Chapter 300 The Scary Watcher!
After more than four hours of flying, a towering mountain appeared in front of several people. The mountain was surrounded by clouds and mist, and there were a few circles of greenery on it. It was beautiful and extremely shocking at the same time. .

"Is that Tianwang Mountain?" Xiao Luo asked.

Fang Tiandao: "That's right, that's Tianwang, the center of the Shanhezhong area."

Xiao Luo slapped his forehead and said, "Why did I forget this, if I find out and join the crowd, I'll just go directly to Tianwang Mountain."

Dakoto smiled and said, "Even if you want to go, you can't go. You didn't have the badge that Uncle Liu gave you at that time."

Xiao Luo chuckled and said, "It's such a big Tianwang Mountain, just find a place to fly in."

Fang Tian smiled and said, "I'm afraid it won't work. Tianwang Mountain is surrounded by mysterious power, and no one or elf can enter it without passing through it."

Xiao Luo was stunned and asked, "Really?"

Fang Tian nodded: "It shouldn't be wrong. I heard that it is a very magical power that will not harm those who make a breakthrough, but it is absolutely impossible to break through. Moreover, multiple attempts may attract internal elves to attack. But it would be a big problem. The elves inside can attack you, but the attacks you launch from the outside can't get in at all."

Xiao Luo's eyes lit up, and he said with great interest, "Come on, let's try it!"

Fang Tian hastily stopped and said: "Forget it, it's not good to do this, and if the guards are dissatisfied, we will be in big trouble."

Xiao Luo dissatisfied: "What are you afraid of!"

Afterwards, Xiao Luo turned to Duck and asked, "Would you like to try it?"

Dakdo smiled: "Don't worry about it, being able to get in is more important than everything else."

"I also advise you not to do that!" Jingjing smiled coquettishly.

Xiao Luo sat down angrily and honestly, feeling very dissatisfied that her proposal was not approved.

After a while, the fire-breathing dragon and Kuailongjiu landed at the foot of Tianwang Mountain under the command of Fang Tian. Looking at Tianwang Mountain from a close distance, it gave people an invisible pressure.This mountain seems to be alive, tall and majestic, with a sacred and inviolable aura.

After putting away the fire-breathing dragon and the fast dragon, Xiao Luo followed Fang Tian and walked forward.After a while, many simple buildings appeared in front of everyone, and there were many soldiers guarding here, holding submachine guns, exuding a menacing aura, and beside these soldiers, there were many elves exuding the same aura.This scene shocked Xiao Luo and the others.There is actually an army in this world, and it can be seen that they are definitely not comparable to ordinary trainers.

The arrival of Xiao Luo and his party immediately attracted the attention of those soldiers. The two wind speed dogs who had been sitting quietly stood up quickly. people.The mighty figure gave off a vicious feeling.

Afterwards, a younger soldier ran up with a big wolfhound with a fierce look on his face. After saluting Xiao Luo and his party, he asked, "What can I do for you?" His tone was cold and without any emotion , feels a little out of place with this mild continent.

"Well, hello!" Fang Tian was a little nervous and actually used honorifics, "We are trainers who are going to enter Tianwang Mountain!"

"Do you have a charter badge, please?"

Xiao Luo and the others hurriedly took out the badge.After the young soldiers confirmed one by one, Fang Tian said: "Please come with me."

While following the soldier, Xiao Luo whispered to Dakdo: "What a group of powerful people, does Tianwang Mountain need this kind of guard?"

After thinking for a while, Dakdo replied seriously: "It is very necessary."

"..." Little Luo was speechless for a moment.

After a while, the young soldier came to a wooden house and shouted a report.After receiving the answer to come in, the soldier pushed open the door of the room, but he turned aside to let Xiao Luo and others enter.

After Xiao Luo and the others entered the room, they immediately tensed up involuntarily, feeling weak all over.In the room was a burly man over [-] meters tall, wearing a camouflage suit, standing with his hands behind his back and his horns slightly crossed.There is a hideous scar on the right face, spreading from the forehead to the chin, and the eyes are sharp and oppressive.Behind it was an extremely sturdy Flame Monkey, a look that made Xiao Luo and the others feel cold all over.This kind of feeling was never brought by the gods and beasts.

