Chapter 248 Goodbye God of Creation!
Xia Yi's parents came back very late, so they were naturally very happy to see Xia Yi.What Xiao Luo originally thought would be scolded by Xia Yi's parents did not happen.Xia Yi's parents are very open-minded, and they don't object to Xia Yi's choice.They saw Xiao Luo's potential, so naturally they wouldn't think that Xiao Luo wasn't worthy of Xia Yi.

Later, Xiao Luo also figured it out, if the two really had opinions on him, maybe they would have brought Xia Yi back early in the morning.If it weren't for the acquiescence of these two "big bosses", how could it be possible for Xia Yi to stay in Zhenxin Town for so long.

The three of them stayed at Xia Yi's house for two days. Before leaving, Xiao Luo had a detailed discussion with Wu Gang, and after getting Wu Gang's affirmative answer, they drove to Jinhuang City.

As for the red Gyarados, Xiao Luo also told Hughes the truth.As for whether his appearance will affect the original plot, it is beyond Xiao Luo's control.Xiao Luo's idea is: if he can get it, it is Hughes' luck. If he can't get it, he has a thousand excuses to make Hughes not blame himself.

As soon as he arrived in Golden City, Xiao Luo found that there were many Miss Junsha patrolling the streets, and the doors of many shopping malls were closed. The originally prosperous Golden City felt a bit depressed.After inquiring, Xiao Luo found out that the Rockets also wreaked havoc on Golden City, and it was even worse than Viking City.After all, Jinhuang City is a well-known metropolis, and it deserves the Rockets' key care.

Regarding this situation, Xiao Luo snorted coldly.He knew the purpose of the Rockets to make money, and he believed that all of this would be resolved satisfactorily after he met the kind old man and Arceus.

The car drove straight into the upscale villa of the kind old man.Although there were many strong bodyguards at the door, they did not stop them.They all knew Xiao Luo and the relationship between Xiao Luo and He Shan.

Naturally, someone would notify the gentle old man and Cole of Xiao Luo's arrival.After Cole heard the news of Xiao Luo's arrival, he ran out like flying with the white six tails in his arms, his little face flushed with excitement.

It is worth mentioning that because of the existence of Geng Gui, Meow Meow is not very useful, so it has been following Cole since then, living a life of luxury.This time when Xiao Luo came to see it again, his whole body seemed to have gained a lot of weight.Xiao Luo glared at it with some dissatisfaction, which made Meow Miao immediately show a fearful expression.

It was not until evening that He Shan came back from the company.After Xiao Luo and He Shan had a brief conversation, they walked into He Shan's study together.

Xia Yi, Ke Er and Mei Yi went down to enjoy the night view of Golden City accompanied by a group of bodyguards.

The next day, after Xiao Luo had breakfast, he flew out of Jinhuang City in a fast dragon, came to a dense forest near Jinhuang City, and began to rub the spirit ball of the origin of the demon.

Not long after, there was a ripple in the space above, and Chaomeng flew out.

"I want to see Arceus!"

Xiao Luo didn't talk nonsense, and straightforwardly stated her purpose.

Chaomeng was taken aback for a moment, then nodded immediately, and before the space channel was closed, he reached out and shot a blue energy ball through the space channel.

After a while, the space channel expanded again, and the God of Creation floated out.

Chuangshishen looked around first, and then asked aloud, "Do you want to see me?"

Xiao Luo said lightly: "The matter of the origin of the dragon!"

Chuangshi Shen's eyes were fixed, and he was silent for a while before saying: "It appeared again?"

Xiao Luo shook his head: "It's more complicated than his appearance!"

"what happened?"

"Some time ago, many replica elves appeared. Not only the three god birds, but also replicas of Mewtwo and Rogia."

Xiao Luo looked at the Creation God with a serious expression and said, "These replicas have the breath of the dragon's origin."

"What?" Chuangshi Shen asked in surprise, "Are you sure?"

Xiao Luo replied: "Both Lugia and Feng Wang participated in that battle, and these are what Lugia told me personally."

Little Luo paused, and then said: "Now the Rockets are raking in money. If I'm not wrong, it should be for the research of replicas. I think Dragon Origin should cooperate with the Rockets."

Chuang Shishen digested the shocking news brought by Xiao Luo, and then said after a while: "Then the reason you asked me to come out is to deal with them?"

"Could it be that they are allowed to continue researching on replicas like this? If so, even if the sources are collected, those copied beasts can still destroy the world."

"I'm not sure how to deal with it now." Chuangshi Shen's tone was a little helpless.

Xiao Luo smiled and said, "I know!"

Chuang Shi Shen looked at Xiao Luo suspiciously, and asked, "Since you know, why do you have to deal with it now?"

Xiao Luo said: "Although you have no way to deal with it, I have."

Chuangshi Shen looked up and asked, "What way?"

Xiao Luo shook his head and said, "It can't be said to deal with it, it can only be said to temporarily seal it."

"Can you seal it?"

"If there are no accidents, it should be ok. But, I want to know, you can defeat it when you fuse a few essences."

Chuangshi Shen was silent for a long time again, and finally shook his head and said: "I don't know either!"

Xiao Luo was stunned for a moment, and could only respond with a bitter smile: "In short, no matter what, let's seal it first, and I will need your help at that time."


Chuangshi Shen's answer was simple and powerful.

Afterwards, Xiao Luo explained his plan in detail, and as Xiao Luo revealed his plan, the shock of Chuangshishen and Chaomeng could not go away for a long time.

"In the past few days, I will let the origin of the demon pay attention to your call. After you find the origin of the dragon, Chaomeng and I will appear as soon as possible."

After Chuangshi Shen said these words, he took Chaomeng to break through the space and returned to his own space.

Little Luo didn't go back to Golden City either, and flew towards the city Lugia told him.

Although Lugia has repeatedly affirmed that there will be no mistakes, Xiao Luo still wants to make a final confirmation to prevent mistakes.

Quartz Plateau, the venue of the Kanto Alliance Silver Conference.At this moment, Xiao Luo was flying over the quartz plateau in a fast dragon.

When the fast dragon passed by the quartz plateau, the original necklace that Xiao Luo had been paying attention to flickered.

"It really is here!"

Xiao Luo was overjoyed, and directed Kuai Long to say: "Fly low!"

Kuailong leaned over and rushed down, closing the distance to the ground. The strong wind made Xiao Luo a little bit dizzy.

After some exploration by Xiao Luo, the approximate location was determined.In order not to startle the snake, Xiao Luo did not dare to get too close.

Afterwards, Xiao Luo directed Kuailong to return to the Gold City, and had a long discussion with the kind old man!
(End of this chapter)

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