The strongest comprehension

Chapter 75 Bai Chengzhou's Request

Chapter 75 Bai Chengzhou's Request
The price was reported at 5000 million. The bidder was a bald man. Everyone looked at him. He smiled gently and nodded to everyone.

"He is the drug king of Dongzhou City. After the Mingyao Group he founded was acquired by the state holding company, with the support of the state, he monopolized the distribution of drugs in Dongzhou City. Up to 15 billion." Qian Zhiru introduced Ning Yang to him.

Ning Yang just glanced at the king of medicine, then looked away, and didn't care, because the medicines monopolized by this so-called king of medicine are only Chinese and Western medicines used by ordinary people, and these medicines are not even as good as the medicines of warriors. Maybe three points are respected to him, but Ning Yang doesn't care about him.

As for his willingness to spend so much money to shoot this talisman, it is estimated that this guy has a monopoly and has offended many enemies. On the surface, he has the support of the country, and others dare not touch him. Secretly, he is also worried that others will assassinate him, so I am willing to spend a lot of money to buy this talisman to save my life.

However, he just called for 5000 million, and another middle-aged man with a big belly called for 7000 million. Qian Zhiru introduced to Ning Yang that this is a real estate tycoon in Dongzhou City, who also has a price of one billion or more. asset.

Needless to say, those who are engaged in real estate, forcible demolition and forced purchase of land, do not know how many people have been offended openly and secretly, so naturally they want to find a way to save their lives.

The appearance of the talisman obviously pushed the auction to a climax. These celebrities and entrepreneurs started bidding one after another.

Three hundred million, even Boss Zhu can't get it out, his assets are hundreds of millions, and the working capital is less than one hundred million, not to mention that he is not willing to spend so much to buy such a scrap iron.

That's right, Boss Zhu also knew it was scrap iron, because Ning Yang reminded Zhu Fugui, He Xinglin, and Mingyang Yang aloud, so they all knew it was scrap iron, and they didn't start bidding.

In the monitoring room, Ye Qingcheng looked at Ning Yang and the others sitting in the front row, but no one bid for the auction. He couldn't help but wondered: "It's strange, none of them have bid. Could it be that they are not interested in this?"

No, Ye Qingcheng felt that things would not be so simple. He thought of his previous guess that Ning Yang might be a cultivator, and with the performance of this group of people, Ye Qingcheng couldn't help gritting his teeth: "Could it be because of this Ning Yang? If he is really a cultivator Or, then he may have seen the clues of this talisman, damn it."

Ye Qingcheng didn't expect that Cheng Yaojin in Ningyang came out halfway, and he already had a trace of anger towards Ningyang in his heart: "Well, you so-called Mr. Ning, you first robbed my sister, and now you are messing with me, hmph , see how I deal with you in a while."

If there is no interference from Ning Yang, Ye Qingcheng reckons that people like Bai Chengzhou, He Xinglin, and Mingyang Yang will bid for the auction. Scrap iron can be sold for more money.

Ye Qingcheng conservatively estimates that the auction will earn at least one billion yuan, and it is net income, which is equivalent to one-third of the Ye family's assets.

What Ye Qingcheng is most optimistic about is this scrap iron heart amulet. He intends to rely on this amulet to cheat him for five or six million yuan, but now the price seems to have reached its peak. Called up again.

And the one who got this price was still the medicine king, as if he was bound to get it.

"It's only 2000 million. Damn it, this Ningyang caused me to lose [-] million in income." Ye Qingcheng slowly clenched his fists.

However, Ye Qingcheng let go of his fist again, and snorted coldly: "Hmph, these two billions, when you find Xiaoxue after you, I will trade your life for killing you because of these two billions, Mr. Ning, You are worth dying for."

At this moment, the auction hammer had already fallen, and this talisman finally fell into the hands of the medicine king, with a price of 2000 million.

Ning Yang got up immediately: "There is no need to stay any longer, there is nothing here that can catch my eyes."

Seeing Ning Yang get up, Qian Yunshan and the others quickly got up as well, Qian Yunshan said: "Mr. Ning, are you going back?"

Ning Yang nodded: "Well, let Qian Zhiru send me off."

Qian Yunshan immediately said happily: "Okay."

In his heart, Qian Yunshan secretly thought that Ning Yang should already have a good impression of Qian Zhiru, otherwise, he would not have asked Qian Zhiru to send him away by name. Qian Yunshan looked at his daughter with satisfaction, only thinking that It is just around the corner to win over Ning Yang to become his support.

He Dali and Bai Lufei on the side looked at Qian Zhiru enviously. They also wanted to get close to Ning Yang and win Ning Yang's favor, but Ning Yang didn't name them, so they could only watch.

