Chapter 413 The Gate of Hell
But even if it was a one-on-three fight, Jian Baiying was still unafraid, which showed that his strength was extremely strong.

I saw that the sword shadow of frost and snow all over the sky had been bombarded with the flames that erupted from Yanluo. For a moment, it was like water and fire, the flames turned into a huge inverted barrier to resist, and those frost and snow were thousands of arrows. Thousands of arrows kept falling, hitting the flame barrier with ripples, making the flame barrier tremble.

"Yan Luo, if you practice Alchemy Fen Qianyan for another 1000 years, you may be able to deal with me, but you can't do it now!" Jian Baiying continued to control the Frost Snow Sword while talking. The shadow bombardment became more violent, and the terrifying power was simply impenetrable. If any object faced such an attack, it would seem that it would be instantly pierced and riddled with holes.

Sure enough, I saw that the flame barrier transformed by Yan Luo's alchemy Fen Qianyan seemed to be unable to withstand it, trembling more violently, and then he just persisted for a breath before being pierced by Jian Baiying's Frost Snow Sword Shadow A hole was made, and then more and more holes appeared, until finally they completely dissipated, and they were all scattered by Frost Snow Sword Shadow.

However, the power of Frost Snow Sword Shadow did not diminish, and continued to attack, directly hitting Yan Luo and Jue Lan Sect Master.

"This Jian Baiying, at first I thought he was here to join in the fun, but I didn't expect that he is so strong in cultivation now!" After Yan Luo was broken through the flame barrier, he was shocked at first, but he didn't give up resisting. He soared into the sky, his whole body burst into golden light, and then his body began to skyrocket, turning into a golden Buddha.

This big Buddha is not a phantom, nor is it transformed by power, but his truly condensed golden body, which is extremely strange.

Buddhism and Taoism are not the same as those practiced by practitioners. It can be said that both body and law are cultivated. While cultivating the mana and Buddha element, the body is also constantly condensing, and finally cultivates the dharma body to truly become a Buddha.

As the saying goes, seeing the Dharma is like seeing the Buddha. If you cultivate the Dharma body as a Buddha with form, and after you have form, you must practice without form. That is, if you see all forms without form, you will see the Tathagata.

Tathagata is a metaphor for relying on the way of truth, through hard work, and constantly accumulating good causes, and finally becoming a Buddha, so it is called Tathagata, that is, the real body Tathagata.

But Yan Luo hasn't cultivated to that level yet, so his Buddha body is just a Taoist Dharma Body that contains a trace of the Way of Truth.

But even so, it is enough for him to fight against Jian Baiying. The methods of both contain the artistic conception of Tao, and it only depends on who has a deeper comprehension and stronger power.

I saw that after Yan Luo turned into a golden Buddha, he sat up in meditation, chanting the six-character mantra of Buddhism: "Om! Mah! Yeh! Yeh! Meh! Hum!"

With each sentence he uttered, the Buddha body became more condensed, and then he saw those frosty sword shadows bombarding his Buddha body, making the sound of tinkling and steel clashing.

Yan Luo relied on the Buddha's body to resist Jian Baiying's attack.

And his Buddha body is really powerful, much more resistant than the flame barrier he used. He has been bombarded by countless frost and snow sword shadows, but he is still unscathed.

"What a bald donkey, you have already cultivated the Buddha body, no wonder you dare to fight against me!" Jian Baiying said in a cold voice, but her hands did not stop, "But do you think this can stop me?"

As he said that, Jian Baiying was about to manipulate Shuangxue Sword Shadow into a more violent method, but suddenly discovered that Xiao Hei, who had been controlled by him, began to change again.

I saw that Xiao Hei gradually transformed from a dragon shape into a dog shape again, but the soul flame on his body burned more violently, and then he controlled him to rise from his body to the sky, forming a huge portal on his head.

There are many ghosts carved on this portal, there are evil, good, and resentment, etc., and then when the portal appears, breaths that seem to come from the abyss of hell whizzed out, spewing and spraying on Xiao Hei's body non-stop.

"The gate of hell, the breath of Abi!"

Xiao Hei shouted angrily, those auras actually destroyed the Dustbeard Sword controlled by Jian Baiying, and made Xiao Hei escape from it.

"What?" Jian Baiying never imagined that Xiao Hei, who was already under his control, would be able to have such power and use a strange method to escape his control.

