Chapter 712
Looking at this piece of blood, Ning Yang and Hai Kuanglan both heaved a sigh of relief.

Finally got rid of him.

If it weren't for the help of Emperor Xue Yuan, I don't know how long we would have to fight with him.

"I'll accept this piece of blood." Hai Kuanglan hesitated for a moment and said to Ning Yang.

The purpose of her trip was originally to sacrifice the body of Emperor Bailian in order to improve her strength.

Ning Yang rolled his eyes, and said with a hey smile: "It's not impossible to give it to you, after all, I'm not a stingy person, but you said, I also made such a big effort this time, more or less, I have to give it to you." I have some benefits, don't I?"

If Emperor Bailian hadn't been refined into blood, then Ning Yang might have thought about subduing him as a servant to increase his strength.

But since it has been refined into blood, it doesn't matter whether Ning Yang wants it or not. If he wants it, Ning Yang can't exchange it for his own power. It is better to give Hai Kuanglan and sell favors to Hai Kuanglan.

Moreover, Ning Yang was shrewd, taking advantage of his extreme honesty and kindness, and asked Hai Kuanglan for benefits when he opened his mouth.

Of course, if Hai Kuanglan didn't give it, Ning Yang wouldn't say anything, at most he just wanted to tease her.

Sure enough, Hai Kuanglan stared at Ning Yang with a black line on his face and said, "Benefits? What benefits do you want? You have subdued so many strong men, and you have so many treasures in your hands. I can't compare with you." Bi, you want to benefit from me, how can you open your mouth?"

In the beginning, Hai Kuanglan felt that Ning Yang had wasted the good fortune bestowed by his master, and now he is still just a monarch, thinking that Ning Yang has no future.

Now after such a thing, Hai Kuanglan realized how ignorant he was.

Although Ning Yang's realm is only a monarch, his strength is not known to be much higher than her.

Even the Plundering Claw, Book of Life and Death, Wings of Freedom, and Eight Parts Conferred Gods Map are all kinds of treasures and rare treasures.

She didn't even know what happened to Ning Yang after he arrived in the Great Thousand World, where he found so many treasures, and possessed such strong strength.

Under the guidance of his master, she thought that she had improved her strength fast enough to stand out from the crowd, but now she saw that she was still running behind Ning Yang, and she could only look at Ning Yang's back.

This made her somewhat depressed to the point of vomiting blood.

Ning Yang raised his head and said, "Doesn't it depend on my own strength to subdue many strong men? It has nothing to do with you. The benefits I mentioned are for you. This is something related to you. Sigh, that's fine, if you don't want to give it, I won't ask you for it shamelessly, but I didn't expect that the disciple of Emperor Xueyuan would be so stingy!"

The following words, Ning Yang said deliberately with a sigh, made Hai Kuanglan angry and funny.

Hai Kuanglan thought for a while, then said helplessly: "Since you have said so, it seems that I have to give this benefit, but I don't have anything good to give you, so I will tell you one thing."

"Oh, what's the matter?" Ning Yang suddenly asked with interest.

Being able to tell himself one thing as a benefit, Ning Yang felt that it must not be easy.

Hai Kuanglan said seriously: "This matter concerns the life and death of the entire Great Thousand World."

Ning Yang was startled: "So serious?"

This time Ning Yang was shocked.

What is going to happen is actually related to the life and death of the entire Great Thousand World. Could it be that a big war is about to break out?
Hai Kuanglan continued: "Do you know the five declines of heaven and man?"

"Five declines of heaven and man?" Ning Yang frowned, "I don't know."

Hai Kuanglan said: "The five declines of heaven and man refer to exhaustion and annihilation, followed by rebirth, and everything starts from the beginning. In the near future, the world will usher in the five declines of heaven and man, and everything will be destroyed as a result. Decline, then restart the prehistoric era, and start a new reincarnation!"

Ning Yang only felt that the news was too explosive, and he was dumbfounded: "What? There is such a thing! Why is it like this?"