He Dali secretly lamented that a beautiful woman is good, even a character like Mr. Ning is a hero who is sad to be a beauty. If he is a woman, he is willing to be fucked by Ning Yang.

But Ning Yang didn't know what He Dali was thinking, otherwise, he might have a chill all over his body, but He Dali actually had such thoughts, don't be a fucking gay.

Although Ning Yang said to ask Qian Zhiru to send him off, He Xinglin and the others still stood up and followed Ning Yang out of the auction hall, intending to send Ning Yang to the parking lot until Ning Yang left and they would leave to express their respect tribute.

And in this auction, apart from Mingyang Yang who bought a pill to stabilize internal strength at a price of 2000 million, He Xinglin, Bai Chengzhou and the others didn't get anything, because many of them can only be used by warriors, and they don't need it. , Some of them liked it, but the bidding was too fierce, and some prices they didn't think were worth it, so they didn't sell.

"Okay, you don't need to send them off." Ning Yang and Qian Zhiru arrived at the parking lot, and Ning Yang said to them.

"Alright, Mr. Ning, then go slowly. If you want to come to our Xinglin Hotel anytime, we will send someone to pick you up." He Xinglin nodded and bowed.

Tomorrow Yang on the side is also clasping his fists: "Mr. Ning, when you are free, you must come to my martial arts gym, or Tianyang will visit in person. I wonder if Mr. Ning is willing to pay a visit."

Ning Yang nodded and agreed.

But Bai Lufei hesitated for a moment, and under Bai Chengzhou's signal, he said: "Mr. Ning, Bai Lufei has something to ask."

"Oh?" Ning Yang was surprised and nodded, "What's the matter, tell me."

Bai Lufei looked at Mingyang Yang and the others, hesitant, Ning Yang saw this, waved his hand and said: "You all go, what should you do, don't stay with me all the time."

Tomorrow Yang and the others left one after another. Qian Yunshan gave Qian Zhiru a look of "Treat Ning Yang well", and also left. Only Bai Lufei and his father Bai Chengzhou were left, as well as Ning Yang and Qian Zhiru. four people.

Ning Yang took a look at Qian Zhiru, and said to Bai Lufei, "She is mine, just say it, don't be afraid."

Qian Zhiru, who was at the side, was startled, then her face turned a little red, and she wondered what Ning Yang meant by this, what does it mean to be his person?Does it mean that he is similar to his servant, or his kind?

Unable to help, Qian Zhiru was a little delusional.

Then Bai Lufei said: "Mr. Ning, I wonder if you still remember what I told you at the auction? It's about the talisman, which exorcises evil spirits and wards off ghosts."

"Remember." Ning Yang nodded.

"Then let me tell Mr. Ning that our Tianyu Club has developed a new construction site and plans to build a new type of leisure facility, but something happened to this construction site." Bai Lufei explained the matter one by one. Shi De told Ning Yang.

After hearing this, Ning Yang couldn't help frowning: "The workers are crazy? The machines are malfunctioning? This is indeed a bit evil."

Bai Lufei nodded and said: "Yes, and we also invited a Feng Shui master and Mr. Yin Yang to look at it. They all said that it was caused by evil spirits, but they couldn't see the real reason. Therefore, we wanted to take a picture of the piece that can exorcise evil spirits." The talisman to avoid ghosts, Mr. Ning, you said that it is worth scrap iron, so we didn't shoot it, but the construction delay at the construction site has caused a lot of losses to our Tianyu clubhouse, so... "

"So you want to ask me to help you find out the reason, right?" Ning Yang said.

"Yes, Mr. Ning, Lu Fei said that you can see the clues of that talisman, and you should know something about it, so I would like to ask you to find out the reason for us." Bai Chengzhou on the side also said .

Ning Yang fell into deep thought, and then said: "I owe your son a favor, and I have indeed repaid it, okay, I'll go and check it out for you, you can set a time, why not just tomorrow, I'm free anytime. "

"Okay, I'll ask Lu Fei to pick you up, Mr. Ning." Bai Chengzhou said happily.

Ning Yang shook his head: "No need, I've been to your Tianyu clubhouse, and then I'll just go there by myself, don't bother to pick me up."

"That's fine too. When the time comes, we father and son will welcome you, Mr. Ning." Bai Chengzhou said respectfully, feeling that the matter finally had some clues. He only hoped that Ning Yang could really find out the reason and solve the problem for him.

Qian Zhiru, who was on the side, also reacted from her fantasies. She also heard what Bai Lufei said just now, and she couldn't help but tense in her heart, secretly said: "I remember our mission is also related to this aspect. It is said that in two days, Hualong Pavilion A master will be sent down to investigate this kind of thing. '

(End of this chapter)

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