Chapter 386 Skin God!

"Protect!" Xiao Luo commanded cleanly.

A green shield appeared in time to protect the water elf.

Ye Baofeng attacked, and countless blades struck the protection with tinkling sounds, but they couldn't break through the protection.

After Ye Baofeng dissipated, Xiao Luo immediately commanded: "Water spirit, water cannon!"

Spiral jets of water are forcefully ejected from the mouth of the water elf.

"Lizard King, hurry up and avoid it." Xiao Zhi hurriedly commanded.

The Lizard King jumped and dodged to the side to avoid the water cannon's attack.

"Don't let it run away!" Xiao Luo directed with a wave.


The water elf screamed, and the water cannon swept out, hitting the lizard king.A cry of pain came from the Lizard King's mouth, and under the impact of the water cannon, the Lizard King couldn't help but flew out backwards.

"Damn it, Lizard King, use the blade!"


The Lizard King quickly stabilized his figure, his arms glowed with green light, and rushed towards the water elf with a whistling sound.

"Come on, water elf, use Fascinated!"


The water elf let out a charming cry, and blinked at the lizard king charmingly, a red heart flew out, hitting the lizard king who was charging forward.


The lizard king immediately salivated, his knife and leaf moves disappeared, his eyes were heart-shaped, and he walked slowly towards the water elf.

"Fix it, use the water cannon!"

The water elf jumped up, and the water cannon trick fell from the sky, knocking down the lizard king again.A perfect attack even with only half the damage made the Lizard King incapable of fighting, and his eyes changed from a heart-shaped shape to a spiral shape.

"The lizard king loses his ability to fight, and the water elf wins."

Xiaozhi retracted the Lizard King annoyedly, and said to Pikachu at his feet with a serious face: "Pikachu, you go!"


Pikachu's electric sac released a series of electric sparks, ran lightly to the opposite of the water elf, and assumed a rigorous fighting posture.

"Has Pikachu finally appeared!?" Xiao Luo took back the water elf with a smile, replaced it with a poke ball and threw it out, "Giant Pincer Mantis, I leave it to you!"

With white light shining down, a thin but powerful giant mantis appeared opposite Pikachu.


The Giant Pincer Mantis lowered its body, staring at Pikachu cautiously.It's not the first time Xiao Luo and Xiao Zhi have fought against each other, so Xiao Luo's elf knows Xiao Zhi's Pikachu very well.Know that this tiny elf is not to be seen with ordinary eyes.

"Pikachu, there's a flash of lightning!" Xiaozhi took the initiative to attack.


Pikachu responded, dragged a white light, and rushed towards the giant pincer mantis like flying.

"Giant Pincer Mantis, we also use Lightning Flash."

The lightning flashed, and two rays of light, one yellow and one red, collided quickly and fiercely.

With a muffled sound, the two elves staggered back regardless of the outcome.


Without Xiao Luo's command, Pikachu quickly stabilized his figure and rushed straight up again dragging the white light.


Not to be outdone, the Giant Pincer Mantis once again responded with a flash of lightning.

This time, there was a metallic sound, and the two elves passed by.

"Pickup pickup..."

The white light turned, and Pikachu hit the opposite direction again, unmatched in strength.


Giant Pincer Mantis chose to fight recklessly again.

This time the collision was finally divided into strong and weak, the white light of the giant pincer mantis was scattered, and it staggered back with an unwilling cry.

"Right now, Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts!"

The thick yellow lightning flashed down instantly, engulfing the giant pincer mantis.After a loud explosion, the Giant Pincer Mantis was thrown out.

Can fight against the giant pincer mantis!
Little Luo was slightly surprised, now he has a new understanding of Pikachu.

"Continue to attack, use Iron Tail!"

Xiaozhi seems to be handy in commanding Pikachu.


Pikachu's tail had a shiny metallic luster, and he rushed up at top speed.The Iron Tail spun out, and the Giant Pincer Mantis couldn't dodge it, so it had to cross its pincers to take down Iron Tail's attack.

The powerful Iron Tail knocked down the Giant Pincer Mantis to the ground, creating a burst of smoke and dust.

"Okay, as expected of Pikachu, it's amazing!" Xiao Sheng exclaimed excitedly.

"Finally we can win a round!" Xiaoyao was also happy for Xiaozhi.

"That's not necessarily the case, Xiao Luo won't let Xiao Zhi win so easily." Dakdo said with a smile.

