Chapter 318 Separation!

"Gyarados..." Looking at the two elves who were still emitting black smoke after landing, Xiao Luo cried out nervously.

"Ho...ho..." the Gyarados roared intermittently and stood up slowly.

"Quack..." The armored bird followed closely with its wings and even stood up slowly.



After a while, the two elves finally recovered, and their calls were obviously much stronger.

"Tyrannosaurus, water cannon!"

A thick spiral water jet hit the armored bird in an instant.

The armored bird flapped its wings and flew up to avoid the attack of the water cannon.Then the wings glowed with metallic luster, and they rushed down with a scream.The sharp wings cut across the Gyarados.

"Gyarados, Iron Tail!"

With a flick of its tail, the Gyaradosaurus flew into the air, the metal was shiny, and it drew out fiercely while swinging.

The iron tail collided with the steel wing, sparks shot out, and the shock force caused the two elves to retreat instantly in embarrassment.

"Now, water cannon!"

Before it stabilized, the Gyarados spewed out another water cannon.

call out!
The armored bird was glowing with white fluorescence, and it opened its mouth to spray out a white light mixed with a little bit of metallic luster, which was resisting the attack of the water cannon.After the two tricks stalemate with each other for a while, the water cannon forcefully scattered the white light and hit the armored bird.

A scream came from the mouth of the armored bird, and the armored bird fell to the ground in embarrassment after being hit by the water cannon.

"Now, use Iron Tail to attack."


The tyrannosaurus let out a roar, and swam in the air at a high speed. In the blink of an eye, it came over the armored bird, and the iron tail was activated, and it was drawn straight down.

call out!
Another ray of white light shot out, the armored bird fought hard to resist, and the glossy electric cannon barely blocked the iron tail of the Gyarados.


With a roar, the entire body of the tyrannosaur began to press down, and the armor bird began to be unable to bear the force.After the body trembled and trembled, the shiny electric gun slack iron tail was pulled down.

Hearing a loud "bang", the armored bird fell headfirst to the ground, and the iron tail pressed down, causing the surrounding ground to crack rapidly, and a burst of fine smoke and dust rose.

After the iron tail passed, the armored bird closed its eyes tightly and lay motionless on the cracked ground.Looks badly injured.

"Come back, Gyarados!" The winner was already decided, and Xiao Luo hurriedly put away the Gyarados and ran to the armored bird.Not only Xiao Luo, but also the surrounding elves surrounded him.

This time, without waiting for Xiao Luo to greet, Mei ran up carrying Xiao Luo's backpack, took out the healing spray from the backpack and handed it to Xiao Luo.

After a simple treatment, the armored bird slowly opened its eyes, but it was extremely weak.

"Roar~" "Cuckoo~"

The stupid bear and the poisonous skeleton frog uttered a cry before setting up the armored bird and resting aside.Seeing that the armored bird was fine, the elves dispersed again and gave way to the field again.


Boss Kedora walked across to Xiao Luo and let out a soft growl.

Xiao Luo quickly waved his hand and said, "I won't fight anymore, I don't have any elves to use anymore!"


When Boss Kedora heard it, he roared anxiously.

Xiao Luo smiled, pointed at Tian En and Gong Ping and said, "There are still two trainers there, let them practice with you."


Boss Kedora nodded in satisfaction.

"Which of you two wants to come?" Xiao Luo turned to the two of them and asked.

"I, I'll come first!" Gongping reacted quickly and ran up immediately.

"Fight hard, don't hold back!" Xiao Luo reminded.

"Well, I know, don't worry!"

Xiao Luo nodded, walked to Tian En and Mei Yi and sat on the ground.

"Can that kid do it?" Tian En asked Xiao Luo worriedly.

"Don't worry, they have a sense of proportion."

Xiao Luo glanced at Tian En and said, "Wait a minute, you also go up to practice, it's a rare opportunity to practice your mobile phone."

"Will you be abused when you go up?" Tianen looked reluctant.

Xiao Luo said with a smile: "Although I was abused, the harvest is definitely great. It is more useful than fighting those trainers in the elf center!"


"You'll know if you try it."

After speaking, Xiao Luo closed his eyes and recalled the battle just now.The explosiveness of the circle bear, the dexterity and wisdom of the poisonous skeleton frog, the stormy attack of the ghost striker, the ferocity of the armored bird... These elves with different styles have brought Xiao Luo too much...

Xiao Luo crushed what he had harvested, smoothed it out, and integrated it into his command of the elves.Roughly formulate the development direction of his elves, and plan to gradually practice it in future battles.

