Chapter 425 Huixian Club Begins

After the two Tianyuanzong disciples were let go by Ning Yang, Lord Zhenmu and many other elders of Tianyuanzong found out, and after being questioned by Lord Zhenmu and the others, they brought them back to Tianyuanzong.

Then they remembered that when they fled, Ning Yang told the disciples of the Jue Lan sect that they were going to the South Jupiter where the Jue Lan sect was located, so they told the news to Lord Zhenmu and the others.

Then, Lord Zhenmu and the others rushed to Nanjuxing again, wanting to find out Ning Yang's whereabouts.

At that time, Ning Yang had already taken Qian Zhiru, Xuan Ming and the others to chase the Jue Lan sect master, so Lord Zhenmu and the others were left empty again.

Then Monarch Zhenmu and the others didn't know this, seeing that Ning Yang was not found, and the suzerain of Jue Lan Sect was not there, they left extremely puzzled.

In the following month, two more incidents occurred in the Feiming Galaxy. These two incidents were related to the destruction of the South Jupiter and Zhou Shuang'er.

"One month? What's the situation? We've only been in Boneyard for less than a day!" Ning Yang asked in great confusion.

The system responded: "The Boneyard is the time and space of the kingdom of God that has not fully evolved. The time and space in it are very unstable, causing the timeline to be chaotic. Staying in it for a day is equivalent to staying in the outside world for a month."

The God Emperor powerhouse can control time, the most important thing is to rely on the time and space of the Kingdom of God, so the timeline of the time and space of the Kingdom of God is allowed to be modified.

The Time and Space Controller of Boneyard had already failed to break through and died. There is no one controlling the time and space of Boneyard, and the timeline has been in a state of confusion.

This caused Ning Yang and the others to seem to have only stayed in the Boneyard for one day, but in fact a month had passed outside.

Ning Yang nodded, and suddenly realized: "So that's how it is."

As for the two incidents that happened in the past month, Zhou Shuang'er should be the first to talk about them.

After Tian Yuanzong couldn't find Ning Yang, he was still looking for Ning Yang, and even increased the intensity of his arrest.

Then Zhou Shuang'er, a girl with big breasts and no brains, and Qin Bing and the others were scattered and teleported, and landed on a fairly prosperous planet.

After living on this planet for a while, she couldn't wait for Ning Yang and Qin Bing to come to her, so she took the initiative to look for Ning Yang and the others.

Exactly at that time, Ning Yang had just started to be wanted, and the wanted identity was still Heiyan Zongling Changxuan. After Zhou Shuanger saw the wanted notice on the bulletin board, she shouted stupidly: "Hey, isn't this Ning Yang?" Yang! What is Heiyan Zongling Changxuan? This is his fabricated identity, why do you want to arrest Ning Yang?"

So Zhou Shuang'er, who had a big chest and no brains, was discovered by the Tianyuanzong disciple who was in charge of guarding the bulletin board, and was arrested on the spot and taken to Tianyuanzong.

In Tianyuanzong, Zhou Shuang'er was put under arrest. After Ning Yang was wanted again, Tianyuanzong added a sentence and mana projection to the arrest warrant.

"Rogue Ningyang, our Tianyuanzong arrested a woman named Zhou Shuang'er. She claims to be your Taoist companion. Now I give you a one-month deadline to come to Tianyuanzong to surrender, otherwise, this girl will have no way out." '

The mana projection was Zhou Shuang'er, who had a big chest and no brains, and cried and said: "Ah~ Ningyang, come and save me. They said that if you don't come, they will kill me. I don't want to die. I still want to die." I want to see my cousin!"

But now, there is still less than a day before the one-month deadline, that is to say, if Ning Yang does not rush to Tianyuanzong within one day, then Zhou Shuang'er will be killed by Tianyuanzong.

No wonder the system said that Zhou Shuang'er was in danger.

It's really dangerous to be killed one day later.

Ning Yang couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "I'm really not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs, you said you can't wait for it, but you still pretend to be smart to come to us, and you are stupid to expose your identity. It's ready, is it almost over?"

That being said, it is impossible for Ning Yang to really watch Zhou Shuang'er finish her pup. Although this chick is quite noisy, she is still a living treasure.

Besides, not only did Ning Yang promise Qin Bing to find Zhou Shuang'er, Zhou Shuang'er also ended up in this situation because Ning Yang provoked a series of enemies, it is impossible for Ning Yang not to save her.