And Xiao Hei was surrounded by the aura of Ah Bi, like a god guarding hell, and rushed towards Jian Baiying again, but not to attack Jian Baiying, but to rescue Xuan Ming who was beside Jian Baiying.

"It doesn't matter what method you use, if you want to save people, it's wishful thinking!" Jian Baiying's face became more gloomy and angry, and she shouted in a cold voice.

He said that he was going to stop Xiao Hei, but he didn't expect Yan Luo to make a move at this time, holding Shuangxue Sword Shadow hard, and a huge palm came to slap him.

"Oops!" Jian Baiying was caught in a dilemma, but Gu Shou couldn't take care of his tail. In a moment of negligence, Yan Luo took advantage of the loophole, turned the initiative into a passivity, and was besieged, looking precarious.

In desperation, Jian Baiying had no choice but to flash the sword light all over her body, and then became invisible again, and then disappeared into the void.

However, he left Xuan Ming where he was.

I saw that Xiao Hei didn't care where Jian Baiying went, just wanted to rescue Xuan Ming, and he had already arrived at Xuan Ming's side, and was about to disperse the remaining sword light on her body, when he found that Yan Luo's huge palm also came down .

Jian Baiying is very calculating!

Not only did he resolve his own crisis, but he also used Yan Luo's hands to deal with Xiao Hei.

"The gate of hell!" Xiao Hei was shocked when he saw this, although he himself was not afraid of this flaming palm and could resist it, but Xuan Ming beside him was not sure, and at this time it was too late to escape, It is to control the gate of hell, to block in front of him in an instant, and constantly exhale the aura of Ah Bi from it, to block Xiang Yanluo's huge palm.

And Yan Luo didn't withdraw his hand in the slightest, the power of his palm was even more powerful, and he fell down.

It wasn't that he was willing to be used by Jian Baiying as a spearman, but that Xiao Hei dared to fight him when he entered Longling, which made him feel a little uncomfortable, and killing one was killing, killing two was killing, and killing Xiao Hei Black killing, maybe it can avoid some troubles for a while.

The huge palm collided with the Abi's Qi in the Gate of Hell. After all, it was Yan Luo's superior strength, destroying all the Abi's Qi, and then fell on the Gate of Hell, shaking the gate of Hell. Started to crash.

Xiao Hei, who was behind the gate of hell, shattered the sword light on Xuanming's body, and wanted to take her away, but he didn't expect that his methods could not resist at all. Seeing the gate of hell being defeated, the next moment, He and Xuanming would be hit, and Xiao Hei suddenly pushed Xuanming, leaving him alone, resisting Yanluo's palm.

The palm smashed through the gate of hell, and landed on Xiao Hei mercilessly. Although the power has been resisted a lot, it is not something Xiao Hei can resist. After all, his dharma body contains the artistic conception of Tao.

I saw Xiao Hei's body, like a cannonball, fell to the ground by Yan Luo's palm, making a huge hole, and Xiao Hei fell in the hole, spitting out a lot of blood, although he was not dead, But also suffered a lot of injuries.

It can be seen from this that Xiao Hei's strength also has a certain limit, maybe he can resist immortality, but he can't compete with the real Nascent Soul Stage strongman.

"It's really strange that he's not dead yet!" Yan Luo withdrew his palm, looked at Xiao Hei in the pit, and said in surprise.

At this moment, Jian Baiying's figure appeared again with a sword light, and it appeared above the pothole, looked at Xiao Hei and said with a smile: "If you are not dead, let me make up the sword."

"No! Don't kill him!" Xuan Ming also stabilized his figure at this time, seeing Jian Baiying about to make a move, he hurriedly shouted.

After all, Xiao Hei ended up like this in order to save her, how could she have the heart to watch Xiao Hei die.

However, her yelling was useless, how could Jian Baiying listen to him, and she wanted to rush up to rescue Xiao Hei, but she was powerless, as if she had returned to the previous scene, watching her sister die, But he couldn't save her.

And now, she can only watch Xiao Hei die, and she can't save him either.

"Go to hell!" Jian Baiying manipulated the sword light, and suddenly slashed at Xiao Hei in the pit.

At this moment, an angry shout came: "If you dare to touch him even the slightest bit, I will definitely tear you to pieces!"

It was Ning Yang!
(End of this chapter)

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