Chapter 124 He Yiming begged for mercy

This sudden scene made the members of Hualong Pavilion somewhat unresponsive.

Looking at Yu Tianyi who was trampled by Ning Yang, the criminal team and the others were silent and watched coldly, no one dared to come up to speak for Yu Tianyi.

Even Yu Tianyi's little uncle He Yiming, seeing Yu Tianyi talking to Ning Yang like that, couldn't help thinking that Yu Tianyi is really stupid, Ning Yang has shown such strength, and still going to provoke Ning Yang, this is not to die, but What?
So seeing Yu Tianyi being trampled under Ning Yang's feet, he could only do nothing to help him, unwilling to stand up for Yu Tianyi.

Not to mention Qian Zhiru, who already hated Yu Tianyi, so seeing Ning Yang stepping on him, Qian Zhiru didn't have the slightest sympathy for Yu Tianyi, and even thought it was Yu Tianyi's own fault.

But now, when everyone heard Ning Yang say that he wanted to settle a settlement with Yu Tianyi, they all pricked up their ears and listened.

I saw Ning Yang slowly said: "Speaking of this account, we have to count from the first time we met. The woman you covet me is not only hostile to me, she seems to greet me in a friendly way When shaking hands, I exerted a faint force, and I didn't care about you at the time, so I didn't exert any force, making you think that I was an ordinary person, easy to bully."

"Then when you and Qian Zhiru were going to rescue the hostages from the Dongying people, after Qian Zhiru drove away first, you deliberately drove your car to play the trick of burning tires in front of me, making me covered in dust, That's why I chose not to help you Hualong Pavilion take down the Dongying people and let them go."

Hearing this, the criminal team looked at Yu Tianyi one after another, with a hint of anger in surprise.

No wonder Ning Yang would do that at the time, and he also said that it was because some people played tricks on him to make him choose not to get involved in their Hualong Pavilion affairs.

At that time, they didn't know who the person Ning Yang was talking about, but now, besides Yu Tianyi, who else?

So when they knew that it was Yu Tianyi who caused the relationship between Ning Yang and Hualong Pavilion to deteriorate so much, they couldn't help looking at Yu Tianyi, and they were a little angry. Yu Tianyi had already aroused public anger and became the target of public criticism.

If it wasn't for Ning Yang stepping on him now, the criminal squad would probably come up and reprimand Yu Tianyi. He actually offended a master like Ning Yang. membership of the cabinet.

If it wasn't for Yu Tianyi, then Ning Yang would probably stand by their side of Hualong Pavilion because of Qian Zhiru's relationship, and even become their friend.

But because of Yu Tianyi's actions, they lost such a powerful friend, and almost misunderstood Ning Yang, thinking that Ning Yang was deliberately against Hualong Pavilion, which made the criminal team feel a little bit guilty towards Ning Yang, and put their hearts on Ning Yang. The misunderstanding of Ning Yang was resolved.

Facing Ning Yang's words, Yu Tianyi's expression was extremely ugly, but he didn't refute, obviously acquiescing.

Immediately afterwards, Ning Yang said again: "I kicked you for using these small tricks, and I will treat it as equal with you, but you still want to fight against me, and you plan to let He Yiming deal with me, you This kind of behavior is not the behavior of a villain, what is it? Then, let’s settle this matter properly? I’m here now, you ask He Yiming to take action and see if you can deal with me.”

Hearing this, He Yiming was sweating profusely. Yu Tianyi did ask him to do this matter, and he did agree. It's a pity that he failed to deal with Ning Yang that night, and even planned to continue to deal with Ning Yang after subduing the Demon Sword. But now that he has seen Ning Yang's strength, how can he dare to deal with Ning Yang? It is not bad if he is not beaten to death by Ning Yang, and immediately said: "Mr. Ning Ning, we are wrong about this matter, I apologize to you .”

Ning Yang turned his head and glanced at He Yiming, and said coldly: "Shut up first, you don't need to make amends for this matter, I want to settle accounts with Yu Tianyi now, you lead Muramasa Yizhu to Qian Zhiru and let me replace you I will settle the account with you later."

'Congratulations to the host for successfully pretending to be coercive, and get three points of pretentiousness. '

He Yiming's expression was ugly, and he felt that his whole body was going limp. Ning Yang would not give up easily when the secret passage was over, so he looked at Yu Tianyi, wishing he could peel Yu Tianyi alive. Yu Tianyi was the culprit of everything. Tianyi, if Yu Tianyi hadn't provoked Ning Yang first, and Yu Tianyi hadn't asked him to deal with Ning Yang, how could he have provoked Ning Yang?
He Yiming has already decided that after this incident, he must completely sever ties with Yu Tianyi, and even let the He family give up the Yu family as a subsidiary family, and let the He family try not to conflict with the Qian family in the future, because Qian Zhiru is now with Ning Yang's relationship is unusual, and there is no doubt that Ning Yang will help Qianjia in the future.

