Chapter 378 The Death of Xunxi



Xunxi's elf flew over with howling, and the squid king used illusion to control Xunxi and prevent him from falling to the ground.Xanadu flew over and hugged Xun Xi in his arms, tears falling beside Xiao Luo.

"Xunxi..." Xiao Luo cried out tremblingly, and tears flowed out.

Xun Xi was seriously injured, his chest was sunken, and his T-shirt was stained red with blood.From the corner of the mouth to the neck is bright red.

Xun Xi was very weak, and his eyes were slightly slack.

"Hehe... I didn't expect that I would... cough cough..." Xun Xi coughed up blood again.

"Stop talking, you'll be fine, you'll be fine!" Xiao Luo said while wiping away tears.

"Xunxi!" Daoming Sijing rushed over, seeing Xunxi's miserable appearance, his eyes immediately became moist, "Why are you so stupid, why are you so stupid. How do you want me to explain to your father. "

"Uncle... don't blame Xiao Luo, tell my father, you must not blame Xiao Luo... ahem..."

"I know, I know..."

Daoming Sijing gently wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, hurriedly took out a porcelain bottle from his arms, and put a few pills from the bottle: "Take this first-aid pill quickly!"

Xun Xi gently shook his head and said: "It's useless...the first aid pill...can't save me..."

Xun Xi looked up at the sky, and said lightly: "Uncle... I can meet my mother as soon as I leave, right?"

"Yes, I will!" Daoming Sijing said in a trembling voice, suppressing the urge to cry.

"I miss her very much...I went to find her...Uncle, you must...don't let Dad blame Xiao Luo...Xiao Luo..." Xun Xi slowly closed his eyes and fell into Xanadu's arms .

"Xunxi, Xunxi..."

With tears in his eyes, Daoming Temple raised his head to the sky and roared angrily: "Ah... You damned, damned, none of you can escape, no one can escape, three-headed dragon, destroy this place for me."


Xiao Luo sat down on the ground, staring blankly at Xun Xi, unable to relax for a long time, even turning a blind eye to Yameng No. [-]'s repeated attacks.

Xiaoshanzhu and Casey seemed to be struggling to deal with Yameng No. [-]'s attack. Yameng No. [-]'s strength was too strong, even stronger than Chaomeng No. [-].

"Come out, Jiahe Ninja, Mengge Naia, Hooking Eye!" Daoming Sijing threw out all the poke balls on his body, "Kill! Don't leave any!" Daoming Sijing's voice was cold and ruthless, and the person he was pointing The object turned out to be an ordinary member of the Shenna clan.

After the three elves roared angrily, they rushed towards the members of the Shennai clan crazily.As their figures flickered on the battlefield, trainers from the Shenna clan kept falling down.These are the three killing gods, frantically harvesting lives.

"Daoming Sijing, what do you want to do!" Shen Natian roared, shaking his hands and throwing out all his elf balls to stop Daoming Sijing from killing.

"Hmph, take care of yourself!" Uncle Liu immediately threw out the elf ball, white light fell, and Uncle Liu's ice elves appeared one by one to block Shen Naitian's elves.

"Qiuji Chenghai, why are you still standing still, you still don't make a move." Shen Naitian couldn't get rid of Uncle Liu for a while, so he could only yell at Qiuji Chenghai bitterly.

"Qiuji Chenghai, if you don't want to be exterminated, you'd better keep quiet!" Daoming Sijing shouted at Qiuji Chenghai with a ferocious expression.

Qiuji Chenghai stopped in his footsteps, he hesitated a little, he didn't want to completely tear himself apart with the Daomingsi family.

"The matter has come to this point, there is no room for turning back. Do you still expect the Daomingsi clan to let your Akiyoshi clan go?" Shen Natian said loudly with a sullen face.

"Hmph, I know!" Qiuji Chenghai snorted coldly, and threw out the poke ball.

"Very good!" Daoming Sijing's face was as gloomy as water, and he stared at Qiuji Chenghai with a murderous look.

A spiral water cannon blocked all of Qiuji Chenghai's elves, and Yongshan walked up with the elf ball in his hand: "Your opponent is me now!"


Akiyoshi Chenghai snorted angrily, and directed the elves to attack Yongshan.


Elder Ze looked at Saburo Takenouchi with a serious face, and said in a deep voice, "Do you want to fight with the Daomingsi clan forever?"

