Chapter 688 Meeting the Fourth Prince Again

The battlefield of the worlds is located on a void ocean. It is rumored that all the rivers and rivers in the land of Zhongzhou will flow there. It is probably because there are frequent battles there that the void completely collapses and cannot be repaired. an ocean.

It is rumored that in the void ocean, there are many islands that existed in ancient times. They were the places where gods and demons lived in ancient times. There are many unborn treasures, such as elixirs, magic weapons, and spiritual herbs.

However, this void ocean is also extremely dangerous. It breeds many natural monsters, such as empty fish, which are innumerable in the void ocean. Can't rank.

Among them are all kinds of natural gods, especially the water gods like the water spirit boy, who are the most prosperous.

Then each great world has channels connected to this void ocean, and over time, battlefields of all worlds are formed, and troops can be sent to reach them at the same time.

Little Overlord had been to the battlefields of these realms before, but at that time his strength was still weak, and he had already encountered many dangers and almost died when he was only wandering around the periphery.

Originally, this time, he planned to earn some military merits in exchange for a robe of the highest grade immortal artifact, just like the crane robe worn by the little Douhuang.

It's a pity that in the end, he surrendered to Ning Yang and wanted to serve Ning Yang.

Time flies, and after the battleship left the Heavenly Court, it rushed to the void ocean non-stop, and it took less than a day.

As the saying goes, speed is the most important thing in soldiers. In places like battlefields, the faster you send troops, the better the battle situation will be.

And the warships like Little Overlord are not the fastest in Heavenly Court.

There is that kind of big teleportation godship, which is cast from the essence of the law of teleportation. During the teleportation, it can easily cross the distance of a state, and can travel from the land of Zhongzhou in less than an hour. From south to north, the speed is extremely fast.

But a son of a righteous god like Little Overlord is not yet qualified to own that kind of great teleporting divine ship.

Like his father, the Tyrannical God Emperor, he was only allocated one ship.

Naturally, it is impossible for the little Overlord to use it.

Of course, things like battleships are used for large-scale expeditions. If you really need to travel alone, Ning Yang uses his free wings, which is faster than driving a battleship.

However, sitting on the battleship of the Heavenly Court can reduce a lot of unnecessary troubles, so it doesn't matter if Ning Yang would rather slow down.

After arriving at the Void Ocean, you can hear the crashing sound of the waves in the ocean, which is extremely surging, and when you feel refreshed, you can feel extremely small. In this ocean, it seems to be just a drop in the ocean.

"The power of this wave of the void ocean is extremely astonishing!" Ning Yang was amazed, and felt that under the impact of the wave, ordinary monarchs would be smashed to pieces.

As expected of a dangerous place, weaklings are not qualified to come here.


Just when Ning Yang and the others had reached the Void Ocean, the little Douhuang and the little Yinhuang also gathered a group of strong men from various king factions.

In the main ship room of Xiao Dou Huang, Xiao Dou Huang is introducing each one to everyone.

"This is Nangong Jianxin, who belongs to the Dao of Sword sect, among the Killing Sword Sect, is a well-known expert who has already comprehended the Dao of Killing Sword! He has become a second-rate god emperor."

Following Xiao Douhuang's introduction, a man in white with a long sword on his back got up from his seat and cupped his hands.

Everyone only felt that he was full of killing intent, that he could kill everything, as if he was born with a sharp sword for killing, and they didn't know how much blood was stained on his hands.

"This is Zhengyangxuan, a strong man from the Great Yan Sect. Everyone should be able to see his strength."

Another master stood up, with the breath of a second-rate god emperor, and wearing red armor, like a ball of flames, people dare not touch it easily, for fear of being burned to ashes.

"This is Gu Jiajiang, who came from..."


"This is Ying Qingtian..."

Four masters in a row were introduced by Xiao Dou Huang, and together with Xiao Dou Huang and Xiao Yin Huang, there were already six masters present.

These masters, among the second-rate god emperors, are also extremely powerful existences, far beyond what the little Douhuang and his subordinate god generals can match.

There were even two people, even the little Dou Huang gave three points of courtesy, probably because they were too strong.

