Chapter 565 Duplicity
"I know, I know! I will stick to it until the pot is boiled!" The chopsticks in Yu Zhen's hands were unconsciously stirring the dipping sauce, and his eyes were fixed on the bottom of the soup, which made Ji Zhe wonder if she would bear it. Can't help but drink the soup base directly.

Ji Zhe couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, and his subordinates kept putting the easy-to-cook hot dishes on hand, waiting for the bottom of the pot to boil.

Fortunately, the service in the store is still very good. While waiting for the hot pot, there are also fruits and snacks, so Yu Zhen doesn't have to wait too hard for his mouth.

"Don't eat too much watermelon, your stomach won't be able to take it if you eat spicy food later!" Ji Zhe looked up and saw that Yu Zhen was gnawing on the watermelon like a little squirrel.

Yu Zhen nodded indiscriminately, but he still didn't put down the watermelon in his hand, and his eyes that had been staring at the bottom of the pot suddenly lit up, "Okay, you can put the meat in!".

"I saw it!" Ji Zhe petted with a smile, and after seeing Yu Zhen's movements, he hurriedly stopped, "Don't put too much meat at once, put some vegetables first, it will cook faster!".

"No need, just put the meat directly, I don't eat vegetables!" Yu Zhen waved his hand grandly, put down the watermelon in his hand, wiped his hands and waited for the meat.

Ji Zhe looked at all the meat in the pot, and his heart beat suddenly, "You can't do this!".

Despite Ji Zhe's repeated obstruction, Yu Zhen still sat on the stool with a round belly, feeling satisfied, "I'm so full, I will definitely gain three catties after this meal!".

"You still eat so much meat for fear of getting fat. When did you learn the problem of being a picky eater?" Ji Zhe helped Yu Zhen put the juice at hand, and looked at Yu Zhen who was lazy like a cat with a smile on his face.

Yu Zhen raised his hand to pick up the juice and drank it in small sips. There was not much space in his stomach. He immediately looked up at Ji Zhe and said curiously, "I'm not picky eaters, but I just don't like food occasionally. Where are we going later?" ah?".

"Listen to you, we will go wherever you say!" Ji Zhe directly handed over the decision-making power to Yu Zhen, anyway all his time now is for Yu Zhen to prepare.

Yu Zhen opened his eyes wide in surprise, and after confirming that Ji Zhe was not lying, he immediately said with glowing eyes, "Since you listen to me, shall we go shopping? Let's help you buy clothes!".

Ji Zhe raised his eyebrows suspiciously, and then quickly looked down at the clothes on his body. It was so loose and unconvincing, it was okay to wear it occasionally, but he always felt weird if he wore it like this every day.

"I don't need it, just let's go buy clothes for you!" Ji Zhe decisively chose to refuse, looking at Yu Zhen's flattering opening.

Yu Zhen directly ignored Ji Zhe's protest, stood up, pulled Ji Zhe up and walked out, saying, "No matter who you buy it for, just follow me!".

"Okay, okay, I listen to you, you can go wherever you say!" Ji Zhe stood up following Yu Zhen's strength, and immediately pulled him into his arms, rubbing Yu Zhen's head unconsciously, and raised his leg Get out of the box.

After an afternoon of sweeping, when Yu Zhen and Ji Zhe returned home, they were full of rewards. Ji Zhe's hands were full of clothes, and Yu Zhen's hands were also full of snacks.

After a few days of their leisurely life, they were notified by Ji's mother to take wedding photos. Unlike when they were engaged, this time the selection of the scene was available both at home and abroad, so Yu Zhen and Ji Zhe had to fly around .

For half a month, Yu Zhen and Ji Zhe were constantly trying on dresses, taking pictures and choosing scenes. When the wedding photo shooting was over, they had just got off the plane and before they had time to rest, they were caught by Ji's mother. A call came back.

"Mom, why are you so anxious? Is grandpa back?" Yu Zhen leaned sideways on Ji Zhe's shoulder, closed his eyes and meditated, and said, although he was a little tired for a while, but thinking of finally completing this matter, he felt in his heart But much easier.

Ji Zhe patted Yu Zhen's hand reassuringly, quickly recalled Ji's mother's tone of voice, and said in a deep voice, "Grandpa won't be back until a few days later, Mom is in such a hurry to let us go back, it should be a visitor at home!" .

"Guest? Is it someone important?" Yu Zhen raised his head, asked Ji Zhe in confusion, and carefully recalled it in his mind. Except for the people in the compound, she had never seen him before. The Ji family has relatives visiting.

Ji Zhe hesitated for a moment, then shook his head, and said in a flat voice, "I don't know, probably not!".

"That's good!" Yu Zhen felt relieved, "As long as it's not someone important, otherwise I'll scare people with my listless look!".

Ji Zhe's eyebrows twitched, and the corner of his mouth curled up to suggest, "I think you may not want to meet people in your current state."

"Why? I'm not a rival in love, why should I pay attention to my dress!" Yu Zhen leaned on Ji Zhe's shoulder again indifferently, his voice stopped suddenly, and he looked at Ji Zhe in astonishment again and said, "No Is it a love rival?"

"It's very likely, so you need us to find a hotel first and freshen up?" Ji Zhe looked at Yu Zhen's vivid expression with a playful smile on his lips.

Yu Zhen glanced suspiciously at Ji Zhe's face, then shook his head firmly, "No need, just go home, my sister is very confident in her appearance, even so, she will crush those rouges A street of vulgar fans!".

The smile on the corner of Ji Zhe's mouth froze, and he looked at Yu Zhen again in disbelief, watching her proudly lift her small chin, and mess up her hair with itchy hands, "Who are you talking about sister?".

"I just said it casually. If you don't want to call my sister, just pretend you didn't hear it!" Yu Zhen waved his hand indifferently. Although he said he didn't care, he still sat up and took out the small Looking into the mirror, carefully arranging her hair.

Ji Zhe watched Yu Zhen's series of actions with wide eyes, and said in surprise, "Isn't your duplicity too serious?".

"Where is my duplicity?" Yu Zhen tidied up her hair, blew a kiss to herself in the mirror in satisfaction, turned her head to look at Ji Zhe's serious explanation, "I call it respecting people, and let others see an eye-catching Me, not a hot-eyed me!".

"You are always reasonable!" Ji Zhe has already figured out Yu Zhen's routine, but when she occasionally does not follow the routine, he will still look at her in a daze.

Yu Zhen curled his lips unconvinced, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with him, he looked at Ji Zheqiao and said with a smile, "Speak! Which of your little lovers is here!".

"What little lover? Don't talk nonsense!" Ji Zhe's forehead couldn't help beating wildly, why did he feel like he was on fire.

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(End of this chapter)

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