to finish the movements of "The Secret Code of the First Beginning". Professional instruments, of course, cannot be tested.

Animals and plants all over the world have started a crazy evolution frenzy.

The first thing that bears the brunt is that the size of various animals has become larger, the claws have become harder, and the scales have become tougher.

Those who can fly fly faster, get bigger, and get stronger.

The size of the swimmer in the sea becomes bigger, the scales become smoother and tougher, and the speed also increases.

The size of land animals has increased greatly. Within a few months, some wild boars as big as elephants, mice as big as kittens, and giant bears with a height of 7-8 meters appeared.

If it weren't for the fact that in the past few months, more people who have practiced the "Secret of the Beginning" and turned into little supermen appeared in the army to suppress everywhere, maybe the world would be in chaos.

It is also often reported among the people that they have seen folk masters like martial arts masters.

This world is becoming more and more different!

(End of this chapter)

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