Chapter 206 Subdue, subdue!
"Sickle helmet, use split attack after avoiding it!" Xiao Luo also began to command.

The sickle helmet took the initiative to meet the light blade, and when the light blade approached in front of him, it turned around gorgeously to avoid the light blade's attack.The sickle glowed white and slashed towards Absolu.

Absol jumped onto a protruding rock on the mountain, avoiding the attack of the sickle helmet, with his eyes wide open, grinning at the sickle helmet.

The sickle helmet roared angrily, jumped up high, and slashed at Absol again with his trick.


Absol yelled angrily, and the sickle on his head glowed white at the same time, and he rushed forward.


A piercing metallic sound sounded, and the two elves were deadlocked in midair.


The stone under Absol's feet couldn't bear the force and shattered, and Absol's body fell to the ground unsteadily.

"It's now, sickle helmet, spray water jet!"

"Hi Doo~"

With the sound of the sickle helmet, the torrent surged out instantly, wrapped the whole body of the sickle helmet, and hit the falling Absol.


Before Absolu fell to the ground, the jet of water hit Absolu first.The strong impact accelerated Absol's falling speed, and Absol was slammed into the ground by the jet of water from the sickle helmet, causing tiny cracks to appear on the ground.

"Go, Poké Ball!" Taking the opportunity, Xiao Luo took out the Poké Ball and threw it over.

The elf ball opened after touching Absolu and took Absolu in.After shaking for a while, the poke ball opened again with a bang, and flew back into Dao Xiaoluo's hand.


Absol, who had just come out, immediately slashed out a light blade and hit the sickle helmet, but the sickle helmet couldn't dodge it in time, and was hit squarely.After a bang, the sickle helmet staggered back, almost to the end.

"Hi Doo~"

The sickle helmet screamed at Absol.

"Sickle helmet, split tile!"


The sickle of the sickle helmet glowed white again, rushing towards Absol like the wind.

Absolu's physical strength was greatly damaged, and his speed could no longer keep up with the sickle helmet.After dodging several slashes from the sickle helmet, he was hit by a flat slash from the sickle helmet, flew out with a scream, and fell to the ground.

Splitting tiles is a unique move in the fighting system, and it does double damage to Absol. After this blow, I believe it is difficult for Absol to stand up.

Xiao Luo threw out the elf again.The elf ball put Absolu in, and after shaking for a while, the elf ball finally made a light "bang".Then the poke ball glowed red and was teleported home.

"Finally got one!" Xiao Luo smiled slightly, and said to the sickle helmet, "Thank you sickle helmet."

"Hi Doo~"

The sickle helmet straightened its body, looking a little proud.

"There is also a desert dragonfly, please help find the sickle helmet again!"

"Hi Doo~"

The sickle helmet nodded, and rushed towards the center of the forest again.

After the sickle helmet left, just as Luo was about to take Ladias to continue searching for the desert dragonfly, a destructive death beam and a jet of flame shot straight into the sky on the other side of the forest at the same time.

"found it!"

Looking at such an obvious reminder, Xiao Luo was obviously a little excited.He quickly climbed onto Bi Diao's back with Ladias, stretched out his hand and patted Bi Diao's bald head: "Hurry up Bi Diao."


Bi Diao yelled angrily, rolled his eyes, and shook his body, almost shaking Xiao Luo and Ladias off, and turned his head to stare at Xiao Luo angrily.

"Uh, I was wrong Brother Diao!" Xiao Luo hurriedly harassed.


With a random wave of Bi Diao's wings, he slapped Xiao Luo's face with his feathers at an incredible angle, and then he flapped his wings and flew towards the direction from which the news came.

Why are my hands so cheap!Xiao Luo covered her aching little face with a look of grievance.

Ladias put his arms around Xiao Luo's waist with one hand and covered his mouth with the other, laughing silently. He seemed very happy to see Xiao Luo being shriveled in his elf's hands.

After a while, Bi Diao took Xiao Luo to the destination.Looking at the situation on the ground below, Little Luo was speechless for a moment, feeling an urge to fight for the desert dragonfly.

The desert dragonfly at this moment is not at all like a powerful dragon elf flying in the air.It lay humiliated on the ground, with some obvious scars on its body, and glared at the elves around it with a look of resentment.

The three elves, Heiluga, Giant Pincer Mantis, and Fossil Pterosaur, surrounded it in a zigzag shape, compressing the space it had as much as possible.In the sky, Geng Gui looked at it with a smirk on his face, Darkley looked at it calmly, and Celebi was also flying in the sky, looking at it peacefully.The three elves blocked all the routes it flew into the sky.

Surrounded by these six elves, the poor desert dragonfly didn't even dare to flap its wings, except that the dignity of the dragon forced it to resist with an unyielding expression.

Bi Diao fell, Xiao Luo took Ladias and jumped off Bi Diao's back.

This situation made Xiao Luo stunned for a long time.After holding it in for a while, Xiao Luo finally choked out a nonsense nonsense: "What are you doing?"

"Help you catch this bastard!" Geng Gui said, "This bum dared to resist, but I beat him honestly with a shadow ball."


"Okay, it's gone, it's gone, it's all gone. If you do this, if you subdue it, can it listen to me?"

Geng Gui curled his mouth and said, "If you don't obey, teach it well, I'm good at that."

Having said that, Geng Gui still backed away with Darkley and Sherabi Qiqi, giving way enough space.It's just that the three of them still secretly guarded the route to prevent the desert dragonfly from escaping.

Xiao Luo took out two more poke balls and took back Heluga and the giant pincer mantis, leaving only the fossilized pterosaur to confront the desert dragonfly outside.

Xiao Luo pointed to the fossilized pterosaur and said to the desert dragonfly, "Defeat it, you go. Otherwise, you follow me!"

The desert dragonfly looked at the three elves including Geng Gui in the sky above, and then called out softly to Xiao Luo.It can feel that the three elves above are the biggest threat, none of which it can deal with.

Xiao Luo naturally understood what it meant, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, they won't make a move. As long as you can defeat the fossil pterosaur, you can leave safely."

After getting Xiao Luo's affirmative answer, the desert dragonfly roared at the fossil pterosaur, and immediately pounced on it.The huge tail glowed with metallic luster and hit the fossil pterosaur with a strong sound of piercing through the air.

The desert dragonfly's attack was very sudden. Although the fossil pterosaur tried its best to dodge, it was still swept by the end of the iron tail and flew out in embarrassment.

Immediately afterwards, the desert dragonfly opened its mouth, and a burst of green energy gushed out, sweeping towards the fossilized pterosaur.

"Fossil pterosaur, move and dodge at high speed!"

The fossil pterosaur quickly stabilized its figure, and when the dragon came, it instantly launched a high-speed movement and disappeared in place.

Fossil pterosaurs appeared high in the sky, looking down at the desert dragonfly and roaring.It seemed to be reprimanding it for its sneak attack just now.

The desert dragonfly roared angrily, and the energy of the dragon element surged out, forming a huge blue dragon shadow around its body, and there was a faint sound of dragon chant.

"call out"

The desert dragonfly soared into the sky, and the dragon's charge was launched, majesticly rushing towards the fossil pterosaur.

"Hmph, fossil pterosaur, billions of impacts!"


The fossil pterosaur roared loudly, a thick purple-gray energy flooded from its body, it spun to wrap it up, and rushed up against the dragon's charge.


A puff of thick smoke rippled in mid-air, and the strong shock wave made the surrounding trees rattle and shake non-stop.

Immediately afterwards, a green figure fell from the thick smoke and hit the ground heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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