Chapter 357 Here Comes!
"Xiao Luo!"

Da Keduo, Mu Yin, and Xun Xi all exclaimed, their eyes showing shock.

Just when the shadow ball was about to hit Xiao Luo, the space crystal hanging on Xiao Luo's neck released a bright blue light.The energy ball of the original night black devil gradually dissipated under the blue light, without a single ripple.


An ancient and distant roar echoed.

The blue rays of light gathered into a beam of bright light shining in the air, causing slight ripples in the space, and a deep space channel was opened.


The roar came from the clear channel, and a very intimidating elf appeared in front of everyone through the space channel.

"Pa... Palkiya!"

"Oh my god, why did Palkiya appear here?"

"I must be dazzled, how is this possible!"


Everyone was shocked, including Dakdo who knew Xiao Luo very well.


Ye Hei Moren's expression became more serious, and he let out a low growl at Palkya.

After Palkya glanced at it, he turned his gaze to Xiao Luo.Under the influence of the power of the necklace, Xiao Luo didn't fall to the ground, but was bound by the blue energy together with Ladias and floated in mid-air.

As soon as Palkya beckoned, Xiao Luo slowly flew in front of it.In front of Palkya, who was more than four meters tall, Xiao Luo looked extremely small.

Palkya's right hand glowed bright red, and he pressed lightly on Xiao Luo's chest, and Xiao Luo's body bounced violently before returning to calm.After a while, Xiao Luo slowly opened his eyes.

"Palkya?" Little Luo was startled, and stood up from lying flat, only to realize that he was actually in midair.

Palkya nodded slightly to Xiao Luo, and with a wave of his hand sent Xiao Luo to a place where the trainers were densely populated.


Only then did Palkya roar at the original night black demon, and with a flick of his hand, an extremely wide purple light blade slashed out.

The speed of the light blade was extremely fast, and the night black demon was knocked down by the light blade before he could react.

"Cutting through the air? This is Palkya's exclusive trick!" "It's so powerful, Ye Hei Demon has no power to fight back." "The power of the beast is really extraordinary!"


Ye Hei Moren roared, and quickly shot out an energy ball.

Palkya propped up the purple shield, easily resisting the attack.


The night black demon roared again, and at the same time his eyes glowed with black fluorescence.

The dark, empty eyes of all the elves around flickered at the same time, and all the elves began to focus on Palkya, hitting Palkya with colorful tricks roaring.


Palkya propped up the pink shield, allowing countless tricks to hit the shield.

After a while, Palkiya began to explode.The shield flashed and spread powerfully, forcing all the tricks back.A ball of energy emitting dazzling purple light was condensed in both hands, and with a pull of the hands, a circle of purple light waves rippled out, and those tricks aimed at Palkya turned into fluorescence and dissipated the moment they touched the light waves.Crowds of elves also fell under the spread of light waves, unable to stand up again.

Palkya's powerful attack power stunned the trainers present.


After Palkya let out a roar, he once again activated the air cut to attack the Night Dark Demon.

This time, the Night Dark Demon launched a pitch-black energy ball and detonated it.Immediately afterwards, the Ye Hei Demon rushed forward, swinging his fists at Palkya.

Palkya, who was holding up the shield, was punched to the ground by the night black demon.


Ye Hei Moren roared excitedly and followed up again.Hitting with both hands, he slammed Palkya's shield violently.


Palkya was also a little angry, so he simply dissipated the shield, and when the Dark Night Demon knocked him down with another punch, he turned his head to avoid the attack, opened his mouth with a burst of purple light, and sent the Dark Night Demon flying away.

Two air cuts were fired immediately after, and after two loud explosions, Ye Hei Moren fell to the ground in embarrassment.The Night Dark Demon finally began to breathe.

Just when everyone thought that Palkya would take advantage of the victory and pursue the attack to deal with the Dark Night Demon, Palkya stopped and looked up at the sky.Ye Hei Moren seemed to have sensed something too, his expression became terrified, he turned around and fled.While escaping, the body gradually turned into a little bit of fluorescent light, which began to slowly dissipate.


Palkya's eyes were fixed, and he caught up with the fleeing Yehei Moren in an instant, and blocked him with a cut from the air.The dissipation was interrupted, and the night black demon glared at Palkya angrily, roared and launched a series of energy balls to hit Palkya, and then fled in the opposite direction again.


