Chapter 313 Battle against the Tianwang Mountain Elves!
The next day, after Xiao Luo brought back the elves, he left the elves with Tianen, Mei, and Gongping.Under the leadership of Tian En, Xiao Luo and his party walked towards a small forest where the elves of Tianwang Mountain often haunted.

"Be careful!" Mei exclaimed.

The moment Xiao Luo and the others stepped into the forest, three straight bears suddenly sprang out from a big tree, waving their sharp claws and calling at the three of Xiao Luo, completely refusing to respond to Xiao Luo and the others time.

Geng Gui appeared in front of Xiao Luo in time, with blue fluorescent lights in his eyes, he blocked a bear's attack and repelled it fiercely.

Celebi galloped forward, and her small body directly hit one of them.

Chaotic black light surged out, knocking the last one to the ground severely.


The three straight bears quickly recovered from the blow, gathered together, and grinned at the three elves of Geng Gui.

The three elves of Geng Gui stepped forward together, blocked Xiao Luo and the others, and glared at the three straight bears.

"Scared me to death!" Mei patted her chest and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Damn, this is too cruel!" Tian Enhou wiped the sweat from his forehead in fear, "Geng Gui, Celebi and Darkley! Xiao Luo, are these your elves?"

It took Xiao Luo a while to calm down and said: "No, it's the elf traveling with me."

"No wonder you are so confident, so you still have this kind of elf! You really have it." Tian En patted Xiao Luo on the shoulder with a playful smile.

"Damn it, you dare to attack me, I want you to look good!" After Gong Ping calmed down, he was furious, and threw a poke ball with his hands, "King Yanwu, teach them a lesson!"

White light fell, and King Yanwu appeared on the field aggressively, roaring at the three straight bears.

"Geng Gui, come back, they let us deal with them!"

Geng Gui nodded, and after saying a word of caution, he hid himself with Celebi and Darkley.

"One for each person!" Xiao Luo said to Tian En, and then took out a poke ball and threw it out: "Flame Chicken, I'll leave it to you!"


The poke ball was opened, and the Flaming Chicken appeared beside King Yan Wu in a dashing figure. His eyes were firmly fixed on the Zhi Chong Xiong, who was in the middle of the opposite side, and he was a circle in size. King Wu looked sideways for a while.

"Okay, one for each person! Go, Lizard King!"

As Tianen's elf ball opened, a lizard king with extremely sharp eyes appeared on the other side of the flame chicken.He looked at the straight bear on the opposite side.


Following the roar of the straight bear in the middle, the three straight bears moved at the same time.

"Flame chicken, shoot flames!"

The flame chicken opened its mouth to the straight bear that was rushing forward, and a crimson flame spewed out.

Zhi Chong Xiong was extremely flexible, his body dodged, dodged the flames, approached the flame chicken, grabbed the deep white fluorescent light, raised it high, and screamed angrily, and shot down at the flame chicken.

The flame chicken couldn't dodge, so he could only cross his arms to resist the attack. The strong force made the flame chicken slide far away.


Zhi Chongxiong had a fierce expression on his face, kicked the ground with his legs hard, and a semicircular white energy shield appeared on his head, hitting directly at the flame chicken.

"Flame kick!" Xiao Luo commanded decisively.


The flames at the flame chicken's feet burned violently, and the body rotated once, launching a chic flame kick.

After a muffled sound, the two elves backed up with a shock.


As soon as he stabilized his figure, he rushed straight to the bear with yellow lightning flashing all over his body, and rushed towards the flame chicken with a [-]-volt shot.

"Spray flames!"

Call ~
The flame chicken opened its mouth and sprayed flames and hit the [-] volts. After a short stalemate, the two tricks exploded at the same time, and waves of air swept around.

call out!
Taking advantage of the cover of the thick smoke from the explosion, Zhi Chongxiong quickly approached the flame chicken, and its sharp claws glowed white again and hit the flame chicken fiercely.


The flame chicken groaned softly, moved its body sideways, barely dodging the attack.

"Well done flame chicken!" Xiao Luo was overjoyed, and hurriedly commanded, "It's now, Shangtian Fist!"

