Chapter 545
"Oh?" Ji Zheyun looked over calmly, and said calmly, "In this way, I disrupted your original plan, and you are not responsible. Is that what you want to say?".

"No, you are the boss, what you say is the most correct!" Qiao Mu refused, but the meaning on his face showed that you understood correctly.

Ji Zhe suddenly chuckled, and said to the confident Qiao Mu, "One day in the company, he was an employee of our company. He was recruited by you, and the position was also arranged by you. Then I would like to ask this Manager Qiao, what is the current status of the company? Are you in charge?"

"Of course not. I'm just a manager. I don't dare to leapfrog!" Qiao Mu shook his head in a panic. Although he didn't want to admit it, what Ji Zhe said was right.

Ji Zhe counted the table with his fingers, and said with an unpredictable expression, "You have already sat down, so why not dare, since the company entrusts you with the management of the subsidiary, it means that the company trusts and recognizes you as a person!" .

"But! You assigned Su Shangchun to the logistics department to be in charge of the company's allocation department. Do you trust him?" Ji Zhe stared at Qiao Mu and asked word by word.

Qiao Mu's steady breathing gradually became disordered. After putting his hands on his knees, he let go and clenched them back and forth a few times, then said in a deep voice, "At first I trusted him, but then the finance department responded several times, saying that the logistical goods I'm sorry, after investigation all the evidence showed that it was Su Shangchun's hands and feet.

Because he was directly airborne by me, everyone dared not speak out against him. This also caused him to take advantage of his position even more and steal the company's property. That's why I notified the financial accountant of him early. Salary, but I also made up for the lost things, so I repay his favor! ".

"Then if I say that, should I praise Manager Qiao for his righteousness, or should I praise you for your love and righteousness?" Ji Zhe stopped his movements and re-examined the manager in front of him. He couldn't agree with this approach.

Lin Lu listened with horror on his face. He knows so much, will he be put on little shoes in the future!Mom, I'm so scared!
"I know what I did was wrong, so I accept the company's punishment!" When Qiao Mu decided to tell the story, he had already expected such a result. However, although he didn't like Su Shangchun, he couldn't be grateful. Do not report.

Ji Zhe looked at the trees in front of him with an unhappy expression. The surroundings of the three fell into silence for a while, and the air stayed in place. The sweat on Lin Lu's forehead couldn't stop coming out, especially when he heard the sound of the master chopping meat in the kitchen. Bang Bang hit his heart once and for all.

"Punishment is certain. You cover up Su Shangchun, so I have to re-examine whether you are qualified for the position of general manager!" Ji Zheyun calmly seemed to be chatting, but the words in his mouth made the two people on the opposite side , all of them opened their eyes wide in surprise, and looked over in disbelief.

"You don't have to look at me like that, the decision I said won't change!" Ji Zhe stood up after speaking, impatiently saying one more word.

Qiao Mu hurriedly got up, looked at Ji Zhe's turned back, and said loudly, "Thank you boss for saving me face, I know this is already the lightest punishment!".

"It's good that you know, but the results of my investigation will not change. Su Shangchun definitely can't stay. You'd better clean up all the moths in the company!" Ji Zhe strode away after speaking, if he didn't look at Qiao Mu This person still has a little use, and he will never tolerate this time.

Qiao Mu watched Ji Zhe walk away for the rest of his life, looked down at Lin Lu who was still sitting still, and asked, "Still sitting still, do you want to stay here for dinner?".

"Manager, give me a hand, I can't get up, my legs are weak!" Lin Lu stretched out his hand to Qiao Mu, explaining the predicament he was in in an astonishing way.

Qiao Mu was stunned for a moment and then laughed out loud. He was still a little confused about what Lin Lu heard just now, but now it disappeared, "Then you sit here, so that I can be in your light, Another dinner!"

"Manager, don't laugh at me. Talk to the boss a few more words. If I'm not sick, I'll be sick!" Lin Lu saw that Qiao Mu didn't intend to help, and he didn't care about the relationship between them. Grabbing the hem of Qiao Mu's clothes, he stood up and walked out with stiff legs.

Qiao Mu looked back at the boss who was lowering his head to coax his wife, the corner of his mouth twitched in horror, followed Lin Lu, and couldn't help but gossip, "That is our future boss wife?".

"What do you think?" Lin Lu threw a look at you, are you stupid, and asked Qiao Mu immediately before he got angry, "Our boss has been nesting on this hill because of this girl, do you think it is the boss's wife? ".

"Aren't these elders and young masters all so unique in their tastes? Wouldn't it be better to find a woman who is not stained by mud, and find a suitable elder lady?" Qiao Mu recalled Yu Zhen's smiling face, and his tone was sour opening.

Lin Lu glanced around, and after making sure no one was paying attention, he followed up gossiping in a low voice, "Our boss seems to be the young master of an aristocratic family, and he came here because of our lady boss, and they are already engaged, and the wedding will be held on May [-]st!" .

"Really? Where did you get so many gossips!" Qiao Mu couldn't help looking at the manager of the HR department thinking about it. He had contacted the boss more times than the general manager. Menqing, will he still be the boss in the future?

Lin Lu took a glance from the corner of his eye, and knew that what he said violated a taboo, so he quickly pretended not to see the explanation, "These are Su Shangchun who asked me to intercede, and he also heard from his wife, who is our boss's cousin. , The news that such a relationship knows cannot be false, right?"

"That's right, alas, Su Shangchun is also a fool. Such a good nepotism can be ruined, and it will be like this in this life!" Qiao Mu became angry when he mentioned Su Shangchun. Not only was he dismissed, but he also lost his position. Save.

Lin Lu also nodded. If he could have such a blessing, he would wake up laughing from his dreams. Now that Su Shangchun is so lucky, he doesn't know how to cherish it.

"That's right, you didn't go there yesterday, you didn't see how dishonest Su Shangchun's cooking was. He gave his wife's natal family an overnight meal, and his relatives were all the most expensive banquets. How could we expect our boss to be there.

And the one who got angry first was the proprietress' mother, that is, his wife's aunt! "Lin Lu gossips with Qiao Mu as he walks. Along the way, he automatically regards the general manager as a brother in need, and unconsciously gets close to him.

 Am I very diligent today?Haha, only ticket rewards are accepted!

(End of this chapter)

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