Chapter 279 Amazing again!


Just when Fiery Monkey hit Da Kelai with his unique move of criticizing tiles, Da Kelai subconsciously wanted to prop up the energy photo to defend.However, this behavior was severely stopped by Dakoto. Maybe the last round was a somewhat irregular game, but this round was different.

Dakdo's scolding made Dakleyi stunned for a moment, and facing Xiao Luo's fiery monkey, this stunned was enough to kill him.Hearing the excited humming of the fiery monkey, he smashed down the tile fiercely.

Phew... Boom!

Darkley's face was deformed and distorted by jealousy, and his body turned into a black light that shot straight to the ground.Under the super power of the fiery monkey, Darkley smashed the stage harder than marble, and his whole body twisted and fell into it.

Regarding this result, Xiao Luo was a little stunned, then smiled and said: "It seems that God's will also let us have a fair fight!"

"You bastard!" Darko smiled, and retracted the unconscious Darkley.He also understood what Xiao Luo meant.It was nothing more than a bit of grudges about the last game. After all, Xiao Luo's Darkley was much better than his. The reason why he failed was because Xiao Luo didn't participate.

"Then, let's fight straight and squarely, the second one..." Darkley immediately took out an elf ball and threw it high. When the elf ball was opened, the white light didn't dissipate, and the blue figure swooped down in an instant Come down, spin a circle around the hot monkey, immediately return to your position after causing the hot monkey's dissatisfaction, and confront the hot monkey with a calm face.

"Preemptive attack, Latios, use the clean gloss!"

call out!
A beam of laser-like standard purple light shot out from Latios's mouth, hitting the fiery monkey with a strong piercing and coercion.

"Fire Monkey, hit it back!"


The fiery monkey yelled twice excitedly, swung its arm around, adjusted the angle, and hit the clean luster with an uppercut.

call out!
The clean luster turned sharply, and after a 180-degree turn, it flew towards Latios at an even faster speed.


Latios's body was instantly raised, and afterimages could almost be seen.

What a terrifying speed!

Xiao Luo glanced at Lattios in surprise, and commanded again: "Fire Monkey, use Sonic Fist."

Aiming in the direction of Latios, the Fiery Monkey punched out a straight punch, and saw a gigantic fist shadow flying out of the fist of the Fiery Monkey, flying towards Latios at an overwhelming speed.

"Counterattack, billions of shocks!"


With a long cry, thick lavender energy appeared around Latios' body, and he charged in the air with great momentum.

The Super Shock and the Sonic Fist collided together, and after a burst of intense electric sparks flashed, the Sonic Fist exploded.Hundreds of millions of impacts broke through the billowing smoke, and the unresponsive fiery monkey knocked to the ground in the future.

"It's now, clean and shiny!"


Seeing Latios rising into the sky again with a clean luster, Xiao Luo's expression was gloomy.

The side effects of powerful tricks have almost no effect on the beasts and first-class elves.This is also the innate advantage of the beast on the other hand.

"Fire monkey, hurry up and avoid it!"

The damage of billions of impacts is not bad, and the fiery monkey struggled for a while before standing up with difficulty. When the clean light hit, the fiery monkey could only roll on the spot, trying to avoid the damage as much as possible.

With an explosion, the fiery monkey was blown away by the shock wave.

"Solve it, and another billion-dollar impact!"


There was another quiet long cry, and the thick energy reappeared, and hundreds of millions of impacts came down with a strong impact.

At this time, the fiery monkey just stood up from the ground.Seeing the huge impact of hundreds of millions, he stayed there for a moment.

"Fire Monkey, lie down!" Xiao Luo's thoughts turned and he commanded urgently.

Hot Monkey fell down without any hesitation.And just this also saved the fiery monkey from the bad luck of losing its fighting ability.Seeing the thick energy passing through less than five centimeters in front of him, the fiery monkey broke into a cold sweat, forgetting even the pain of the bruises on his chubby body.

"Now, Hot Monkey, jump on Latios."

After the impact of billions, the fiery monkey jumped up, touched the ground with one leg, and rushed to Latios who was just about to take off.

"huh huh huh huh……"

Hugging Latios' neck, feeling its panicked struggle, Fiery Monkey felt like its whole body was on fire.

"Latios, quickly shake it off!" Dakoto also changed his face, and let the fiery monkey ride on his back, that is, let a bomb that could explode at any time be strapped to his body.

Lattios flipped up and down and twisted back and forth, but the fiery monkey was as stable as Mount Tai. With a light squeeze of his hands, Lattios felt a deadly suffocation.


Two red lights shot out from the eyes of the fiery monkey, one arm hugged Latios, his fist was raised, there was a faint trembling feeling, and then a light blue fluorescence appeared, and the space distorted like a fire.

The action of the fiery monkey scared Xiao Luo into a cold sweat. If this punch really hits, Latios will definitely have only one result--brain burst!
"Fire Monkey, how dare you!" Xiao Luo snarled, with anger and anxiety on his face.


Hot Monkey hesitated, the red light in his eyes gradually dissipated, the space was still, and the blue light on his fist dissipated.The Fiery Monkey punched Latios' slender neck dissatisfied.A punch that was neither light nor heavy, made Latios raise his head involuntarily and let out a tragic cry.

"Hmph~" Boom!

The fiery monkey changed hands in dissatisfaction and punched Latios on the small head, the screams stopped abruptly, and Latios fell straight to the ground
After bouncing twice, Latios lay quietly on the ground, completely losing the ability to move.

Killing a beast with two punches, except for Xiao Luo, everyone present fell into petrification for a long time...

At this moment, there is only one thought in everyone's mind: Is this damn hot monkey? ? ?

Dakdo was also stunned for a long time before putting Latios away with a wry smile: "You fiery monkey, you are really not an ordinary pervert..."

"Hey, in general, if there are advantages, there must be disadvantages, but you haven't seen it."

"His strengths are enough to make up for all his shortcomings! But I still have to thank you, otherwise Latios... Latios's body is not as strong as this playing field!" Dakoto thought that Xiao Luozhi's shortcoming was the fiery monkey bloodthirsty character.

Xiao Luo smiled slightly, without explaining: "Come on, let me see your third elf, I have been looking forward to it for a long time."

"As you wish!" Darkrai took out an elf and threw it out: "Come out, Cresselia!"

The gold powder sprinkled, and an elegant pink elf appeared on the field like a fairy!

"Cresselia? Dream God?"

"That's right, it's Dream God who subdued him with the help of Darkrai's power."

Xiao Luo was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "That's right, Nightmare God and Dream God are deadly enemies. If you have the heart, you can find Dream God very easily by using Darkley."

"Be careful with the fiery monkey, the opponent is very strong!"


The fiery monkey responded panting.

"You won't win this game again! Cresselia uses illusion!"

Cresselia's eyes glowed with blue fluorescence, and the fiery monkey was restrained in an instant.


The Fiery Monkey shook its body, and the force of the explosion easily broke free. After looking at Cresselia contemptuously, its feet touched the ground, and before Xiao Luo could make a command, it rushed forward with a straight fist...

(End of this chapter)

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