Chapter 103 Ye Feixue's Abnormality
Ning Yang remembered that Ye Feixue said that there was a mysterious woman in her body. At that time, Ning Yang guessed that the woman in Ye Feixue's body was a kind of soul.

In addition, Xiao Hei has a special talent for the soul, so seeing Xiao Hei's appearance, Ning Yang is even more sure that the woman in Ye Feixue's body is a soul.

While Ning Yang was thinking, Ye Feixue was so frightened to hide on Ning Yang when she saw Xiao Hei's appearance: "Ah! What kind of dog is this? Why is it so fierce? Is it going to bite me?"

Seeing Ye Feixue tightly clutching her arm and leaning against her in fright, Ning Yang looked at Li Ziqi, and seeing that she didn't look jealous, she said, "I warned it, it must be Won't bite you, but it looks annoyed at you, which means you're a freak."

However, as soon as Ning Yang finished speaking, he found that Xiao Hei jumped out of Li Ziqi's arms, pretending to bite Ye Feixue.

Ning Yang has black lines all over his head, he has always slapped others in the face, but he did not expect to be slapped in the face by a dog today.

"Ah! Ning Yang, didn't you say that it won't bite me? It's here, save me." Ye Feixue was so frightened that she threw herself on Ning Yang, and tightly hugged Ning Yang's waist with both hands. Ning Yang's neck and legs were clamped around Ning Yang's waist.

Ning Yang felt the soft touch coming from his body, and he couldn't help reacting. Seeing Li Ziqi again, he pretended not to see it, and turned his head away.

Immediately, Ning Yang shouted to Xiao Hei: "Xiao Hei, didn't I tell you not to bite? Why are you disobedient?"

Only then did Xiao Hei restrain himself a little, a little aggrieved and groaned a few times, but looking at Ye Feixue, he still looked hostile.

"Okay, it won't bite you anymore, come down quickly." Ning Yang said to Ye Feixue with some embarrassment.

Ye Feixue still hugged Ning Yang's neck tightly: "I don't, you let it go away, this dog is too fierce, I don't want to see it again, you let it go away before I go down."

"Men and women don't know each other, sister." Ning Yang shook his head helplessly, and then gave orders to Xiao Hei, "Xiao Hei, go away and stay in the arms of your mistress."

Xiao Hei wagged his tail, not intending to do what Ning Yang said.

"You son of a bitch, why are you so disobedient?" Ning Yang felt that he was too embarrassed. As Xiao Hei's master, Xiao Hei didn't listen to the orders issued by him. Ning Yang felt that it was too disrespectful to want this dog. I lost face, and some thought about whether to return it to the system or not.

"Xiao Hei, come here quickly." Li Ziqi waved to Xiao Hei and shouted.

Xiao Hei turned his head and glanced at Li Ziqi, hesitantly.

At this moment, Ye Feixue, who was on Ning Yang's body, suddenly jumped off Ning Yang's body, and immediately changed into a face. The whole person's face was extremely cold, and he shouted coldly: "Get out!"

In an instant, the whole room was like a blizzard, and the temperature dropped by more than ten degrees in an instant.

"Ah~" Xiao Hei lost his temper in fright when Ye Feixue shouted, and rubbed his tail between Li Ziqi's legs behind him, looking extremely scared of Ye Feixue.

Li Ziqi was also startled by Ye Feixue's drink, and looked at Ye Feixue as if she didn't recognize her: "Xiaoxue, what's wrong with you?"

Moreover, the temperature in the room dropped, making Li Ziqi shiver involuntarily, as if it was winter.

"You're not Xiaoxue!" Ning Yang was shocked when he saw Ye Feixue whose temperament had changed drastically.

Ye Feixue looked at Ning Yang, sneered and didn't answer. Ye Feixue trembled and returned to her original appearance: "What's wrong? Why are you all looking at me?"

At this time, the temperature of the room returned to normal.

Ning Yang looked at Ye Feixue's appearance, secretly thinking about the upper body of a ghost?No, it should be spirit possession.

There is a woman's soul in Ye Feixue's body. In the scene just now, it must be that woman who possessed Ye Feixue, otherwise Ye Feixue would not have such a big change.

Moreover, Ning Yang couldn't help being surprised that this woman could actually adjust the temperature, at least the fifth-level strength of the Qi refining stage.

"Xiaoxue, you looked so scary just now, you seem to be a different person." Seeing that Ye Feixue seemed to have returned to normal, Li Ziqi cautiously stepped forward and said.

