Chapter 385 Reversal
Everyone's gazes were all on True Monarch Silver Star, and they didn't know what True Monarch Silver Star would do.

Only Zhenjun Yinxing slowly said: "I know Tianyuanzong, but you and I don't know. You must be the monarch who has just been promoted in the past thousand years?"

Lord Zhenmu nodded: "That's right, I have been practicing for less than 800 years, and it has only been more than 100 years since I entered the Nascent Soul Stage."

In the Nascent Soul Stage, the Lord Zhenmu was only at the bottom of the list, only in the early stage of the Nascent Soul Stage, so he didn't dare to fight the Silver Star True Monarch, even if it was just a remnant of will, but the strength he possessed, Not necessarily weaker than him, because Yinxing Zhenjun was in the late Yuanying stage before his death.

Even in the same level, it is an invincible existence of the same level.

True Monarch Silver Star hummed: "Then you go back, you are not my opponent, don't force me to drive you out of the cave."

Everyone was taken aback by what he said.

Lord Zhenmu was also in a daze, hesitated for a moment and said: "True Lord Yinxing, I will leave your cave, but before you leave, you haven't handed him over to me."

This him, naturally refers to Ning Yang behind Zhenjun Yinxing.

Hearing this, Ning Yang's nerves tensed again, and everyone looked at Zhenjun Silver Star nervously.

However, True Monarch Silver Star shook his head: "I can't hand him over to you."

Hearing this, Lord Zhenmu's complexion turned ugly for an instant, and he gritted his teeth and said, "True Lord Silver Star, do you want to protect him?"

If True Monarch Silver Star protects Ning Yang, then he really has no way of snatching Ning Yang from True Monarch Silver Star. In this way, he will lose face.

Even the will of a dead monarch can stop him. If this matter gets out, will he still have the face to stay in Tianyuanzong, and can he still hang out in the Feiming Galaxy?

Yan Xiangsheng and Young Master Juexu also looked at Ning Yang unwillingly. They didn't expect such an accident to happen. The remaining will of the Silver Star True Monarch wanted to keep Ning Yang. This meant that Ning Yang had a way out again. How could they be willing? ?

Ning Yang couldn't help but be ecstatic. He didn't expect that the Yin Xing Zhenjun, whom he had never met before, would help him, and now he could be regarded as alive.

However, Zhenjun Yinxing's next words brought about a big reversal in the matter, and everyone's expressions changed again.

Just listen to Zhenjun Yinxing said: "I don't want to protect him, but his life and death must be decided by me."

Lord Zhenmu was stunned: "What do you mean?"

What Zhenjun Yinxing said, he didn't understand at all, not only he didn't understand, but everyone including Ning Yang didn't understand.

Just listen to Yinxing Zhenjun said: "There is a man who guards my cave for a hundred years and asks me to kill him, so he can only die in my hands, you go."

Hearing this, Lord Zhenmu's expression slowly turned joyful and he said, "Are you going to deal with him too?"

Not only to deal with, but also to kill Ning Yang, which is exactly what Lord Zhenmu wanted!
Lord Zhenmu is afraid of destroying the monarch, and dare not kill Ning Yang, but if this Yinxing Zhenjun kills Ning Yang, he will not have the problem of being jealous, so Lord Zhenmu is completely killing people with a knife , and can disregard the relationship, and there is no need to fear the revenge of destroying the monarch.

But how did he know that even if he really killed Ning Yang, the broken monarch would not take revenge on him, because the broken monarch and Ning Yang were not in the relationship between master and apprentice, but an enemy relationship.

Of course he didn't know, so what he was thinking at this time was to hope that what Zhenjun Yinxing said didn't lie to him, and that he would really kill Ning Yang.

Yan Xiangsheng and Young Master Juexu also showed ecstatic faces again, looking at Ning Yang, gloating for a while.

Ning Yang's mood was also like a roller coaster, up and down, ups and downs, at this moment, he was completely speechless to the extreme, there was really a saying, he didn't know if he should say it or not.

I thought I was saved, but now I just got out of the wolf's den and is like a tiger's mouth. This is simply too exciting!

Ning Yang also fully understood at this time that it must be the ancestor of Huyanzong who asked Zhenjun Yinxing to kill him before his death, because the ancestor of Huyanzong, Zhenjun Yinxing, had guarded the cave for a hundred years, except for the ancestor of Huyanzong, There is no second person.

"Sure enough, I won't let me go even if I die!" Ning Yang said helplessly.

