Chapter 380 The violent mega bald bird!

The original sonic dragon roared, and when its wings closed, a huge blue energy ball hit the bald bird.

Call ~
A crimson flame surged out from Baldy Bird's mouth, detonating the blue energy ball.


The bald bird flapped its wings, blowing away the diffuse smoke and dust.Immediately afterwards, it stretched out its sharp claws to grab the original Sonic Dragon.

The original sonic dragon dodged the attack extremely quickly.


Bi Diao let out a cry, and after looking mockingly at the original sound wave dragon, he moved and appeared above the original sound wave dragon with afterimages.

The bald bird flapped its wings vigorously and knocked the original Sonic Dragon to the ground viciously.

"Bi Diao Diao—"

Bi Diao let out a long cry, and the gemstone between his eyebrows released a soft light.

Call ~
A colorful flame spewed out from Baldy Bird's mouth and fell on the original Sonic Dragon.

"Kill it!" Xiao Luo roared with red eyes.


After hearing Xiao Luo's roar, the fire-breathing dragon opened its mouth and shot out a blue flame, which followed Bi Diao's jet flame.

The fossil pterosaur also launched a rock blade to attack with an expression of resentment.

In addition, Dakota's Darkley, Mega Latios, Cresselia; Ake's fire-breathing dragon and fast dragon also rushed over at the same time, launching a violent attack on the original sonic dragon suppressed by the sacred flame. attack.

Even the mega Geng Gui who had dealt with the original Boss Kedora also flew over, and the shadow ball fell like raindrops crazily.Even Xunxi's Hua Beibei, Squid King and Dream Demon participated in the attack.

As for Yameng No. [-], it was resisted by Casey and the little boar.

After the battle with Bangira, Yameng II's combat effectiveness declined severely. At this moment, it could no longer break through the defenses of the boar and Casey.

Dr. Benyuan Kedora wanted to rush up to help several times, but was blocked by all the spirits such as the flame chicken and the fiery monkey.In the battle on the ground, Boss Kedora is not dominant. The huge strength of the fiery monkey and the flame of the flame chicken are very threatening to it.

The berserk attacks continued all the time, colorful tricks, violent explosions, filled with smoke...everything looked so crazy.


Not long after, a source emitting cyan fluorescence rose slowly from the smoke screen.


Xiao Luo shouted to stop, and the elves stopped attacking.The bald bird and Xiao Luo connected with each other at this moment, and immediately understood what was going on, it bent down and rushed down, landed beside Xiao Luo and crawled down.Xiao Luo climbed up with difficulty with one hand, and sat on Bi Diao's neck.

The bald bird felt Xiao Luo's mind flying.

"come over!"

Passing by Yuanyuan, Xiao Luo grabbed Yuanyuan in his hands, and his fingers turned hard, showing bluish white.If possible, Xiao Luo wished he could just crush the origin in his hands.


Bi Diao uttered a cry, circled in the air and brought Xiao Luo to land beside Dakdo.

"Darkdo, clothes!"

Hearing this, Dakdo hurriedly took off his short sleeves and wrapped them around Xiao Luo's palm.

After wrapping up Yuanyuan, Xiao Luo pulled Yuanyuan wrapped in clothes from Dakoto's hand, and smashed it to the ground with a livid face.

Xiao Luo didn't stop until he was tired from smashing and gasping for breath. His eyes were red and he turned back and forth between Yameng No. [-] and Yuanyuan Boss Kedora, his face was cloudy and uncertain.

"Xiao Luo, deal with Yuanyuan first!" Dakoto immediately understood what Xiao Luo meant, and hurriedly reminded him.

"I know!" Xiao Luo said with a sullen face, and finally locked his eyes on Yuanyuan Boss Kedora.

"Baldy bird!" Xiao Luo shouted loudly.


The bald bird screamed, and the surging blue flames burning all over his body rushed towards the original Boscodora like a meteorite.

Boss Kedora of our school knocked over to the ground, the ground cracked, blue flames roared and spread around, and the surrounding elves hurriedly dodged back.


The bald bird flapped its wings to disperse the smoke and dust, and its sharp claws grasped the huge original Boscodora, and even brought it into the air.


After reaching a certain height, Bi Diao leaned down and rushed down, throwing the original Boss Kedora in front of the fiery monkey.


The excited eyes of the fiery monkey glowed red. After jumping high to avoid the shock caused by the original Boss Kedora falling to the ground, his fists rushed down with the power to tear the space.