With a helper like Ning Yang in the Qian family, how would their He family dare to fight with the Qian family in the future?

Even, I'm afraid that Qianban province will become Qianquan province in the future.

At this time, Yu Tianyi was already in a state of isolation and betrayal, he trembled and said slowly: "Ning Yang, you are so ruthless, you purposely said all this, just to make me be hostile by everyone, let everyone Everyone can't help me, and then you let me die in despair, right? Then come on, you kill me, you are powerful, and I am worthy of death at your hands."

"Hehe! Want to die? It's not so easy. The real despair is not death, but having no hope for the future life. Life is worse than death. I think you should try this kind of life. Our score is here. It's time to pay."

After Ning Yang finished speaking, he moved away the foot that was stepping on Yu Tianyi, then stretched out his hand to grab Yu Tianyi from the ground with magic power, then raised his hand and hit the Douluo Huagong hand, only to hear the crackling sound of bones, Yu Tianyi Tianyi wailed in pain, feeling as though all the bones in his body had shifted, and his strength gradually weakened, as if his martial arts had disappeared.

"I abolished your martial arts and your hands and feet. This account is over. If you want to settle accounts with me, just go back and let your Yu family come to me, or let Hualong Pavilion send stronger experts to deal with it." Me, I, Ning Yang, took it together."

After finishing speaking, Ning Yang threw Yu Tianyi, who was like a dead dog, to the ground.

'Congratulations to the host for pretending to be a domineering force, and get five points for acting forceful. '

Looking at this scene, everyone felt that their scalps were numb. Ning Yang's treatment of Yu Tianyi was extremely domineering and cruel, but no one dared to say anything, and even looked at Ning Yang even more frightened.

In fact, Ning Yang's methods were relatively light, it would be good if he didn't beat Yu Tianyi into a vegetable.

You know, Yu Tianyi had been cursing Ning Yang to be killed before, even fantasizing that after Ning Yang suffered both defeats, he would ravage Ning Yang and make Ning Yang die a horrible death.

It's a pity that he was the one who was ravaged in the end. This is called karma, and he can't blame anyone.

Ning Yang has always said that, if people don't offend me, I won't offend others.

If you offend me, I will do something for you severely.

At this time, Yu Tianyi saw that Ning Yang was in complete despair and lost his martial arts. Not only would he be kicked out of Hualong Pavilion, but he would also be thrown into limbo when he returned to Yu's house. Even He Yiming didn't dare to touch Ning Yang. Knowing that the little Yu family, who is willing to take the lead against Ning Yang for him, so he no longer has any thoughts of dealing with Ning Yang.

This is Shengsheng being convinced by Ning Yang.

If he had realized earlier that he could not provoke Ning Yang and had been convinced earlier, he might not have ended up so miserable.

It's just that there are no ifs in the world, so when he thought of this, his eyes darkened and he fainted from the pain.

At this time, Ning Yang slowly turned around and looked at He Yiming: "This big man from Hualong Pavilion, Mr. He Yiming, now, it's your turn to settle accounts with me."

Hearing Ning Yang's words, He Yiming, who had been trembling all the time, shook his body and knelt down in front of Ning Yang, completely disregarding his status as a so-called big man in front of these Hualong Pavilion members, he only asked Ning Yang to spare him.

He didn't want to be like Yu Tianyi, whose strength was abolished by Ning Yang.

The entire He family is supported by him. If he loses his strength, the He family will lose its pillar. By then, many enemies of the He family will come directly to the door and take down their He family in Jiangnan Province. All the family business is scraped off.

Compared with Qianjia's foundation, He Yiming's face is nothing.

Moreover, cultivators are respected by the strong, and Ning Yang, as a strong man, if placed in the previous cultivation world, would be a master-like existence. Kneeling to the master belongs to the rules of etiquette, and it belongs to the disciple's respect for the master. It's not a shame either.

So He Yiming knelt down very sincerely and with great effort.

Ning Yang looked at He Yiming's attitude with satisfaction, nodded and said: "It's a good attitude for you to abandon your face and beg for mercy first, but I still have to punish you to some extent."

He Yiming was taken aback, but he didn't dare to say anything, he could only kowtow and beg for mercy: "As long as Mr. Ning doesn't abolish my cultivation, He Yiming is willing to go through fire and water for Mr. Ning."

(End of this chapter)

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