Palkya pushed with both hands, and a strange space passage appeared in front of him.The energy ball of the Yehei Demon flew into the passage with a howl, and broke into another space.

After easily unblocking the energy ball, Palkya caught up with the Night Dark Demon again to stop him.

There were ripples in the space above, and another space channel appeared, and Arceus, the creation god, slowly floated out with twin dreams!

"Chuang...Chuang...Chuangshi God!" Some trainers' tongues straightened in surprise.

"And those two elves, one of them should be Team Rocket's Mewtwo!"

"My God, what the hell is going on, even the God of Creation has appeared!"


While many trainers were amazed, only Xiao Luo and Darko breathed a sigh of relief.In their eyes, Arceus is like a needle that stabilizes the sea. With it, everything is difficult, isn't it a problem?


The original night black devil is desperate!In desperation, it became fierce and roared, leading the controlled elves to swarm towards the God of Creation.

The eyes of the Chuangshi God glowed with blue fluorescence, and the entire space seemed to be bound. All the elves attacking the Chuangshi God were fixed in mid-air, and even the trainers present found that their bodies could not move.


Following the Chuangshi God's angry snort, surging golden energy erupted, and all the elves flew backwards far away.The elves who had been densely covering the sky just now disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Chaomeng and Yameng moved, and launched a fierce attack on Yehei Moren from left to right.After some consumption by Palkya, the Night Dark Demon is obviously no longer the opponent of Shuangmeng. Under the extremely fast attack of the two elves, he can only be beaten passively, and the counterattack he made is either blocked by the energy shield or It was easily dodged by Shuangmeng.

While Shuangmeng was dealing with the Yehei Demon, Chuangshishen also began to look at the surrounding situation.

After discovering that the three elves of Geng Gui had lost their ability to fight, Chuang Shi Shen showed a slightly surprised expression.Chuang Shi Shen took a slightly apologetic look at Xiao Luo in the crowd, and three original slates floated out of his body, flying towards Geng Gui and the other three elves.

After a burst of colored light slowly fell, the injuries of the three elves recovered quickly.After a while, the slate flew back into the body of Dao Chuangshi God, and the three elves had recovered their former spirit.

Chuangshi Shen nodded slightly to the three elves, as if thanking them.Geng Gui chuckled, and came to Xiao Luo's side with Celebi and Darkley in high spirits.

Although the battle was only fought by Shuangmeng, it didn't last long.After the consumption of the trainer and Palkya, the remaining physical strength of the ghost origin is not much.Therefore, it was quickly consumed by the twin dreams.

In the end, the original night black demon fell into a shadow ball jointly launched by the two dreams.With a wailing sound, the Ye Hei Demon turned into specks of fluorescent light and dissipated, and a pitch-black origin wobbled into the air.

"Geng Gui!" Knowing that he was on stage, Xiao Luo took off his clothes and called out to Geng Gui while shirtless.

The gentle super power controls Xiao Luo to fly at a very high speed.Yuanyuan's energy was consumed very cleanly, Xiao Luo effortlessly wrapped Yuanyuan with clothes.

"Give you!"

Xiao Luo flew in front of Arceus, and handed over the origin with an unhappy expression.

When the elves controlled by the origin attacked here wantonly, Xiao Luo frantically rubbed the elf ball of the origin of the demon.But what he didn't expect was that Chuangshi Shen arrived at this time.

If it wasn't for the crystallization of Palkya's energy, and it attracted Palkya in time, Xiao Luo believed that his life would definitely be explained here.Therefore, Xiao Luo is very dissatisfied with Chuangshishen's support this time.And he is a person who can't hide his feelings, so his dissatisfaction is written all over his face.

Chaomeng took the initiative to take the origin without Chuangshishen picking it up.

"Tianwang Mountain is very special. Even I had to spend a lot of effort to open the space passage leading here." Chuangshi Shen simply explained.

Only then did Xiao Luo feel relieved, and secretly thought that you are not as good as other beasts!

Xiao Luo glanced at Palkya next to him, and thought to himself: As expected of the God of Space, his accomplishments in space are even inferior to the God of Creation.

"Xiao Luo, you have to seriously search for the source!" Immediately, the God of Creation looked at Xiao Luo seriously and said.


(End of this chapter)

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