Chapter 624 Slap to death
Fuzhou, Xunxian City.

The gambling arena is still in full swing, with an endless stream of gamblers flowing through it.

In the innermost room of the gambling arena, there is a fat figure sitting on a grand master's chair.

It is a wealth Pixiu.

Normally, he would be sitting in this grand teacher's chair in an extremely leisurely state, sitting and watching the gambling arena making money every day, not to mention how happy he is.

But now, when he was sitting on the grand teacher's chair, he always had a melancholy expression on his face, as if he couldn't sleep or eat.

"Oh, why hasn't there been any news from the Dark Sect!" Cai Pixiu sighed.

He issued an assassination mission to Ning Yang in the Dark Sect. If the assassination was successful, the Dark Sect would send someone to report.

But after so many days, the Dark Sect didn't send anyone, obviously Ning Yang hadn't been killed yet.

"When did the Dark Sect become so inefficient!" Cai Pixiu muttered, "As the number one assassination organization, the Dark Sect has never been in such a situation before!"

In the past, as long as the dark sect found the whereabouts of the assassinated person, the assassination would be successful within a day or two.

Such a situation of no news for so many days has almost never happened in the past.

"Why don't you go to Huiting Restaurant and ask the shopkeeper Pan." Cai Pixiu said hesitantly.

I was afraid that if I went there, the shopkeeper would be displeased.

After all, he already asked the Dark Sect to do things without paying, and if he urged them, it would definitely make them unhappy.

But without the news that Ning Yang was successfully assassinated, Cai Pixiu lived in fear every day, fearing that Ning Yang would come to seek revenge on him.


At this time, the door of the room opened, almost startling Cai Pixiu.

Seeing that it was his disciple Shuiling Boy, Cai Pixiu heaved a sigh of relief, and said slightly angrily, "Why didn't you notify me when you came in?"

"Master, I was wrong." Shui Ling boy quickly bowed to apologize, but he was puzzled, "I usually come in like this, why is Master so angry today?"

Then he asked cautiously: "Master, how about I go out and come in after a notification?"

Cai Pixiu sighed, waved his hands and said: "Forget it, don't bother.

Shui Ling boy nodded, and then handed out a booklet: "This is the income statement of today's gambling arena, please check it, Master."

Hearing this, Cai Paixiu felt slightly better, after all it was time to count the money, this was his favorite thing to do in the past.

But now he was flipping through the booklet, still looking absent-minded.

This caused Shuiling Boy to be extremely puzzled, and couldn't help asking: "Master, what's wrong with you? I've seen you in this state recently, restless, restless, what happened?"

Cai Pixiu raised his head and hesitated for a moment: "It's what I told you last time, about making that kid spit back all the things he won. This thing has been bothering me recently."

Shui Ling boy said: "Master, you are talking about the one named Ning Yang? Didn't you go to deal with him? Could it be that you didn't kill that boy?"

At that time, after Cai Pixiu came back, he rushed to the Huiting Restaurant without stopping.

When Cai Pixiu came back, he was still in a bad state, so he didn't tell Shuiling Boy about it, so Shuiling Boy still didn't know that Ning Yang was not killed by Cai Pixiu.

I saw Cai Pixiu nodded: "Yes, not only did he not kill him, but he also lost his fortune. This kid came out of nowhere. He was a tyrannical monster, and even killed two of my old buddies. ..."

Cai Pixiu recounted what happened that day.

Shui Ling boy was shocked: "What, that Ning Yang is so strong?"

He thought that when he was fighting against Ning Yang, he still wanted to burn all the power of the law lines to deal with Ning Yang. Now that he thinks about it, he is really courting death.

"That's right, later I went to the dark sect's stronghold and issued an assassination mission to assassinate him, but until now, there has been no news from the dark sect, which means that the boy is not dead yet!" Cai Pixiu was worried, "If he doesn't die for a day, I will One day, my heart was in a mess, I couldn't eat or sleep well, and I always felt that he would come to take revenge on me!"

Shuiling boy hesitated for a moment and said: "Master, you don't have to worry too much, even if he comes to take revenge on you, this is the territory of Fuzhou's True Fuzong, and he dare not do anything in Xunxian City, as long as we hide in Xunxian City, we will be punished by others." The protection of the True Talisman Sect is absolutely safe and sound."

