Chapter 127 Hack Dragon Evolution!
Although the fire-breathing dragon was hit by the destructive death light, the destructive death light of the flame chicken was not strong at all, and after being weakened by the hot wind, it was naturally impossible for the fire-breathing dragon to lose its fighting ability.The flame chicken was also hurt by the fire-breathing dragon's steel wings and the hot wind.In general, after two rounds, the damage exchange is almost the same.

"Come back, flame chicken!"

Xiao Luo took the opportunity to take back the flame chicken. He was mainly afraid that the fire-breathing dragon would take advantage of the side effect of destroying the dead light to fight back.

"Contestant Luo took back the flame chicken, so what kind of elf does he plan to use to deal with Ake's fire-breathing dragon?"

After Xiao Luo took back the flame chicken, he exchanged a poke ball and threw it out without any hesitation: "Hackron, it's your turn to play!"


A white light flashed, and Hackron gracefully appeared opposite the fire-breathing dragon!
"Wow! Contestant Xiaoluo took out a very rare Hackron. This is also the first time that Contestant Luo uses a Hackron! Can Hackron resist Ake's fire-breathing dragon?"

"Little Luo, do you want the fire-breathing dragon to be a stepping stone for the evolution of the hack dragon?"

Xiao Luo smiled and said, "I have to admit, I do have this idea!"

"Then you have made the wrong idea, the fire-breathing dragon will not lose to your hackron."


The fire-breathing dragon responded to Ake's words and roared angrily at Hackron.


Hackron didn't have the slightest fear, and stared at it calmly.

"Fire-breathing dragon, use jet flame!"

When the fire-breathing dragon opened its mouth, a crimson flame spewed out, hitting Hackron.

"Hackron, use water wave!"

A blue water ball formed in front of Hack Dragon's mouth, and shot out against the flames.


Water and fire intersect, a large amount of white water vapor is produced, and the two tricks cancel each other out.Although the power of water fluctuations is not as powerful as jet flames, it is an eternal truth that water can overcome fire.Therefore, the water fluctuations of Hackron can resist the jet flames of the fire-breathing dragon.

"Fire-breathing dragon, use steel wings!"


The fire-breathing dragon's wings glowed white, rushed through the heavy water vapor, and appeared in front of Hackron in an instant.

"Iron tail!"

The two gemstones at the tail of the Hack dragon glowed with white light, and the iron tail trick was released instantly, meeting the fire-breathing dragon's steel wing trick.


The huge force caused the two elves to fly upside down in a shock, and this round of fighting was tied again.

"Hackron, use super speed!" After Hackron stabilized his figure, Xiao Luo took the lead to give the command.


Dots of blue light rose, and Hackron swam towards the fire-breathing dragon at a speed so fast that it was difficult to catch it with the naked eye.

"Fire-breathing dragon, quickly use the hot air trick!"


Hearing the words, the fire-breathing dragon immediately flapped its wings, and a large scale-shaped hot wind almost covered the entire venue.Hackron was hit by the hot wind and cried out in pain.

"Hackron, hold on!"


Hack Dragon's eyes were sharp, and his speed increased again, passing through the entire hot wind, and hitting the fire-breathing dragon.The fire-breathing dragon screamed and was knocked out.

"It's now, use the water wave trick!"

Hackron immediately formed a blue water ball in front of his mouth, and then hit the fire-breathing dragon.

"Charizard, avoid it quickly!" Ake said anxiously.

At the moment when the water wave was about to hit the fire-breathing dragon, the fire-breathing dragon flapped its wings suddenly and flew upwards, avoiding the attack of the water wave.

Nima, that's fine too!

Xiao Luo cursed, and continued to direct Hackron: "One more water wave!"

Hackron once again sent out a blue water polo to hit the fire-breathing dragon.

"Hey, come on, fire-breathing dragon, use the earth to throw!"


The fire-breathing dragon roared, quickly dodged the attack of the water wave, and rushed towards Hackron!
"So fast!" Xiao Luo was slightly surprised, and immediately commanded, "Hackron, quickly use the super-speed trick!"

However, as soon as the blue light rose, the fire-breathing dragon rushed over, hugged Hackron with both hands, and took it straight into the sky.Then circle around a center in high altitude.

