Chapter 399 Mega Showdown!

"In that case, come back, Chandelier Ghost." Paqila took out the poke ball and took it back from the Chandelier Ghost, then quickly took out a poke ball and threw it out forcefully: "Hei Lujia, I'll leave it to you!"

White light fell, and a burly Heluga appeared on the field.With his head lowered and his eyes wide open, his teeth bared, saliva flowing out, an invisible cold breath spread, making people feel chills all over his body.

When Xiao Luo looked at Hei Lujia, he found that there was a mega evolutionary stone hanging around this Hei Lujia's neck.

Can mega evolve!
Xiao Luo smiled and didn't care.When it comes to mega evolution, he doesn't think anyone can have more elves than him.

"Hei Lujia, crush the attack!" Paqila commanded.

"Wang woo~"

Hei Lujia responded, and rushed towards the hippopotamus king like a black whirlwind, opened his mouth and bit the hippopotamus king fiercely.


King Hippo stretched out his hands, and a green shield appeared in time.Hei Lujia bit on the shield, and a violent rebound knocked it back.

"Power Gem!"

After defusing the crushing attack, Xiao Luo immediately commanded.


A large number of colorful stones appear around the Hippo King, making the Hippo King more and more like a high-ranking king.

The stone took a trajectory like a rainbow and rushed towards Hei Lujia crazily.

"Spray flames!"

Call ~
Hei Lujia opened his mouth and spewed out an extremely red flame, which was touching the power gem.The two tricks were at a stalemate, and after a buzzing sound, they exploded.

"It's now, then Hei Lujia bites the attack."

"Wang woo~"

Hei Lujia's roar sounded in the field, and a black figure suddenly passed through the thick smoke with a strong wind, and the sharp teeth glowing with white light bit the hippopotamus king's body.The severe pain made Hippo King cry out in pain.

"Good job, use jet flame next!"

With a shake of his head, Hei Lujia threw the Hippo King up high, followed by an almost magical red flame and chased him up.The Hippo King was unable to avoid it, and was hit again by the jet of flames.After a loud explosion, King Hippo fell to the ground in embarrassment.

This series of attacks made Xiao Luo a little confused, but he also saw some tricks.

Hei Lujia is hiding clumsiness!

Although the speed of Hei Lujia's first crushing attack was fast, it was not its real speed.Paqila asked Helujia to give Xiao Luo a wrong message at the beginning, making him miscalculate Helujia's speed.That's why in the next attack, under the cover of the smoke screen, Xiao Luo was given a hard time.

How insidious!
After slandering herself, Xiao Luo said loudly, "Hippo King, are you alright?"


The hippopotamus king stood up tremblingly, opening and closing his mouth, panting heavily.

"Hmph, Heluga, let's spray flames again!"

Call ~
The jet of flame hit the Hippo King at high speed like a red light.

"Counterattack, illusion!"


The Hippo King's eyes were white, and his body glowed with blue fluorescent light, staring at the jet of flames that came rushing forward.


As the hippopotamus king's eyes gradually widened, the jet flames were gradually stuck firmly by the blue fluorescent light, and then the flames turned back and rushed towards Helujia.

Super powers are so powerful!

Paqila was startled secretly, and hurriedly commanded: "Hei Lujia, use the bite after avoiding it!"

"Wang woo~"

Hei Lujia ran like the wind, quickly dodging the reflected jet flames.It turned into a black whirlwind, and rushed towards the Hippo King with a ferocious expression.


The Hippo King launched a protective trick in time, and the green shield once again protected the Hippo King in time.Hei Lujia was staggered and flew out again.

"Right now, the hippopotamus aqua regia fluctuates."


When Hippo King puts his hands together, he hits a big water polo.The distance between the two elves was very close, and Hei Lujia had just stabilized his figure. Facing the water fluctuations flying towards him at a very high speed, Hei Lujia had to close his eyes and turn his head to force the next move.

Subtle water waves washed Hei Lujia wave after wave.With double the blow effect, Hei Lujia hummed unrecognizably.

"Wang woo~"

After forcibly receiving the attack from the wave of water, the fierce light in Hei Lujia's eyes became more and more blazing.

"In that case, Heiluga, let's mega evolve!"

Paqila raised her arms, and the mega keystone let out a ray of light, and then four dancing chains of light shot out of the keystone.