"It makes sense." Cai Pixiu felt slightly relieved, "If he dares to fight in Xunxian City, the True Talisman Sect will be the first to spare him!"

Just then, a loud laugh came.

"Hahaha, are you sure?"

Cai Pixiu was taken aback for a moment, then was shocked: "Who?"

He didn't know when someone sneaked in, but he didn't notice it, which made him extremely frightened.

This is definitely a master.

"Who do you say I am? Don't you want to kill me? You even forgot my voice so quickly?" There was a change in the void, and a tall and thin young figure walked out of it, which was Ning Yang.

Ning Yang had a half-smile, with a hint of playfulness hanging from the corner of his mouth.

"It's you!" Cai Pixiu's eyes widened, "You really didn't die, the killer of the Dark Sect didn't kill you!"

"The killer of the Dark Sect?" Ning Yang narrowed his eyes and realized instantly, "It seems that you asked for the task issued by the Dark Sect. I thought who it was. Hmph, I just happened to come to kill you. Get it right!"

Cai Pixiu realized that he had slipped his tongue, and his face was extremely ugly: "Are you here to seek revenge from me?"

"That's right." Ning Yang didn't hide anything, "If you want to kill me, it's already a capital crime, and if you ask the dark sect to assassinate me, it's an added crime. I'll cut you into pieces and send you to hell, never Survival is not an exaggeration!"

"Haha!" Cai Pixiu was sweating and smiled forcefully, "I advise you not to act rashly, this is in Xunxian City, if you dare to do something, it will attract the elders and even the suzerain of the True Talisman Sect to come over, the True Talisman Sect The suzerain is a second-rate god emperor, if he is tempted, you will surely die!"

"Really? A second-rate god emperor!" Ning Yang pretended to be shocked, "I'm so scared!"

"If you are afraid, leave quickly, we can spare your life." Shui Ling boy shouted from the side.

Ning Yang slapped it directly, and instantly turned into a phantom, hitting Shui Ling boy: "My lord is talking, children don't interrupt."

Shuiling boy was stunned, he didn't expect Ning Yang to attack as soon as he said, and immediately wanted to dodge, but he was not as fast as Ning Yang's slap, and he was about to be hit.

Cai Pixiu immediately made a move, wanting to help Shuiling boy to resist.

But Cai Pixiu didn't expect that Ning Yang's strength was as thick as the sky and the earth collapsed. It seemed that his strength had improved, and it was not something he could resist now.

So he was slapped flying by Ning Yang's slap, and hit Shui Ling Boy. The two master and apprentice flew out overlapping each other, then crashed through the wall of the room, and directly crashed into the arena of the gambling arena outside.

I saw that the barriers in the arena of the gambling arena were all directly smashed, and the two players who were fighting were stunned, not knowing what was going on.

Cai Pixiu struggled to get up from the ring, and said in horror: "His strength, why is it so terrifying, it is stronger than that day, I don't know how many times!"

At this time, Ning Yang's figure reappeared like a ghost, looking down at Cai Pixiu in the ring: "You are overestimated, and dare to defend your apprentice? If I didn't just slap casually just now, that slap would be enough." Immediately shoot you to death!"

Of course, even if Cai Pixiu is shot to death, Cai Pixiu deserves death.

"You!" Cai Pixiu knew that Ning Yang was not joking, and he was already trembling at this moment, "I advise you one last time, don't make any more moves, otherwise so many gamblers will definitely tell the real Fuzong, really Fu Zong will not let you go!"

Ning Yang sneered: "In my life, the thing I'm most afraid of is being threatened by others. Have you forgotten what I told you, did I get scared? So what about the True Talisman Sect? Just let their people come, if you dare Those who stand in my way will be killed without mercy!"

While talking, Ning Yang slapped it again, intending to kill Cai Pixiu directly.

And Cai Pixiu also obviously sensed that Ning Yang was trying to kill him, so he opened his mouth without hesitation, spit out the last piece of life money, and used it immediately.

I saw that Heaven and Earth collected his life money and immediately bestowed him with huge power of Heaven and Earth, as if the sky was broken and smashed down.

Cai Pixiu controls this power, and fights towards Ning Yang.

(End of this chapter)

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