The strongest comprehension

Chapter 27 Hualong Pavilion

Chapter 27 Hualong Pavilion

As if the sound of bubbles being punctured, Qianyun Mountain's long-blocked internal force was directly dissolved into pieces under Ning Yang's last palm, combined with the resonance impact from the eight extraordinary meridians.

Qian Yunshan opened his mouth suddenly, as if hiccupping, a wave erupted from his throat, and then disappeared in mid-air.

After the hiccup, Qian Yunshan only felt his whole body lighten up, his Qi and blood began to flow non-stop, and his complexion improved obviously.

Qian Yunshan tried to use his internal force, and found that there was no barrier, and he was able to swim through the eight extraordinary meridians very smoothly.

"I..." Qian Yunshan's voice trembled, "I'm healed, I'm finally healed."

Qian Yunshan's eyes turned rosy involuntarily, he was so excited that he wanted to cry.

After so many days and nights of waiting, finally this day came.

This feeling of rebirth is really great.

"Mr. Ning." Qian Yunshan finally couldn't help but shed tears. Unlike Liu Zhongwu, he was crying tears of gratitude from the bottom of his heart, "Thank you, Mr. Ning, thank you so much."

"Saving the dying and healing the wounded is the responsibility of my generation of monks. It's just a little effort. Chairman Qian doesn't need to be too excited." Ning Yang smiled slightly.

'Congratulations to the host for pretending to be a noble pretense, and get five pretense points. '

Boss Zhu on the side smiled awkwardly, and secretly thought that if you hadn't asked me for 1000 million, I would have almost believed your nonsense.

"Since you are well now, I have fulfilled my promise to Qian Zhiru, so I will leave first." Ning Yang said.

Qian Yunshan was taken aback immediately, and hurriedly said: "Mr. Ning"

"Huh? Is Chairman Qian still busy?" Ning Yang asked doubtfully.

Qian Yunshan paused, and finally shook his head: "It's nothing, I just want to thank Mr. Ning, why don't you go have a meal?"

In fact, Qian Yunshan wanted to win over Ning Yang, but he felt that his favorability in Ning Yang's heart should not be too high. It might be too abrupt to talk about those wins now, so he had to change his mind. Said to eat.

After much deliberation, Qian Yunshan felt that it was more important to cultivate the goodwill between himself and Ning Yang first.

He knew that things like favorability had to go with the flow, and could not be forced. When the fate came, it would happen naturally, and if he asked Ningyang at that time, he would definitely respond to his requests.

"No need." Ning Yang waved his hand.

"Mr. Ning has the kindness to reinvent me. As long as Mr. Ning opens his mouth, Qian will definitely respond to my request. This is my business card. Please accept it, Mr. Ning." Qian Yunshan took out a business card from his arms and handed it respectfully. In front of Ning Yang.

Seeing that Ning Yang was leaving, Qian Yunshan thought to himself that he would have to cultivate a good relationship with Ning Yang in the future, so how could he not have contact information, but he asked Ning Yang directly to ask for it, and it is estimated that Ning Yang might not give it to him, so it is better to give it to him first. Ning Yang, if Ning Yang finds him for anything, he can call him.

When the time comes, help Ning Yang solve some trivial matters by coming and going, maybe he can increase his favorability in Ning Yang's heart. Thinking of this, Qian Yunshan looked at Ning Yang with full expectation.

Seeing this, Ning Yang nodded and accepted Qian Yunshan's business card: "Qian Zhiru has my number, so I won't keep it. If you need anything, you can ask Qian Zhiru to contact me."

Qian Yunshan was stunned for a moment, and then a flash of inspiration flashed, secretly thinking that there is a way.

After sending Ning Yang away, Qian Yunshan returned to the office. Boss Zhu didn't leave, but waited for him in the office: "Brother Qian, that Mr. Ning just now was really clever, especially with that pill of his. The medicine is simply a magic medicine."

When Boss Zhu mentioned the magic medicine, his eyes were full of golden light.

Qian Yunshan frowned: "I know what kind of wishful thinking you are planning, but your vision is too low and you only see benefits, but you must know that this kind of elixir is something that you, an ordinary person, cannot grasp and control. Well, that Mr. Ning probably won't agree to sell this magical medicine, remember to keep your mouth shut about today's matter, otherwise you will know what will happen."

Boss Zhu broke out in a cold sweat: "I know, brother Qian, don't worry, I will keep my mouth shut."

"Also, the person who let you know that Liu Zhongwu has medicine to cure me, if he goes to you again, you will say that I have already bought the medicine." Qian Yunshan thought for a while, and then ordered.

"Ah? Okay." Boss Zhu nodded quickly.

After Boss Zhu left, Qian Yunshan sat in his seat and thought about many things.

He was thinking about the person who killed him, and how shocked those people would be when he thought about returning to the family, and he thought of Ning Yang again.