Ye Feixue was startled, then her eyes kept rolling, and she thought to herself, "I just changed?"The woman inside me must have done it. '

But she remembered what the woman said, and she was not allowed to say it, after all, she said: "No, I am still me, what changed me, did you read it wrong?"

Listening to Ye Feixue's answer, Ning Yang naturally knew that Ye Feixue was lying. Li Ziqi is an ordinary person who can't tell, so why can't he see it?And the inexplicable sneer of that woman just now made Ning Yang startled.

Is this woman good or bad?
Moreover, why did she suddenly possess Ye Feixue? Wasn't she sealed by that Taoist priest?Could it be that the Taoist priest's seal has failed, so this woman's spirit has now awakened?

Ning Yang couldn't figure it out, and with Ye Feixue's appearance of lying, Ning Yang felt that it must be the woman who didn't let Ye Feixue tell the truth, otherwise, according to Ye Feixue's temperament, she couldn't hold back any secrets.

However, Ning Yang didn't intend to expose Ye Feixue's lies. He knew that the woman would definitely possess Ye Feixue again. When the time comes, he will ask carefully to confirm whether the woman is good or bad, and everything will be clear. .

"Hey, this dog doesn't yell at me anymore, it seems to be very afraid of me now?" Ye Feixue looked at Xiao Hei who was hiding behind Li Ziqi in shock, and asked in surprise.

Immediately, Ye Feixue rolled her eyes and ran towards Xiao Hei. Xiao Hei was so frightened that she ran away from behind Li Ziqi and hid behind the sofa. Me, are you afraid now? See how I bully you. "

Immediately, Ye Feixue started a dog-chasing fight very naively, chasing Xiao Hei around the house.

Looking at this freak girl, Ning Yang only felt an extreme headache.

After taking a shower, Ning Yang went to Li Ziqi's room, and saw Li Ziqi lying on the bed, teasing Xiao Hei under the bed with a tissue, while Ye Feixue had already gone back to sleep, Xiao Hei was chased by Ye Feixue for a long time, Even though Ye Feixue was no longer outside, it was too frightened to hide in Li Ziqi's room, not daring to go out again.

Seeing Ning Yang coming in, Li Ziqi said, "What happened to Xiaoxue just now? Ning Yang, tell me the truth, you must know something."

Ning Yang sat on the bed, hugged Li Ziqi lightly and said, "The less you know, the better for you, you better not ask, anyway, you just need to know that your man, me, and Xiaoxue are not ordinary people. "

"Forget it, I'm going to sleep." Li Ziqi turned over and lay down, pretending to sleep with her back to Ning Yang.

Ning Yang stretched out his hand and shook Li Ziqi's arm: "Miss, I miss that."

"Last night, and once again in the bar this afternoon, haven't you had enough? Don't touch me." Li Ziqi opened Ning Yang's hand.

Ning Yang secretly said that I am also very helpless, there is fire in my body, my brain does not want to, and my body does not agree.

Ning Yang rushed forward with a stern face, hugged Li Ziqi and said, "Yo? Did Xiaoxue hug me tonight, are you jealous?"

Li Ziqi curled her mouth: "How dare I, she is your little lover, I'm just your little four, and the eldest and second wife didn't make a sound, how dare I be jealous?"

Ning Yang's face was full of black lines: "Who told you that Xiaoxue is my little lover? Oh, I see, did you always think that I was taking care of her? Well, you, so you still have such small thoughts. "

"Ah~ don't touch my clothes~"

"Just once, take it off."

The next day, when Ning Yang was going to Dongzhou University, he received a call from Bai Lufei. Bai Lufei said that the construction site can really start normally, and the machines are back to normal. He said that he is very grateful to Ning Yang and so on.

"You don't need to thank you, just treat it as a favor I owe you." Ning Yang suddenly felt a special gaze behind him, and immediately hung up the phone, "I won't tell you, I have something to do." Son."

Ning Yang looked behind him, but frowned, and found that there was no strange person, so he couldn't help thinking: "Is it because I'm insane?I clearly felt a gaze looking at me just now, and this gaze was extremely hot. '

However, apart from those passers-by behind him, Ning Yang didn't see anyone who could attract his attention.

Shaking his head, Ning Yang walked into the gate of Dongzhou University.

"It's interesting, I can actually sense my existence." A figure in a red robe appeared from nowhere, standing in Ning Yang's original position, looking like a coquettish young man.

"I'm not in a hurry to deal with you for the time being. I'll meet you when I get that demon sword."

After the words fell, the boy's figure disappeared in a blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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