Chapter 15
Besides, Ning Yang left Xinglin Hotel, seeing that it was almost noon, he did not go back to Aunt Wang's house, and after sending a message to Aunt Wang that he would not go back for dinner, Ning Yang found a small restaurant outside to eat.

Not long after eating, Ning Yang received a call from Aunt Wang, saying that Lin Xiaoxiao had left a note saying that she had run away from home.

Ning Yang secretly thought that this Lin Xiaoxiao must have lost her temper again, so while reassuring Aunt Wang not to worry, she said that she would look for it herself.

After hanging up with Aunt Wang, Ning Yang tried to dial Lin Xiaoxiao's phone, but was hung up after a few rings.

In a western restaurant, a man and two women are dining.

"Xiaoxiao, whose call is it? Why did you hang up without answering it?" A young woman with light makeup asked the pretty woman beside her suspiciously.

Lin Xiaoxiao said angrily: "Who else is there, that country bumpkin who failed in Beidiao, who knows why he is looking for me, I just don't bother to talk to him."

"It's that bumpkin who always makes your mother scold you. Xiaoxiao, your mother is really, and she's not her own son. Why do you care so much about him? She doesn't treat you like her own daughter anymore." The light-makeup woman said a little The way of fanning the flames.

Lin Xiaoxiao curled her lips and looked at her best friend: "That's why I have to run away from home. My dad is the company every day, and my mother always scolds me at home. I'm too annoying to stay there. Zi Yan, I'll go first Stay with you for a few days."

Zhang Ziyan nodded: "I want to stay as long as I want, but didn't that bumpkin call you just now? Since he always provokes your mother to scold you, how about we fix him up."

"Treat him?" Lin Xiaoxiao hesitated, "How to punish him."

Zhang Ziyan looked at the man across the table: "Li Mu, think of a few ideas."

The man called Li Mu is in his early 20s, tall and thin, a little handsome, his father opened a leather factory, and his family assets are 2000 million. He is a second-generation rich man, and he is Zhang Ziyan's boyfriend.

"That's not easy. With my means, it's easy to kill him. In this way, Xiaoxiao, you call first and call him over." Li Mu said with a smirk.

For this kind of country bumpkin, Li Mu is more confident in the way to deal with it. There were many people who pursued Zhang Ziyan at the beginning, but he used many methods to make those poor boys play around and let them dispel their thoughts about Zhang Ziyan. Boy, he even found someone to beat him up, and his legs were almost broken.

Because the family has money, Li Mu paid some medical expenses casually. Li Mu is still at ease now. He is naturally very happy when he hears that he is going to punish someone. Xiaoxiao had no intention of refusing, and secretly thought in her heart that she would take care of that bumpkin for a while, so as to win Lin Xiaoxiao's favor.

In fact, his ultimate goal is not Zhang Ziyan, but Lin Xiaoxiao. Although Zhang Ziyan is quite good-looking, she is still three points behind Lin Xiaoxiao.

It's just that Lin Xiaoxiao had a boyfriend back then, so in order to get close to Lin Xiaoxiao, he had to start with Zhang Ziyan first. Now that Lin Xiaoxiao was single again, he thought about it again, and planned to have two boats together.

Li Mu became even more excited when he thought of being able to be lucky with these two beauties on the bed at the same time, thinking that he must behave well in a while and treat that poor boy well.

After listening to Li Mu's words, Lin Xiaoxiao hesitated a little, but when she thought that her mother always scolded her because of this bumpkin, she suddenly became angry and called Ning Yang: "Hello!"

"Aberton Western Restaurant? Okay, I'll be there later." Although Lin Xiaoxiao was wondering why Lin Xiaoxiao hung up on her phone and called him again to ask him to go to the Western Restaurant to find him, Ning Yang didn't want Aunt Wang to be there for Lin Xiaoxiao. Worried, I might as well go there first, and find a way to bring Lin Xiaoxiao back.

After taking a taxi, Ning Yang asked the driver to drive to Aberton Western Restaurant.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the western restaurant, Ning Yang saw a group of three people coming out of the restaurant. Ning Yang went up to greet him: "Lin Xiaoxiao, your mother said that you ran away from home, so don't play your temper so that Aunt Wang won't be worried. I'll go back."

"What does it matter to you? Who are you Xiaoxiao? Why do you let Xiaoxiao go back with you." Before Lin Xiaoxiao could speak, Zhang Ziyan at the side spoke for Lin Xiaoxiao first, her words were aggressive.

Ning Yang frowned, but didn't want to argue with her too much, just looked at Lin Xiaoxiao, but seeing that Lin Xiaoxiao didn't respond at all, she obviously acquiesced to Zhang Ziyan's words.

Seeing this, Li Mu deliberately showed off and said, "Let's go to a high-end club later. Let me tell you, this club is not ordinary. If you want to go in, you need to spend at least 10 yuan to get a card, and most people spend money to pay you back. It can’t be done, my friend knows Mr. Bai from that club, so it can be done, he’s having a party in it now, and he can let us go in for free.”