"Fortunately, there is still one day left, hurry up to Tianyuanzong, or you will be late, and it will be too late to regret." Ning Yang sighed, "And my current strength is enough to settle accounts with Tianyuanzong Well, since they won't listen to me revoking the arrest warrant, I'll come to the door myself and tear up their arrest warrant."

And that Lord Zhenmu, Ning Yang wants him to kneel down and plead guilty.

Ning Yang said with a dark smile: "It just so happens that Tian Yuanzong is holding some Fairy Meeting these two days, so I can pretend to be aggressive again."

The second thing is naturally the Huixian meeting held by Tianyuanzong.

It was also because of the Huixian meeting held by Tianyuanzong that the Southern Jupiter where Juelanzong was located was destroyed by Tianyuanzong.

Because every year Tianyuanzong held the Huixianhui, all major, medium and small sects in the Feiming galaxy would be invited to participate, and those who were willing to come would do so for Tianyuanzong and would continue to obey Tianyuanzong's management.

The sects that did not come to participate are naturally the enemies of Tianyuanzong, the thorn in the side and the thorn in the flesh of Tianyuanzong.

As a second-rate sect, the Juelan Sect was naturally invited. In the past, the Juelan Sect would definitely send people to participate. However, this time, the head of the Juelan Sect was not in the Juelan Sect because he was going to the place where the bones were buried. The Jue Lan Sect Master never received the invitation sent by Zong, nor did he know it.

In this way, Tianyuanzong didn't get a reply from the master of Juelanzong for a long time, and didn't know whether Juelanzong would come to participate. An elder Taishang came to Nanjuxing to check, and wanted to ask what the suzerain of the Juelan sect meant. If they really wanted to turn against the water, their Tianyuan sect would have to take certain measures and measures.

When the Supreme Elder came to South Jupiter, he found that the Juelan Sect Master was still not there, and he couldn't find it no matter how hard he searched, because he thought that the Juelan Sect Master was really going to betray him and had fled the Feiming Galaxy, so he just went to Smash Nan Jupiter, causing the remaining disciples of the Jue Lan Sect to suffer an indiscriminate disaster and die unexpectedly.

This matter, more or less, has an indirect reason with Ning Yang.

After all, it wasn't Ning Yang who disrupted the plan of the Jue Lan Sect's suzerain, nor would it cause the Jue Lan Zong's suzerain to go to the Boneyard prematurely, nor would it cause the Jue Lan Zong to be destroyed.

"If it is destroyed, it will be destroyed. The disciples and suzerains cultivated are of the same virtue. This kind of sect exists in the world, and it is only a disaster." Ning Yang shook his head, stopped talking nonsense, and started to go to Tianyuanzong.

To go to Tianyuanzong, you have to go to Yuemangxing first.

For this place, Ning Yang has long been familiar with the road, because it is the place where Ning Yang killed the first elder of Tianyuanzong.

But now, Yuemangxing is also very lively, because Tianyuanzong holds the Huixian meeting, many sects will gather together, and then temporarily settle down, they will all be in Yuemangxing, and when the Huixianhui starts, they will pass through Yuemang together Star's transit teleportation array, headed for Tianyuanzong's base camp.

Card wipe!

Ning Yang directly tore apart the void, locked the direction of Yuemangxing according to his memory, then flashed his body, entered the interlayer of space, shuttled to Yuemangxing.

The speed is very fast. Originally, Ning Yang needed to spend a day to travel around the planet. With Ning Yang's current strength, it only took less than an hour to directly travel through space.

"It's here!" Ning Yang flashed his body and appeared in the star city on Yuemang star again.

Immediately, Ning Yang walked towards the transit teleportation array where Starlight City was located, intending to go directly to the Tianyuanzong headquarters.

But when Ning Yang came to the teleportation array, he was blocked.

"Why don't you let me go to Tianyuanzong?" Ning Yang asked suspiciously to the Tianyuanzong disciple who was guarding the teleportation array.

The disciples of Tianyuanzong raised eyebrows and looked down, without even looking at Ning Yang: "The Huixianhui has already started. From now on, the teleportation array will be closed. No one can go to our Tianyuanzong through the teleportation array, otherwise it will be regarded as a disturbance." The Huixianhui will be held, kill it on the spot, hurry up."

Ning Yang frowned: "Let me go?"

(End of this chapter)

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