"Ah? Is there any way for Xiao Luo to counterattack? Pikachu has the absolute upper hand." Xiao Sheng wondered.

"You'll know just by looking at it!"


It's time for you to experience the power of mega.Xiao Luo smiled and put up the origin bracelet: "The giant pincer mantis, mega evolution!"


The giant pincer mantis screamed, and the mega evolutionary stone on the neck released a series of light bands, which were connected with the light bands released by the source bracelet one by one.The light of evolution shines, and the giant pincer mantis begins its mega evolution...

"This is……"

Everyone opened their mouths in surprise!
"Has mega evolved?" Xiaozhi's expression became serious.


As the light dissipated, the mega giant pincer mantis blew long and sharply, with a sharp and long voice, carrying a fierce and murderous aura.

Although the mega giant pincer mantis is an elf, it looks more like a robot.The waist is extremely thin, as if it would break if the wind blows.The feet are a standard triangular shape with white claws at the tips.The whole body is matched with red and black, giving people a cool visual impact.The most exaggerated is the iconic double pliers, which open and close like sawtooth, the upper part is red, and the lower part is smaller, extremely bright white, and a cool mess.And the head seemed to be wearing a mask, covering the face, only revealing the sharp eyes.The mask stands up in a trident shape, revealing the heroic spirit.

"Giant Pincer Mantis, let Xiaozhi and Pikachu see your power, use tile splitting!" Xiao Luo directed with a smile.

As soon as the wind picked up, the mega giant pincer mantis appeared in front of Pikachu in an instant as if traveling through space, and the giant pincers exuding dazzling light violently hit Pikachu.

"Get out of the way, Pikachu!" Xiaozhi was startled, and hurriedly commanded.


Pikachu reacted first-rate, and hurriedly jumped to avoid Piwa's attack.The tiles hit the field, and the field "Kerala" spread out like a spider web.Pikachu took the opportunity to land on the giant tongs that the giant pincer mantis used to split the tiles, jumped again, stepped on the head of the giant pincer mantis, and jumped to the back of the giant pincer mantis.

"Well done Pikachu, I just want to use Iron Tail now!" Xiaozhi was pleasantly surprised by Pikachu's response, and quickly gave instructions.


The iron tail came out instantly, and the metallic tail slapped fiercely on the chest of the Giant Pincer Mantis who had just turned around.The Giant Pincer Mantis snorted in pain and slipped out backwards.

"Counterattack, shiny electric cannon!"

The giant pincer mantis raised its claws to point at Pikachu, its whole body glowing brightly, a white light mixed with a little bit of metal roared and engulfed Pikachu.

With a bang, Pikachu was knocked to the ground.

"One more tile splitting attack." Xiao Luo commanded again.

The giant pincer mantis rushed to Pikachu in an instant, and the radiant giant pincers hit straight down.


Pikachu screamed in pain and was knocked to the ground.

"Fix it, Cross Scissors!"


The giant pincer mantis swings its pincers, and the huge green cross slashes towards Pikachu with great momentum!

"Pikachu, you can't lose, hurry up and dodge!"


When the cross scissors punch fell, Pikachu bounced up, dodging the cross scissors punch in embarrassment.

"Well done Pikachu, use the Volt attack next!"

"Pika pickup pickup..."

Pikachu released the electric current and started to run. As the speed increased, the thunder and lightning blazed, turning into an electric dragon and slamming at the giant pincer mantis.

There was a violent explosion, and the giant pincer mantis let out a miserable cry and soared into the air.


Volt's side effect occurred, and Pikachu gasped violently.

"It's's scary..."

The Giant Pincer Mantis was also gasping for breath with scars all over its body.

Xiao Luo frowned slightly, Pikachu's performance was completely beyond his expectations.He really didn't expect Pikachu to be so strong that he could fight with the mega giant pincer mantis in such a situation.

"Little Zhi, let's decide the winner!" Xiao Luo said in a distant voice.

"Come on, let's have a showdown!" Xiaozhi replied with a firm expression.

"Giant pincer mantis, scissors cross fist!"

"Pikachu, another Volt attack!"

"Hey~" "Pika, Pika, Pika..."

The incomparably blazing green cross and the yellow electric dragon collided violently, a mushroom cloud rose from the field, and the two elves were drowned in thick smoke at the same time...

(End of this chapter)

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