"Wang woo~"

The mega evolution stone on Hei Lujia's neck also released light, and four light chains danced out, precisely docking with the light chains of the mega jade stone.Hei Lujia released the light of evolution like water...


After the light of evolution dissipated, the extremely domineering Mega Heiluga glared at the Hippo King with his scarlet eyes.An invisible coercion was rippling, and the Hippo King's expression was a bit ugly.

Its most proud superpower has no effect on Hei Lujia, and now Hei Luga has mega-evolved.The disadvantages are becoming more and more obvious, and it seems to have seen the result of this duel.Under all kinds of worries, he couldn't help turning his eyes to Xiao Luo for help.

Xiao Luo smiled, took out the elf ball and put it away.

Xiao Luo looked up at the sky, only to find that the sunny day effect of the chandelier ghost was still there.This made Xiao Luo couldn't help frowning.He also has Hei Lujia, and he knows the mega Hei Lujia very well. The characteristic of mega Heluga is solar energy.This feature will greatly improve Heluga's special attack in sunny weather.But correspondingly, Hei Lujia will consume a lot of energy every time he attacks.

Originally, the most suitable elf should be the same elf—Heluga.But Xiao Luo did not register Hei Lujia in this game.After some weighing, Xiao Luo finally made a decision, took out a poke ball and threw it forcefully: "Go Lucario!"

The poke ball opened in mid-air, white light fell, and Lucario's handsome figure appeared on the field.

The moment Lucario appeared, Paqila's gaze was locked on Lucario's chest.A mega evolutionary stone was quietly hanging there.

He even has a mega evolution stone!
Paqi was stunned for a moment, and then relieved.She remembered that Baller had said before that Xiao Luo's background could make the alliance make concessions.It is only natural for a trainer with this background to have a mega evolution stone.

"Lucario, mega evolution!"


Lucario let out a long cry, and the mega evolutionary stone released a series of light chains, which quickly connected with the light chains released by Xiao Luo's origin bracelet and evolved.


Another long beep sounded, and the light of evolution shattered into dots of fluorescent lights. Mega Lucario stared at Mega Heluga with both eyes, and waves of wave power rippled out, sweeping over Mega Heluga. , which made Mega Heluga snort extremely dissatisfied.

Following Lucario's fighting posture, the turbulent waveguide power turned into a gust of wind, blowing the entire venue.Lucario's eyes were extremely sharp, and without waiting for Xiao Luo's command, he uttered a cry and rushed towards Hei Lujia at top speed.

"Heruga, shoot flames!"

A red light rushed out of Hei Lujia's mouth in an instant, hitting Lucario.Under Bird's perception, Lucario jumped high ahead of time, dodging the roaring attack that almost shattered the space.

"Bone stabbing!" Xiao Luo commanded decisively.

A bluish bony stick appeared in Lucario's hand, and he skillfully swiped at Heluga in the air.


"Wang woo~"

After Hei Lujia puffed up his chest and blocked the slash with the bone shield in front of him, his sharp teeth glowed with dazzling white light, and he bit down fiercely towards Lucario.

Lucario hastily withdrew the bone stick, and pushed it into Heluga's mouth, preventing the crunched one from approaching.


Hei Lujia made a dull voice, and closed his jaw forcefully. He only heard a "click", and Lucario's bone stick was bitten off, turning into spots of fluorescent light and disappearing.

"Wang woo~"

Hei Lujia continued to bite towards Lucario, with a hot and foul smell coming out of his scarlet mouth.

"Cutting tiles!" Xiao Luo's eyes narrowed, and he commanded sharply.


Lucario's eyes were sharp, and the white light from his right fist was as dazzling as a fluorescent lamp, and he aimed at Heluga's jaw forcefully.

After the trick of splitting tiles, He Lujia came first, Hei Lujia wailed, and flew out in embarrassment.

"Spray flames!"

call out--

As soon as he stabilized his figure, a red light galloped out of Hei Lujia's mouth.Lucario had no time to dodge, so he had to cross his hands in front of him.

With a bang, Lucario turned over and retreated, with obvious scars on his body.

"Wang woo~"

Hei Lujia's eyes were extremely fierce, and saliva kept flowing out of his mouth.


Lucario clenched his canine teeth with an angry expression.

(End of this chapter)

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