Chapter 397 Heavenly King Paqila!
Shouts like a tsunami resounded in the venue in Miare.Little Luo and Heavenly King Paqila have already stood on the playing field.

On the rostrum of the venue, there were rows of high-ranking members of the alliance. In the middle was a thin and small old man. His gray beard and dense hair almost covered his entire face, revealing only two small sparkling eyes.And he is the president of the Alliance Assembly - Damarangi.Behind the top executives of the alliance, there is a group of successful people in suits and leather collars, the gentle old man and Wu Gang are also among them.In the back, are the Four Heavenly Kings and champions of each region.Their expressions were slightly serious, and they stared at Xiao Luo and Paqila on the field without blinking.

At the very edge of the competition field, Yong Shan sat on a bench with Dakdo and the two lazily, squinting his eyes and looking at the top leaders of the alliance on the rostrum.

"Old man, it's not good for us to be here!" Dakdo said cautiously.

Sitting here is too conspicuous, he always has a feeling of thorns on his back, it seems that everyone in the audience is staring at him, and their eyes are extremely unkind.

"What's wrong."

Yong Shan glanced at him, looked at the audience, and said, "You care about their eyes? Then you go, if I didn't force you to stay here!"


Dakdo was a little speechless, and secretly let me go now, so I don't know where to find a place.

Rowling squeezed Dakota's broad palm tightly, and said, "It's okay. We are Xiao Luo's closest comrades-in-arms. We are here not only to watch the battle, but also to better protect Xiao Luo."

"I have been an elf hunter, and I understand the psychology of those people. If they become crazy, they can do anything."

Yongshan clicked his tongue and said, "Look, girls are still sensible!"

Dakdo was about to speak, but there was a shout that almost turned the sky upside down.

It turned out that the commentator had already announced the official start of the game after being signaled by the league's top management.A referee trotted to the edge of the field holding the red and green flags.

"The championship challenge is now held. The challenger, Xiao Luo, is facing the king of heaven, Paqila. There are four Pokémon that can be used in the match. You can change the Pokémon on the field at will, and the match officially begins! The challenger will go first!"

As the referee waved down the small flag, Xiao Luo withdrew his gaze from sizing up Paqila.That voluptuous figure repeatedly appeared in her mind, making Xiao Luo blush slightly.

"Go, sickle helmet!" Xiao Luo threw out a poke ball vigorously, white light fell, and the sickle helmet raised its two knives upwards, appearing on the field arrogantly.The eyes are sharper than its sickle, looking straight at Paqila.

Paqila smiled slightly, and also took out a poke ball and flung it out, the swinging posture was as seductive as her figure.

"Coal Turtle, I leave it to you!"

As a piece of white light fell, a coal ghost with a mouth and nose that breathed fire appeared on the field with a slightly ferocious expression, completely devoid of the peaceful aura of ordinary turtle-like elves.

After the two sent out the elves, the narrator began to analyze incessantly, what kind of elf's expression, elf's fur color, elf's eyes, elf's aura...

Lots and lots of them.Fortunately, the elf doesn't wear clothes, otherwise he could describe the color of the elf's underwear.

After describing the elves, he said, "The two elves are evenly matched. Who will win the first round? Let us wait and see." The old-fashioned phrases can be said to make his previous descriptions worthless.But the audience just loves to eat this set.As his bewitching voice fell, the cheers of the audience almost burst their eardrums.

With the right to attack first, Xiao Luo was not polite, and decisively commanded the sickle helmet: "Split!"

The sickle helmet ran like flying, and the sound of "da da da" kicking the ground came to the ears, shocking the mind.

Paqila's eyes were fixed, and she followed the command and said: "Dodge!"

The bright white sickle cuts down sharply, and the coal turtle is not afraid of danger.The limbs stomped hard, and the bulky body rose into the air.The chopping trick flashed under its four legs, bringing out a long-lasting white light.

"If you want to hide, it's not that simple, sickle helmet!"

After Xiao Luo's words fell, the other sickle of the sickle helmet swept across, with a faint white light and shimmering cold air.

Xiao Luo originally thought that this blow would be a perfect hit, but he didn't want the Coal Turtle to have so much combat experience that it retracted its body into the iron shell when it couldn't dodge in the air, so as to reduce the damage of the chopping as much as possible.

The coal ghost was slashed into the air, and when it was about to land, it stretched out its body, landed steadily, and called out provocatively at the sickle helmet.