Saburo Takenouchi froze, hesitantly, not knowing how to answer.

"It's still too late to give up now, you have to think about it yourself!"

"Will Daomingji Mizukawa let me go?" Saburo Takenouchi asked in a deep voice.

"At least your Takenochi clan will not be wiped out!"

"Then there is nothing to talk about, let's fight!" Takenouchi Saburo roared with a distorted expression, commanding his elves to attack Elder Ze.

"Since you choose to exterminate the clan, then come on!" The old man Ze overflowed with murderous aura, took out the poke ball again and threw it out, fighting with Takenouchi.



After being dazed for a long time, Xiao Luo looked up to the sky and screamed, his eyes were wide open, bloodshot all over the place!
"I want you to be buried with Xun Xi!" Xiao Luo seemed to be burning with rage, her voice was extremely cold.

"Bi Diao Diao—"

After feeling Xiao Luo's roar, the flames all over Bi Diao's body soared, and blue flames also burned seriously.

After a blue light with a temperature that can burn the space knocked down the original Boss Kedora, it turned and flew to Yameng II.


Ya Meng No. [-] snorted coldly, perhaps Xiao Luo's attitude angered it.As soon as it stretched out its hand, the blue light suddenly bound Bi Diao and smashed it to the ground.Then he put up the milky white energy shield and charged through the defenses of Xiao Shanzhu and Casey and rushed towards Xiao Luo.

"bring it on!"

Xiao Luo stared angrily, and pulled the spirit ball of the origin of the demon in his hand: "Bangira, smash it!"


White light fell, and Bangira's tall body appeared in front of Xiao Luo.

Benji stretched out his hands to block the impact of Yameng II, and the powerful impact made it back and forth with grinning teeth.


With another roar, Bangira's eyes turned scarlet, and black energy rose from its body, dancing wildly like a madman.


The roar sounded again, Bangira stepped on the ground, blocked the impact of Yameng II and threw it fiercely.

A golden destructive death light was shot out immediately, and after a violent explosion, thick smoke covered Yameng No. [-].

"Mega evolve, Bangira!"


Bangira responded, and the mega evolutionary stone on his chest released black light, and four black light bands spread out with an indescribably strange aura.To Xiao Luo's surprise, the Yuanyuan bracelet also released light bands of the same color and connected them one by one.

Surrounded by the light of evolution, Bangira started the mega evolution.

When the light of evolution dissipated, what appeared in front of Xiao Luo was a familiar yet unfamiliar elf.The appearance is still the appearance of Mega Benjira, but the whole body is as black and shiny as ink.The scarlet blood-like eyes looked even more monstrous and terrifying against the black armor.


Bangira roared at Yameng No. [-], and a wave of air rose into the sky.


Ya Meng No. [-] waved his hand to disperse the air wave, and stared at Mega Bangira with sharp eyes.

Yameng No. [-] put his hands together, and a pitch-black energy ball shot towards Bangira at high speed.

Bangira opened his mouth wide, and a chaotic black beam spewed out, resisting the energy ball and detonating it.

Yameng No. [-] snorted coldly, lifted the shield again and leaned down.


Bangira put his hands into the ground with a fixed expression, and lifted them vigorously, and a huge flat rock appeared in his hands.

Bangira forcibly endured an impact from Yameng, and violently swung the rock Yameng to the ground.Under the impact of the shield, the ground cracked in a large area.


Benjila roared, and before Yameng could fly, the rocks fell crazily one after another.

bang bang bang...

The ground shook non-stop and sank continuously.

There is a crack in the shield of Yameng II...

bang bang bang...

The shield shattered, revealing Yameng No. [-]'s astonished expression.

Yameng No. [-] had intimate contact with the rock and groaned in pain.

There were obvious scars on Yameng No. [-]'s face.


Yameng No. [-] was furious, the fluorescence in its eyes blazed, and a wave of air spread wildly, knocking everything into the air.


Bangira staggered, but it forcibly stopped its backward steps, and with a roar, it swung the rock again and knocked Yameng II into the air.

Bangira opened his mouth wide, and a black light roared out, hitting Yameng II again.

"Huchi~" "Huchi~"

Bangira gasped for breath, the rock in his hand shattered, and there was a trace of black air from the crack.

"How is this is it possible..." Yamada Liu muttered to himself with a look of horror.


(To be continued...)
(End of this chapter)

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