The fiery monkey punched the original Boss Kedora with a punch, and the huge force caused the ground to churn and crack on a large scale, revealing a bottomless ravine.

"Come on, let's deal with it in one go!" Duckdo hastily commanded loudly.

All the elves roared in response, and took the opportunity to besiege the original Boss Kedora.

Even though Boss Kedora's physical strength is far superior to the first-class beasts, it is not enough at the moment, there are too many elves, the trick is too strong, and the attack is too violent.The original Boss Kedora also didn't hold on for long before being knocked out of the prototype, turning into a shining silver original that swayed and flew up.

After stopping the attacks of the elves, Xiao Luo signaled Geng Gui to control the origin in his hand, and together with the bald bird, grabbed the steel origin again.


After putting Xiao Luo down, Bi Diao let out a cry, leading all the elves to surround Yameng No. [-] who was fighting Xiao Shanzhu and Casey with a murderous intent.

Yameng No. [-]'s complexion changed drastically.As powerful as it is, being stared at by such a large group of powerful elves is also frightening.

Call ~
The gemstone between Bi Diao's eyebrows glowed faintly again, and a multicolored flame roared towards Yameng No. [-].

Ya Meng No. [-] flicked a shadow ball to resist the attack of the sacred flame.

At the same time, Gengar's shadow ball and two Darkrai's evil waves fell at the same time.Yameng No. [-] had no choice but to hold up the shield to wake up and defend.Yameng No. [-] was suppressed on the ground by the three tricks, and then there was a violent explosion, billowing smoke and dust.


Ake's fire-breathing dragon flapped its wings to disperse the smoke and dust, and Yameng No. [-] was once again exposed to the sight of the elves.

The Flame Chicken rushed forward, and a flame kick knocked Yameng II into the air.

Dakdo's leave king appeared in time, clasped his hands together, and violently smashed Yameng II, which was wearing a shield, into the ground.


The Fiery Monkey had already soared into the air, and punched out violently with its retracted fist.


Under the tremendous force, the shield of Yameng No. [-] shattered.

Celebi and Dakdo's flashing Zoroak attacked at the same time, and two energy balls, one black and one green, spun and hit Yameng No. [-].The energy ball exploded, and Yameng No. [-] showed a painful expression.

Ya Meng No. [-] was angry, and the blue fluorescent light appeared again, and the light curtain spread, and after resisting the trick that followed, it spread rapidly towards the surrounding elves.


Geng Gui, the two Darkrai, Celebi, and Mega Latios scattered in all directions, and at the same time raised the energy shield to hit the light curtain from different positions.

After a flash of electric sparks, the light curtain shattered like a mirror.


A loud roar rang out, and the extremely powerful water cannon of the flashing Mega Gyarados rushed out, suppressing Yameng on the ground in an instant.


Ya Meng No. [-] was unwilling to roar, and wanted to stand up against the water cannon of the Gyarados.

The eyes of the Mega Gyarados were wide open, the fins on its back were stretched out, and the water cannon exploded, suppressing the struggling Yameng II.

Seeing the elf pounced on fiercely, Yameng No. [-] was finally scared.


For the first time, Yameng No. [-] heard telepathy.

The Gyarados was stunned, and finally dispersed the water cannon, and the elves couldn't help but stop attacking.

Yameng No. [-] was panting violently and slowly flew up, looked at Xiao Luo with peaceful eyes and said, "I am willing to submit to you, great trainer!"


Ake glanced at Xiao Luo in disbelief, and even Dakdo showed a surprised expression.They all saw the strength of Ya Meng No. [-]. Such an elf voluntarily surrendered to Xiao Luo, who else would be Xiao Luo's opponent in the future.

"Surrender? What are you? Do I need your surrender? My Bangira is ten thousand times stronger than you. Give me time, any of my elves can surpass you!"

Xiao Luo looked at Yameng sharply and said, "I don't need you, let alone surrender!"





Xiao Luo's words made Bald Bird and other elves roar excitedly.This is Xiao Luo's recognition of them, and it is also their expectation for Xiao Luo.

The mega fossil pterosaur brought a white light and knocked Yameng II to the ground.

Xiao Luo's words have already shown his attitude, they don't need to worry about anything anymore.There is only one result waiting for Yameng No. [-]—death!

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(End of this chapter)

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