"We're attacking, Coal Turtle, spew flames!"

Call ~
The coal turtle took a long breath, and a flame mixed with some white spots roared out like a dragon, and shot towards the sickle helmet.

"Water jet!"

The torrent gushed out of nowhere and wrapped the sickle helmet, spinning and making a rattling sound.

Driven by the water flow, the sickle helmet rose into the air, flew up and down around the howling flames, and brought a long column of water straight to the coal turtle.

How could he still attack like this!

Paqila was slightly surprised and hurriedly commanded: "Coal Turtle, quickly use the iron wall for defense."

The coal tortoise stopped the flames in an instant, and retracted into the iron shell again. At the same time, a metallic luster flashed twice on the shell.

Water splashed everywhere, and it rained heavily on the field. The coal turtle was hit and flew out again.

"Coal turtle, strike back, rock blade!"


Before it landed, the coal turtle stretched its limbs, and launched its rock blade trick in the air. Countless sharp stones cut the air, and hit the sickle helmet with a piercing sound.

"Sword Dance!"

"Hi Doo~"

The sickle helmet and the two sickles rose, and the body quickly spun, turning into a small whirlwind.The rock blades collided with the small whirlwind, causing bursts of fireworks before being bounced away one by one.

As if a burst of white fluorescent light fell, the sickle helmet automatically terminated the sword dance trick, and there seemed to be stars shining in the sharp eyes.The bright white of the sickle can clearly reflect the expression of the sickle helmet at the moment.

"Paqila was suppressed from the very beginning, this kid is amazing!" Zhimi, who was watching the game through the large floor-to-ceiling windows in the lounge of the venue, exclaimed in surprise.

"He should have the level of a champion!" Doracena's eyes trembled slightly.

"Well, it is indeed at the level of a champion!" Carunai's voice was calm, and her big beautiful eyes stared at Xiao Luo on the field without blinking.

"Even if you have the level of a champion, it's not easy to beat Paqila. Don't forget, Paqila's Heluga can evolve into mega." Although Yan Kai said so, his expression was subconsciously dignified stand up.

Carunai said indifferently: "Watch the game carefully, you will inevitably have to play."


"It's time for our attack! Scythe helmet, rock blade!"

"Hi Doo~"

Holding a sickle on the sickle helmet, two white cross-rotating light bands appeared, and then turned into sharp stones and flew towards the coal turtle with a cold light.

"Coal Turtle, come to the iron wall again." Paqila had no choice but to order the coal turtle to use the iron wall to defend again.

The speed of the coal turtle is very slow, and it is simply a dream to avoid a large-scale attack such as the rock blade.

The coal turtle retracted into the hard iron shell again, and the iron shell shone with a metallic luster.

A swarm of sharp rock blades hit the iron shell, sparks flew everywhere, and there was a "clank" metal sound.Even with an iron wall for defense, the double-strike rock blade still made the coal turtle groan in pain.

"Coal Turtle, use Earthquake!"

After the rock blade's attack, Paqila gave the order to attack again.


The coal tortoise let out a long cry, its body jumped up slightly, and after a pause in mid-air, it suddenly fell to the ground with full strength.The ground began to shake, and circles of gray ripples spread.

Xiao Luo smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and said: "Sickle helmet, surf!"


With the long sound of the sickle helmet, there was a rumbling sound on the field, and a monstrous wave rose, and the sickle helmet stood aggressively on the top of the wave, controlling the wave to rush towards the coal turtle.

The fluctuations of the earthquake all rushed into the water waves, which had no effect except to make the water waves slightly turbulent.

"Damn it, Coal Turtle, jetting flames around the body for defense!" Paqila's mind turned and she responded immediately.

Call ~
Flames rise and wrap around the coal turtle turning it into a giant fireball.At the same time, the coal turtle retracted into the iron shell again, taking adequate defensive measures.

The surfing trick crushed it, and the fireball was instantly engulfed.A little blue smoke came out, and was blown away by the surf wind.

After surfing, the coal turtle was covered in blue smoke, shrunk in the iron shell and remained motionless.

"Fix it, spray water jets."

The sickle helmet once again drove the impact of the water column, hitting the unresponsive coal turtle directly on the wall of the venue.After sliding slowly from the wall, the coal turtle finally poked its head out, its eyes already spiraling.

"The coal tortoise loses the ability to fight, but the sickle helmet wins!"

The referee announced blankly...

(End of this chapter)

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