The Shangtian Fist was launched instantly, and the white-lit fist knocked Zhi Chongxiong to the ground.

"Flame Kick!"

As soon as the flame chicken rushed up, his body turned, and a sharp back-heel flame kick went straight to the bear.

Zhi Chongxiong reacted extremely quickly, stretching out his claws, and a green shield appeared.The flame kick happened to hit the shield, and the strong shock force made the flame chicken unable to bear the force, and retreated in embarrassment.

One hundred thousand volts followed in an instant and shot towards the flame chicken.


The flame chicken stooped and jumped high, dodging the one hundred thousand volt attack.


Zhi Chong Xiong seized the opportunity, kicked his legs hard, launched the Iron Head Kungfu, and fiercely chased the flame chicken.

"Flame Kick!"


The flaming chicken roared angrily, and kicked head-on with a fully powered flame kick!

After a muffled sound, the flame chicken jumped up slightly and then fell unsteadily to the ground.Straight to the bear even more swiftly hit the ground, let out a pained grunt.

After the flame chicken worked hard to adjust its posture, it landed lightly on one foot.Zhi Chongxiong stood up quickly, panting slightly and glaring at the flame chicken.After knowing the strength of the flame chicken, Zhi Chongxiong became more cautious, and did not dare to attack without authorization.

Xiao Luo took the opportunity to observe the situation of Tian En and Gong Ping, they were basically the same, they were both being suppressed and beaten.Tian En was a little better. The Lizard King was extremely flexible in the forest, relying on the advantage of the field to deal with the straight bear. Although he was at a disadvantage, there would not be any major problems for a while.But Gongping was not so good, not to mention the extremely embarrassing defense, and the rare attack was also nimbly dodged by Zhi Chongxiong.Fortunately, King Yanwu has thick skin and first-class fighting ability, so he did not lose his fighting ability.

"Quick battle, the flame chicken uses the Heaven Fist!"

The flame chicken rushed in front of Zhi Chongxiong in an instant, and sent out a fist from the sky, hitting Zhi Chongxiong's chin from bottom to top.


Going straight to Xiong Qingming, leaning back, while dodging the attack, his sharp claws flashed, and swished the flame chicken.

"Flame Chicken, block it!"

The flame chicken folded his arms to block in front of him.

The flame chicken was hit by the split and fell back a short distance.

"Right now, shoot the flames!"

Call ~
Before he could stabilize his figure, the flame chicken opened its mouth and shot out a jet of flame.The straight bear couldn't dodge in time, was blown away by the flames, and screamed in pain.

"Fix it, Flying Knee!"

The spray of flames stopped instantly, and the flame chicken kicked off the ground and galloped out, with its right leg bent, white light lingering around its knee, and with a firm expression, it hit the straight bear that fell to the ground.

Just at this moment, a yellow figure flew past, taking Zhi Chong Xiong away from the spot.

The ground was hit by a flying knee and a big pit was created. The flame chicken half-kneeled in the pit, his knees were swollen, his expression was very painful but he tried not to scream.


The flame chicken looked indignantly at the elf that suddenly jumped out.

Another one? !Xiao Luo was slightly nervous, holding a poke ball tightly in her hand.


After a dog elf put down and went straight to the bear, it roared angrily at the flame chicken.With white fluff as hard as steel needles on the neck, it is clearly a thunder elf.

"Roar~ Roar~"

After the flame chicken yelled twice at Thunder Elf angrily, he opened his mouth and shot out a flame, which was a mess of arrogance.

The Thunder Spirit's figure flashed, disappeared in front of the jet of flames, and ran towards the flame chicken at a high speed.

"Come on, Bangira!" A pink elf ball was flung out forcefully by Xiao Luo, white light fell in front of the flame chicken, and the pale green figure blocked the flame chicken behind him like a mountain.

Thunder Spirit hit Bangira but didn't shake Bangira at all!

Bangira roared angrily, raised his hand and patted Thunder Elf.

Thunder Spirit stepped on Bangira's body, used his strength to avoid the attack, and confronted Bangira cautiously.There was a low and low cry in the mouth, ready to attack at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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