I saw Zhenjun Yinxing nodded to Lord Zhenmu and said: "Yes, he will be left to me to solve it, you go, otherwise, don't force me to do it, drive you away."

Once again recognized by Zhenjun Yinxing, Lord Zhenmu finally confirmed that Zhenjun Yinxing did not lie to him, and even if there is only one will left, the monarch-level powerhouse will not deceive others casually. It's like the emperor in the secular world, but he speaks well, and it is impossible to lie casually.

Therefore, Lord Zhenmu nodded and said: "Okay, since you said so, I will go."

That being said, Monarch Zhenmu sent a voice transmission to Yan Xiangsheng and said: "Yan Xiangsheng, you stay here, no matter whether this Yinxing Zhenjun solves this Ning Yang in the end, you will use the contact symbol to inform me." '

Yan Xiangsheng quickly replied: "Okay, I see." '

He still wished to stay here and watch Ning Yang die tragically at the hands of True Monarch Yinxing, and his magic weapon was destroyed by Ning Yang, so he must get a more powerful magic weapon in this ruins.

Therefore, Yan Xiangsheng's eyes looked at the one hundred and eight star shuttle of the Silver Star True Monarch, and secretly said: "I heard that this one hundred and eight star shuttle is one of the reliance of the Silver Star True Monarch's vertical and horizontal galaxy. It is a complete Taoist artifact, and it is a top-grade Taoist artifact. In the entire relic, the most important thing is this treasure. Yinxing Zhenjun also spread words that whoever can pass the final test can get her inheritance. Get this treasure!If I get this treasure, below the Nascent Soul stage, who else is my opponent?The No.1 of Huixian Club is mine! '

Therefore, he must stay!

Seeing that Lord Zhenmu stopped talking nonsense, he tore apart the space with his bare hands, and then looked at Ning Yang for a few more times before jumping into it and leaving the ruins.

Following Lord Zhenmu's departure, Lord Yinxing turned his figure to Ning Yang, looked at Ning Yang and said, "You killed the ancestor of the Huyan Sect. Before he died, he sent a message to me, begging me to see it." For the sake of guarding the cave for a hundred years, I will kill you for him, so that he can rest in peace."

Ning Yang was restricted by the one hundred and eight star shuttles and couldn't move. Only then did he realize that it was the plan that Zhenjun Silver Star had made a long time ago, so he laughed at himself: "It's really a thousand calculations. As soon as it came out, the ancestor of the Huyan Sect really didn't make people feel safe after death, hahaha, no matter, if you want to kill me, then come, anyway, I have already prepared, after all, people will die eventually, or Heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather, I only ask you to kill me and let her go!"

She, of course, refers to Qin Bing.

Up to now, Ning Yang is at his wit's end, all he can do is to ask Qin Bing and the others to live well.

'Congratulations to the host for pretending to be a virtuous pussy, and get [-] points for pretending to be a pussy. '

Ning Yang was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that his touching last words could be successfully pretended, and suddenly a strange thought came to his mind.

At this time, Qin Bing couldn't help but shed tears when he heard this: "Ning Yang, don't say such things, you won't die, if you die, Shuang'er, Ziqi, I Feixue and Zhiru will not have a good time either, we will all go with you."

Ning Yang was caught in another state of mind, showing a silent look. From Qin Bing's point of view, it seemed that he didn't know how to respond to her, which made her cry even more.

"I really hate myself for being useless. We have to rely on you to help us and save us every time. When will we help you and save you again?" Qin Bing blamed himself.

Seeing this scene, True Monarch Silver Star remained indifferent, and began to manipulate the one hundred and eight star shuttles, intending to kill Ning Yang directly.

At this moment, Ning Yang's face suddenly lifted up, looking at Zhenjun Yinxing: "Don't worry Qin Bing, you are my women, you should be protected by me, if I need to rely on you, what kind of man am I?" What? Don't worry, I won't die! We will definitely get out alive!"

Ning Yang said these words with great confidence.

Both Yan Xiangsheng and Young Master Juexu were stunned, because Ning Yang's self-confidence seemed to carry a wave of hope for life.

Yan Xiangsheng couldn't help asking: "What tricks does he have?"

Young Master Juexu was also taken aback: "Who else can save him?"

True Monarch Yinxing said coldly: "The people I want to kill have not survived!"

Ning Yang laughed loudly: "That's not necessarily true!"

(End of this chapter)

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