"A card costs [-] yuan? Can't you do it if you have money? Tsk tsk tsk." Zhang Ziyan couldn't help slamming her lips. They are all second-generation rich people. Although they have some money in their hands, they can spend one hundred thousand at a time. They are still a bit reluctant to apply for a card.

But when she heard that her boyfriend could bring them in for free, Zhang Ziyan hugged Li Mu's neck coquettishly and said, "Husband, you are so amazing that you can meet such friends, then let's go."

Li Mu agreed, and looked at Ning Yang proudly. Seeing Ning Yang's casual attire, he became even more disdainful: "Xiao Xiao doesn't plan to go back yet, how about this, you go with us first, when we have had enough fun , Xiaoxiao will go back naturally."

Lin Xiaoxiao understood that Li Mu wanted to punish Ning Yang, so she said, "I'll go back when I'm done playing, why don't you come with me?"

Ning Yang thought for a while, since there is nothing to do now, let's go with him first, of course he didn't want to play, he just thought that Lin Xiaoxiao would go back with him after playing as she said, and he didn't plan to go there What club, just wait for her outside.

I saw Lin Xiaoxiao got into her Mustang sports car, but Zhang Ziyan sat in the co-pilot in no time. Lin Xiaoxiao's car only had two seats, and there were no more seats.

Li Mu on the side took out a car key, walked towards a BMW Z4, and was about to get in the car, when he suddenly turned his head and looked at Ning Yang proudly: "If you want to go with us, you don't seem to have a car? I'm a bit of a clean freak, I don't like other people riding in my car, so you should find a way to keep up with us, the destination is Tianyu Clubhouse."

Ning Yang looked at Li Mu's trick, and couldn't help laughing secretly. Looking at Lin Xiaoxiao, she didn't intend to refute, and she roughly understood what was going on.

Playing with himself together, Ning Yang looked at Lin Xiaoxiao and felt that there was no cure, she was a completely brain-dead girl, but it was a pity that Fade Chen still liked her, and even fought black fists for her.

If it weren't for Chen Fei's ability to be considered relatively strong among ordinary people, ordinary people would probably have died in the boxing ring long ago.

The humming car engine roared, Li Mu drove his own car, and led Lin Xiaoxiao and the others away quickly, leaving only Ning Yang standing where he was.

In the car, Li Mu followed Zhang Ziyan's phone call and said, "This is just the first step. If this idiot really follows, let's continue to punish him."

Ning Yang didn't leave, but hailed a taxi and asked the driver to go to the Tianyu club that Li Mu mentioned.

Ning Yang won't let it go when Li Mu puts him in a position.

Ning Yang has never been the only one who can pretend to be aggressive in front of others, and no one has ever been able to run away after pretending to be aggressive in front of Ning Yang.

To put it plainly, Ning Yang is looking to get back his position.

Let's say that Li Mu took Lin Xiaoxiao and his two daughters to a high-end club, Li Mu got off the driveway: "I've already called my friend, he will come out to pick us up in a while."

This Tianyu clubhouse is a high-end clubhouse, and they cannot enter without a membership card, so Li Mu and the others had no choice but to wait here first, and let his friends take them in.

At this time, Lin Xiaoxiao said: "I just sent a message to that bumpkin, asking if he followed, and he actually took a taxi and followed."

"It's better to keep up, let's see how I continue to punish him later." Li Mu smiled coldly.

After a while, a young man wearing fashionable clothes and sunglasses came out of the clubhouse. Li Mu saw this man and immediately shouted: "Brother Qian Wu, you are here."

After Qian Wu saw Li Mu, he pointed to the guards and Li Mu and the other three, then walked over and said, "Xiao Mu, why did you come here? Hey, he also brought two beauties, Xiao Mu, you can do it."

Li Mu quickly introduced to Qian Wu: "Brother Wu, this is my girlfriend Zhang Ziyan, and this is her best friend Lin Xiaoxiao."

"Oh, welcome." Qian Wu stared at Lin Xiaoxiao with lecherous eyes, making Lin Xiaoxiao feel uncomfortable.

On the contrary, Zhang Ziyan looked familiar, Brother Qian Wu shouted very affectionately, and then she couldn't wait to go in.

"Wait Brother Qian Wu, there is another person." Li Mu's mouth curled into a smirk.

"Oh? Who else is there?" Qian Wu was slightly puzzled.

"A bumpkin, brother Qian Wu will help me take good care of him later." Li Mu gave Qian Wu a look.

Qian Wuxin understood, he already understood what Li Mu was going to do, and he had cooperated with Li Mu a lot in this kind of thing.

After a while, the taxi taken by Ning Yang arrived slowly. Ning Yang got out of the car and looked at Li Mu and the others who seemed to be waiting for him. Ning Yang walked over unhurriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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