It is the Nangong Jianxin introduced earlier and Gu Jiajiang introduced later.

It is rumored that these two people each have the strength to fiercely fight first-class god emperors, and they have mastered an unknown number of complete ways.

It's just that they didn't create the Dao at the beginning, so they could only stop at second-rate god emperors. It's a great pity that they have the strength to match first-rate god emperors, but they don't have the realm of first-rate god emperors.

The little Douhuang felt that with so many strong men around, he was not afraid that he would not be able to kill the little Bahuang and his new subordinate.

"I called you here this time, so I won't tell you what's going on a second time." Little Douhuang sat in the chief seat and said slowly, "But I want to remind everyone that we will not act this time. It must not be exposed, otherwise, you all know what the consequences will be."

Once the matter of killing a son of a righteous god is exposed and found out by the heavenly court, he will be punished by heaven, and even his life will be lost.

They all know the seriousness of this.

But the reason why they still dare to cooperate with the little Douhuang is naturally because there are benefits in it, and the little Douhuang has promised them many benefits a long time ago.

After hearing the little Dou Huang's words, they all nodded one after another, each extremely calm and composed, as if what they were going to do was just a trivial matter.

After all, they can reach this realm, possess this kind of strength, and their minds have long been honed to be as firm as a rock. If they are not facing life and death, they will not let them have any panic.

"Okay, then we can rush to the battlefields of the worlds now!" Little Douhuang nodded in satisfaction, and then ordered the battleship to go at full speed.

At this time, Ning Yang and Little Overlord had already reached the void ocean where the battlefields of the worlds were located, and entered the periphery.

The surrounding area was fine, but there were some disturbances, all of which were attacks from natural monsters in the void ocean, all of which were resolved by other generals in the battleship.

After driving for another distance, it was suddenly attacked, which made the battleship tremble continuously, and there were explosions outside.

Ning Yang was sitting in meditation. After being awakened, he didn't panic too much. With a glance of his consciousness, he knew what was happening outside: "It turned out that it was attacked by a warship of the Demon Army, and it was a person from the Demon Realm!"

The Demon Realm and the Heavenly Court are also mortal enemies. Naturally, the Demon Army warships in the Demon Realm will bombard the Heavenly Court warship when they see it.

And the little Overlord has already gone out, led many generals, and launched a counterattack.

Ning Yang didn't want to intervene. After all, Ning Yang felt that it would be meaningless for him to take action in such a small battle.

But when Ning Yang swept his consciousness and found the leader of the opposite demon army battleship, he was immediately happy.

"Isn't this the son of the Slaughter Emperor, the fourth prince!" Ning Yang's eyes lit up, "It's really a narrow road to enemies!"

Back then, in the outer universe, Ning Yang had a fierce fight with the Fourth Prince, and in the end the Fourth Prince was rescued by his father, the Slaughter Emperor. Ning Yang has always been brooding, and has long wanted to seek revenge from him.

I didn't expect to meet him again in the battlefield of the worlds.

"Hmph, this time I see if you can run away, even if your father, the King of Slaughter, comes, I'm not afraid!" Ning Yang now has strength in his body, and he has no fear of the Emperor of Slaughter at all.

According to Ning Yang's guess, the strength of the Slaughter Emperor is estimated to be similar to his own, or even weaker than his own.

If the Slaughter Emperor comes again, Ning Yang will deal with him by the way, get rid of him, and even subdue him.

Immediately, Ning Yang appeared on the deck of the battleship in a flash, and then found a series of attacks coming from the opposite demon warship.

Xiaobahuang led many generals and heavenly soldiers to attack and counterattack.

"I didn't expect these four princes to be promoted to god emperors!" Ning Yang saw at a glance that the four princes in the battleship of the demon army had already been promoted to the realm of second-rate god emperors.

With this kind of realm, no wonder he dared to attack the little Overlord.

"Well, this is not it!" The fourth prince also found Ning Yang's figure in the battleship of the demon army, and was shocked immediately, and then said with mixed emotions, "It's him, that's great, I also said to seek revenge from him Woolen cloth!"

(End of this chapter)

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