Hai Kuanglan said with sadness in his eyes: "Because this is the calamity, the calamity of the heaven and the earth, and the heaven and the earth are constantly strengthening, which means that the heaven and the earth are passing through the calamity, and the consequence of crossing the calamity is that everything created by the heaven and the earth will be destroyed." Whether it is matter, living beings, or energy, it will be affected and destroyed.”

Ning Yang gritted his teeth: "Yeah, the sky is very empty, as if it is just a fictional term, but in fact, he exists all the time, observing and looking down on us, he has already risen to another level Existence, we can't touch, see, explain, or understand!"

Then since heaven and earth exist, heaven and earth must be cultivating and strengthening like them.

After all, there is destiny above heaven and earth!

If you cultivate to the extreme, doom will come.

It's as if a living being cultivated to the extreme will cause a catastrophe.

Heaven and Earth must have cultivated to the extreme, so they are ready to cross the catastrophe.

As the so-called natural disasters and man-made disasters.

The catastrophe of heaven is the disaster of man.

"System, is this true?" Ning Yang couldn't help asking the system.

The system replied: "That's right, it's true. Otherwise, why do you think that the Mother Goddess of the Heavenly Court has no time to manage the government affairs of the Heavenly Court now? In fact, she is also preparing to deal with the five declines of heaven and man, because she is equivalent to the unity of heaven and earth. To cross the calamity, she will also follow the tribulation, if she can’t, she will die, and then the world will start a new reincarnation, and in the new prehistoric era, a new spokesperson for the world will be recreated.”

"Then why didn't you tell me?" Ning Yang asked again.

The system asked back: "You didn't ask, why did I tell you? If I told you, what can you do? Go talk to Tiandi and tell him not to cross the calamity? This is calamity, fate, even heaven and earth Things that cannot be prevented are things that are irresistible and cannot be prevented.”

"Then what should we do? Are we going to die in the five declines of heaven and man?" Ning Yang suddenly panicked.

Suddenly there is a feeling of fear of death.

The system said: "It's very simple, just go towards the goal I've been telling you all along, transcend the world, and control your destiny, then you can become everything on your own, and the five declines of heaven and earth will not affect you, because at that time you will not be The people of this world."

"Fate..." The corner of Ning Yang's mouth was bitter, "It's still early, I don't even know how to control fate."

The system said: "Don't panic, take your time, before the five declines of heaven and man come, I believe you can do it."

"Really, I hope so." Ning Yang sighed.

Immediately, Ning Yang said to Hai Kuanglan: "Your master told you these things, right?"

Ning Yang didn't know about this kind of thing, and Ning Yang didn't believe that Hai Kuanglan would know.

It must have been told by Emperor Xueyuan.

Hai Kuanglan nodded: "That's right, the reason why Master disappeared in the great world was that he was pursuing his destiny and discovered this matter. To be precise, many powerful people already knew about this matter. They are all trying to figure out how to get through the five declines of heaven and man.”

"Is there a way?" Ning Yang suddenly asked hopefully.

Hai Kuanglan said: "Yes, yes, but..."

"What method, but what?" Ning Yang asked excitedly.

Hai Kuanglan said: "The way is naturally to transcend the world and grasp the destiny, but no one can grasp the destiny, and no one knows how to grasp it."

Ning Yang was taken aback for a moment: "Okay, it's a waste of excitement."

Ning Yang thought there was some way to do it, but after a long time, it was no different from what the system said.

Destiny, what an illusory existence?
Who can really control their own destiny?

If my life is up to me, then only the golden lotus can be planted in the fire!
"Okay, that's all I have to say, can you give me the blood now?" Hai Kuanglan asked Ning Yang.

Ning Yang nodded in despair: "Here it is, you can take it, ah, what's the use of taking it, this kind of catastrophe of the five declines of heaven and man, it's useless if you refine this power."

Hai Kuanglan said: "No, I believe in my master, I will continue to become stronger, go to him, he will definitely find a way when the time comes, and, he told me, the key point of this catastrophe is likely to lie with you .”

"It's me?" Ning Yang was taken aback, "Why?"

"Because you are a person of great fortune!"

(End of this chapter)

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