"Are you trainers who want to enter Tianwang Mountain?" The tall soldier looked at Xiao Luo and his party.

"Yes!" Fang Tian bit the bullet and answered.

The tall soldier nodded and said, "I am the person in charge here—Gao Sen, please show your license badge!"

Xiao Luo and the others hurriedly took out their badges and handed them over.

After checking them one by one, Gao Sen put away the badges, then took out four watches from the drawer of the only table in the room and distributed them to Xiao Luo and his party: "This is a locator, which can search for the nearest supply point and The elf center. Red is the supply point, and green is the elf center. There are eight supply points and twelve elf centers. In addition, there is a red emergency button on the locator. Once pressed, my people will find you quickly. But press Pressing this button means that your trip to Tianwang Mountain is over here, and you will never have the possibility to enter Tianwang Mountain in the future. Therefore, I would like to remind you that you should not touch it unless it is absolutely necessary. Do you understand? ?”

After Xiao Luo and the others looked at each other, they nodded at the same time.Even if they didn't understand Xiao Luo and the others, they didn't want to ask any more questions, they just wanted to leave this cabin as soon as possible.


"Here!" The young soldier who brought Xiao Luo and others here immediately responded forcefully.

"Take them in!"


Following the young soldiers out of the cabin, after walking for a while, Xiao Luo and the others finally saw the entrance of Tianwang Mountain.The entrance was actually a space door emitting colorful light, which surprised Xiao Luo and the others.

In front of the space gate, there were two rows of soldiers full of evil spirits, and there was a dog-shaped elf squatting at each soldier's feet, all of them had fierce and terrifying expressions.Just as the young soldier led Xiao Luo and the others towards the space door past the guarding soldiers, a huge wolf dog suddenly twitched its nose twice, then stood up, barking violently behind Xiao Luo Voice.

It was like stabbing a hornet's nest, and all the submachine guns were aimed at Xiao Luo and the others in an instant. The black muzzles of the guns made Xiao Luo and the others feel chills down their backs, and the cold sweat could not be restrained.All the dog-shaped elves stood in front of the soldiers, baring their teeth and confining Xiao Luo and the others to a very small circle, looking fierce and ready to pounce on them at any time.

The big wolfhound that roared first leaped and opened its mouth to bite towards the midair.


With a cold snort, Geng Gui appeared, pushed a shadow ball with both hands, and knocked the flying wolf dog to the ground.

"Woof~" "Woof~"...

All the canine elves got angry, abandoned Xiao Luo and the others, their teeth glowed white, and they scrambled towards Geng Gui.Geng Gui knocked down two of them, and after dodging them, one of them was accidentally bitten by the arm of a Heluga and dragged to the ground.A group of dog elves immediately rushed forward, planning to tear up Geng Gui's body and eat him.

Darkley appeared in time, propped up the black shield to protect Gengar, and blocked all the attacks of dog elves.Then the black energy shield shrank, and then spread out suddenly with Darkley's push with both hands, flying all the elves around.

"Damn, dare to bite the ghost!" Geng Gui flew up cursing, immediately aroused the power of the mega stone, and evolved into a mega Geng Gui.

At this moment, Xiao Luo finally came back to his senses, and hurriedly shouted: "Stop, stop! Geng Gui, stop!"

"Wooooow woof woof..."

Groups of soldiers ran over, and dog-shaped elves appeared, surrounding Geng Gui and Darkley three layers in and out.A particularly huge Heluga even used the scent detection trick to force the two invisible Celebi and Ladias to show up.

Surrounded by so many fierce elves, even Geng Gui, who had launched the mega evolution, began to get nervous, forming a circle back to back with Darkley Sherabi, tensely on guard.As for Latias, he had long hid behind Xiao Luo, with a look of fear on his face.


(End of this chapter)

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