At this time, the phone rang, and Qian Yunshan picked it up and said, "Hello."

"Hey Dad, is that Ning Yang here? Have you taken his elixir? How is the effect? ​​Has the internal injury healed?" Qian Zhiru's voice came from the phone, asking several questions in succession.

Qian Yunshan was silent for a while: "My internal injury has healed, and Mr. Ning has healed it."

"Really?" Qian Zhiru made a surprised voice, "That's great Dad, now no one dares to laugh at you anymore, when you wait for the clan meeting, you must slap those people in the face hard, look at them How embarrassing is the ugly face."

Qian Yunshan sighed: "For right and wrong, there will be retribution from heaven. Don't worry about these things for now. What's going on with you?"

Qian Zhiru said: "After this assessment task is over, I will be able to change from a reserve member to a full member of Hualong Pavilion, and I will be able to return to Dongzhou City in a few days, and this time, there may be a special task .”

"Well, you have to work hard. You are considered a genius in the family, but you are nothing in Hualong Pavilion. There are all elite children from various famous families gathered there, and there are even disciples from mysterious sects. If you can get Hualong If you pay more attention to the court and study further, your future future is definitely not comparable to staying in Qianjia." Qian Yunshan instructed.

"But." Qian Zhiru sighed.

"I know it's difficult, but you have to understand that although our Qian family in Jiangnan Province is known as a thousand and half province, it is completely different from those families in Yunjing. A family that can gain a firm foothold in Yunjing is not a family in any province. Everywhere can overturn the clouds and rain, and cover the sky with one hand, but our Qian family has not yet reached that height, father pins his hopes on you, you must understand my painstaking efforts."

Qian Zhiru was silent, how much she wanted to say that she was tired, but she didn't want to disappoint Qian Yunshan, so she could only simply hum.

"There is also that Mr. Ning. There was a little misunderstanding between me and him, but I feel that he still has a lot of secrets. When you come back this time, try to befriend him as much as possible. He can help us to a certain extent." Qian Yunshan finally got to the point.

Qian Zhiru is working hard to revitalize the Qian Family, and he will also strive for the power of the Qian Family for Qian Zhiru, so that he can use more family resources to assist Qian Zhiru, so that Qian Zhiru can achieve something in Hualong Pavilion.

Winning over Ning Yang became the key point. If Ning Yang helped him, he could quickly re-establish his prestige in the family, so when Qian Yunshan heard Ning Yang say that he could contact Qian Zhiru , he thought of it, Qian Zhiru should be in Ning Yang's heart, and he has a good impression.

As the saying goes, a talented man loves a beautiful woman, and a hero is sad about a beautiful woman. Let Qian Zhiru get in touch with Ning Yang. In Qian Yunshan's view, this is the best way.

Today is the first day of school at Dongzhou University, and Lin Xiaoxiao is still sound asleep on the bed.

"You girl, why are you still sleeping?" Aunt Wang woke up Lin Xiaoxiao.

Lin Xiaoxiao rubbed her eyes: "What time is it?"

Aunt Wang urged: "It's almost nine o'clock, get up quickly, my little ancestor."

"Where's Ning Yang?" Lin Xiaoxiao turned her head and asked.

"Xiaoyang has already gone to school." Aunt Wang rolled her eyes.

"Damn it, you didn't wait for me." Lin Xiaoxiao quickly turned over, without slippers, and rushed to the bathroom to wash up.

After Ning Yang came back from Qianyun Mountain yesterday, he tidied up. Early this morning, he went to Dongzhou University to report.

Ning Yang’s aunt has already helped Ning Yang to complete the admission procedures. Ning Yang only needs to come to school. When Ning Yang came to the gate of the campus, he saw a sea of ​​people, and many of them were sent by their parents. When children go to school, there are also people like Ning Yang who come alone.

Ning Yang dragged his luggage and headed to the dormitory he was assigned.

When it comes to going to school, Ning Yang is actually unfamiliar and familiar. When he was in Yunjing, he was just a name in the university, but he never attended a day of class. At that time, Ning Yang, as a dude, naturally wanted to be a dude. How can you call him a playboy?

Now Ning Yang doesn't want to go to school either, because he doesn't need that at all, but Ning Yang is also a little embarrassed to stay at Aunt Wang's house all day, so he packed his things early in the morning and came to school.

After finding his dormitory, he found that there was no one there. Obviously, Ning Yang was the first to arrive. There were four beds in total, so Ning Yang chose a bed near the balcony.

Ning Yang had just made the bed and put away the luggage. Another student walked into the dormitory. This student was tall and strong, with a pair of sword eyebrows. After he walked in, he seemed to have not seen Ning Yang. Ningyang.

Ning Yang saw the tall and strong student approaching, thinking he was here to say hello, so he smiled.

Gao Zhuang's voice was cold, and he ordered: "Go away, I want this bed."

(End of this chapter)

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