"Very good fire-breathing dragon, that's it, throw it on the earth with the greatest strength!" Ake exclaimed a little excitedly.

When Xiao Luo heard Ake's cry, he glanced at him with some displeasure: Nima, do you think I can't deal with it!
"Hackron, use the tornado!" Xiao Luo shouted at Hackron.

This trick was used by gym trainer Xiaochun when Xiaozhi challenged Yanmo Gym in the animation.Although he was finally defeated by Xiaozhi's wit, Xiao Luo believed that although Ake was stronger than Xiaozhi, he definitely did not have Xiaozhi's fighting instinct.

After Hackron heard Xiao Luo's command, the gem on his chest emitted a soft radiance, and a water-blue tornado appeared, and when the fire-breathing dragon spun, the tornado was also carried to form a circle.

Immediately afterwards, when the fire-breathing dragon hit the ground with Hackron, it finally couldn't bear the attack of the tornado, and fell to the ground with Hackron in its arms.Hackron eventually escaped the attack thrown by the Earth.

"How could this be!" Ake said in disbelief.

"Well done Harkron, now, use Iron Tail!"

Hackron's iron tail shot out instantly and hit the fire-breathing dragon.

"Fire-breathing dragon, hurry up and avoid it!" Ake commanded hastily.

Although the fire-breathing dragon tried its best to dodge, it still couldn't dodge this attack in the end.The iron tail hit the huge white belly of the fire-breathing dragon and sent it flying.

"Fix it, water fluctuations!"

The water wave followed, and this time, the fire-breathing dragon failed to respond.The water wave hit the fire-breathing dragon's head, and circles of fine waves burst out, causing the fire-breathing dragon to scream and fall to the ground.

"The fire-breathing dragon loses its ability to fight, and the Hack dragon wins!"

"It's amazing. Xiaoluo's Hack Dragon is extremely powerful, and it perfectly defeated Ake's fire-breathing dragon. This time, there are only three elves left for Ake, and Xiaoluo's There are four more. The situation is a bit unfavorable for player Ake!"


Just as the narrator finished explaining, Hackron let out a long cry and was bathed in dazzling white light.

"Wow! This is evolution. Hackron actually wants to evolve after defeating the Charizard!"

Hackron in the white light has undergone earth-shaking changes.The slender body became fatter, grew limbs, and a pair of wings appeared on the back...


After the white light dissipated, Kuailong raised his head to the sky and roared.With a flutter of wings, a cloud of smoke and dust flew up and flew twice over the field like lightning.Then he landed and stood still, blinking his big eyes and turning his head to look at Xiao Luo.

"Very good, I have finally evolved! Come on, help me win this game." Xiao Luo waved his hand excitedly.


Kuailong patted his chest in a very humane way, and nodded to Xiaoluo.

Ake withdrew the fire-breathing dragon with a wry smile: "Unexpectedly, you still succeeded. This is a bit difficult!"

"Come on, let me see your Bangira!" Xiao Luo challenged.


Kuailong also responded confidently.

Ake smiled and took out a poke ball, held it in his hand, and said, "Beat this guy, and Bangira will play!"

"Go, Sun Elf!"


White light flashed, and a white cat-shaped elf with purple eyes and a red gemstone on his forehead appeared on the field.The appearance is extremely calm and elegant, as soon as it appears, it sits half on the ground, its forked tail shakes slightly, even in the face of Kuailong, there is no emotional change.

"It has appeared. Ake's fifth elf is a sun elf. Let us wait and see how this sun elf will perform against Xiao Luo's powerful fast dragon!"

"You still have this kind of elf!" Xiao Luo was very surprised. He wanted all the evolutionary forms of Ibrahimovic.However, elves like Ibrahimovic are rare, and even more so with good potential.

The only Eevee I encountered was a newly hatched Eevee.It's just that when he heard that the water spirit had escaped, he gave it to Xia Yi in frustration.Thinking about it now, I still have some regrets!

"When I first traveled, it was one of my early elves!" Ake explained.

Xiao Luo nodded, and immediately directed Kuailong to say: "Come on, Kuailong, go and weigh this sun elf!"


Kuailong yelled, flapped his wings, and swooped down towards the sun elf!

(End of this chapter)

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