After a long time, Xiao Luo opened his eyes and asked Tian En, "Is there an elf center or supply point near here?"

Tianen was admiring Gongping being abused, when he suddenly heard Xiao Luo's question, he was stunned and said, "Let me see!"

After searching on the locator, Tian En said to Xiao Luo: "There is one near the supply point, and the elf center is a little further away!"

"You don't intend to stay here, do you?" Tianen asked.

Xiao Luo nodded: "It's rare to meet such a kind elf. I want to practice here for a while."

Gongping shrugged and said, "You can do whatever you want, anyway, I don't plan to stay here. It's better to go to the Fairy Center, it's more suitable for me."

Xiao Luo was taken aback, and asked, "Why?"

Tian En pointed to Gong Ping on the field and said to Xiao Luo: "You will know it after you look at it."

Xiao Luo looked in the direction, and then said in astonishment: "Why is it still Boss Kedora?"

"The Wind Speed ​​Dog is already Gongping's third elf, and it seems that the situation won't last long." Tianen smiled wryly.

"This..." Xiao Luo was a little speechless.

Tianen patted Xiao Luo on the shoulder and said: "Not every trainer is as perverted as you, at least I and Gongping are not as good as you! This place is not suitable for us yet, we should practice in the elf center for a while before coming back."

"Alright!" Xiao Luo nodded after a slight silence.

"Mei, what about you?" Xiao Luo looked at Mei, "Will you go to the elf center with them?"

Mei shook her head: "I didn't come to Tianwang Mountain to practice, so it's the same everywhere. Since both of them are going to the elf center, then I will stay with you, so that if something happens, there will be someone to take care of you." .”

"That's right!" Tianen nodded and said, "It just so happens that Mei can take care of you here, so you can practice here with peace of mind."

Tian En's words made Mei's face turn red, because the words "take care of Xiao Luo" seemed a little ambiguous to her.

Xiaolu didn't think too much about it, but felt that it would be much more convenient to have multiple buds, so he nodded and agreed: "That's it, anyway, I will often go to the elf center to exchange elves, so we can often meet each other."

Tianen said: "When Gongping comes down, let's talk to him, Mei stays here, he may not be willing to go to the elf center."

Mei said: "It's okay, wait until I tell him!"


Soon, Gongping's six elves were all defeated, and Boss Kedora left after finishing three of them.Immediately following the stage, a big tongue lick easily eliminated Gongping's remaining three elves with a strange attack method.It can be seen from this that such a battle is not suitable for Gongping now.

Kyohei was pulled aside by Mei after he left the stage, and the conversation between the two went from calm at first to violent quarrel and then to calm.After a while, Gonghei shook his head and was pulled back by Mei.

"I'll go to the Fairy Center with Tianen!" Without any nonsense, Gongping made his decision as soon as he opened his mouth.

Xiao Luo glanced at Mei in surprise and said to Gongping: "Cultivate well in the Spirit Center, I'll wait for you here!"

Gong Ping said "En" without raising his head, feeling very depressed.

Xiao Luo nodded, ignored him, pulled Tian En aside and whispered: "He is not very sensible, take good care of him and make him less troublesome. Let me know in time if there is anything."

"Don't worry, I'll keep that kid in check!" Tian En said with a laugh.

"By the way, Xiao Luo, I suddenly remembered something." Tian En said suddenly.

"what's up?"

"The elf center in Tianwang Mountain seems to be able to apply for all elf balls to be carried on the body! There is no formal battle here, so there is no such thing as the trainers outside. It's just that the trainers here have limited energy, and few trainers carry too many elves. That’s why I didn’t think about it for a while.”

"If you want to train all the elves, you can bring them all at once, which will also save you the trouble of frequently visiting the elf center."

Tianen looked at Xiao Luo and said seriously: "Xiao Luo, I still think you should choose a few particularly good elves for targeted training. Too much distraction is not a good thing."

Xiao Luo was silent for a while before saying: "I know, but I really can't do it if you want me to give up a certain elf."


Tian En wanted to say something but was interrupted by Xiao Luo's hand: "This is absolutely impossible!"

"Okay!" Tianen shrugged, "Come on! Even if you can't become a master, I still look forward to the day you become the champion."

Xiao Luo smiled wryly, "You just look down on me like that!"

"Hey, then I look forward to witnessing you become a master!"

Xiao Luo smiled and shook her head: "Let's go, I'll go to the Spirit Center with you first to see if you can really apply."


(End of this chapter)

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