Chapter 402 Dancing
To the east of the industrial area, in a very large factory.

At this time, a lot of people gathered in this factory, including men and women, Easterners and Westerners.

Some people look like aristocrats, and their whole bodies are full of nobility, while others look like street hooligans, but their whole bodies exude a very sturdy aura.

At this moment, in this large factory, there are also a lot of top masters gathered, such as the Dongfang Miaoren sisters, such as Fenghuang and others. Similarly, many western masters are also gathered in this place.

In a hidden place of the factory, there were two Westerners standing side by side in the dark watching those people.

One of them looked to be around 40 years old, tall and tall, with bulging muscles, and a strong sense of oppression exuded from his body.

The other one looks about 27 or 1.8 years old. He is a little over [-] meters tall and has a very well-proportioned figure. His long golden hair flutters gently in the breeze. He has an invincible momentum and a noble aura. .

"Isn't he here yet?"

The young man put his hands in his trouser pockets, and asked the burly middle-aged man in a calm tone.

The tall and burly middle-aged man nodded, and said in an inaudible voice: "It should appear when the net is collected."

The pupils of the young man shrank slightly, with a hint of impatience on his face.

He narrowed his eyes and said, "Go and tell those people, regardless of winning or losing, let them make a quick decision. I'm not interested in their plans. If the person I'm waiting for doesn't show up today, I'll screw their heads off."

"I'm afraid those family members will not agree."

The burly middle-aged man shook his head. This plan has been planned for a long time, no matter for the Easterners or those from Western families. They will not let this plan go wrong just because of their own words. .

Even if the person standing in front of him at this moment is someone from the Twilight Land.

"If you don't agree, you will die."

There was a horrified light in the young man's eyes. The last time the family sent people to settle accounts with Wang Chen, they were stopped by a puppy. This was a shame to his family.

This time I did it myself, absolutely not allowing any accidents to happen, if I was delayed in killing Wang Chen because of these people's bullshit plans, ten lives would not be enough to make up for it.

"Nost, you can try it."

After the young man finished speaking, a black shadow suddenly appeared, and a person appeared not far from the two of them.

He looked about 30 years old, wearing a black tuxedo, and he looked at Nost with cold eyes.

Seeing the person who appeared suddenly, the burly middle-aged body tensed up, while Nost looked at him playfully, and said sarcastically: "I didn't expect that your family would not let go of such a thing between the teeth." But, could it be that your family is too poor to get rid of it?"

The man didn't care about Nost's sarcasm at all, he straightened his somewhat sloping collar lightly, and said in a faint tone: "What you want to do in Twilight Land has nothing to do with us, but we I would like to advise you, it is best not to disturb our plan, otherwise I don’t mind taking a trip to the Twilight Land.”

"You can give it a try and see if you can enter the Twilight Land."

Nost sneered, raised his feet and took the burly middle-aged man away, without looking back, he said, "I wish your plan a perfect failure, and I will hold a failure banquet for you at that time."

Seeing Nost leave, the man clenched his fist indiscernibly. At this critical moment, the people from the Twilight Land appearing in this place is not good news for him.

After all, the family of the Twilight Land is very shocking. In this world, there are so few families that can be compared to the Twilight Land family that they can be counted on both hands.

"Hopefully, this plan will not fail."

Whispering in his heart, Wang Chen's figure appeared in his mind, and he immediately gritted his teeth. If it wasn't for the bastard's sudden attack, and he and the others settled down for a while, and calculated carefully, then there was an 80.00% chance that five would win .

But because of Wang Chen's sudden shot, the 80.00% five's chance of winning has been reduced to 50.00%, which means that now he is fighting the Dragon King and the others, and the probability of winning is half to half.

Moreover, this is still the Dragon King's home court, and their chances of winning may not even be 50.00%.

In particular, I felt a sense of panic in my heart, as if I was being watched by some prehistoric beast. If I was a little careless, maybe everything I did today would be picked by others.

In another hidden place in the factory, Xing leaned against the wall, holding the long knife in his arms with both hands, he glanced vaguely in the direction where Nost left, and then at the dazed West standing there. A man with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

He took out his cell phone from his pocket, found Chen's cell phone number, and without any hesitation, quickly sent Chen a text message.

About 10 minutes after his text message was sent, no one came in or out of the factory. In the factory, there were many people densely distributed, and most of them were fighting together.

Xingmao bent his waist, got up slowly, and walked in one direction, and soon he came to a building that was not too high.

He squatted in the center of the roof and looked around. When he saw that there was no movement outside the factory, he frowned slightly.

Taking out his phone again, he sent another text message to Chen and asked, "How's it going?"

Two or three minutes after his text message was sent, Chen replied: "It's ready."

Looking at the text message, Xing didn't hesitate at all. He put the phone in his trouser pocket, sat down by the wall, held the long sword, yawned, closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Perhaps, when I woke up, almost everything had already ended.

While Xing was sleeping, Phoenix in the factory started to attack.

He walked towards a factory building on the right. Many Westerners saw Fenghuang, and when they marveled at her beauty, their hands were unambiguous, and they all attacked Fenghuang.


Looking at the person who was attacking her, Fenghuang uttered two words lightly, her hand slowly stretched out, and a scalpel slipped from her sleeve to her hand.

Tapping her toes lightly on the ground, the phoenix in a big red robe seemed to be dancing lightly, but around her, there were non-stop thumping sounds.

And those who attacked her had traces of blood on their throats.

In less than half a minute, the dancing phoenix disappeared from their sight, and when they came back to their senses, their vitality also slowly dissipated.

Just as Wang Chen said, people who have seen Phoenix fight, except for a few friends who have the closest relationship with her, the rest are dead! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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