Chapter 750 Dragon Realm
After Ning Yang left the Devil Realm all the way, he didn't stop, and continued to rush to the Dragon Realm.

Ning Yang is going to Longjie to find Xiao Hei, Qian Zhiru and the others.

The reason why he didn't go to the ghost world to find Lin Xiaoxiao first was because Ning Yang had promised the mother of six ghosts that he would bring Xiao Hei to meet her, so Ning Yang had to keep his promise.

And going to the dragon world first, and then the ghost world, just kills two birds with one stone, saving time and trouble.

Immediately, Ning Yang flew in the direction of the Dragon Realm according to Xutian Dragon Emperor's memory.

And on the way, Ning Yang sank his consciousness into the origin of his own Tao.

There, after Ning Yang was promoted to God Emperor, the time and space of the Kingdom of God that had not had time to be perfected was nurtured there.

Ning Yang is planning to take advantage of the present to build the time and space of the Kingdom of God.

I saw the rudiment of the time and space of the kingdom of God, like a chaotic egg yolk, wrapped in the origin of Tao.

The source of Tao is like an egg white.

Ning Yang grasped the rudimentary form of the time and space of the Divine Kingdom, slowly opened it up, and then opened up a piece of heaven and earth in an instant.

But at this time, there is nothing in this space-time world, it is empty.

However, as long as Ning Yang thinks, he can create mountains, rivers, plains, seas and other terrains anytime and anywhere.

But Ning Yang is now hesitating about what to build.

"What kind of world will be built?" Ning Yang thought about it.

Most of the god emperors are established as sects, allowing disciples to live in and practice, and some are built according to the Tao they have comprehended.

It's like the time and space of the Kingdom of God created by the Slaughter Emperor. It's like a killing purgatory inside, and ordinary people can't stay there at all.

Just like the time and space of Shen Guo built by Xue Mantian, it is a land of ice and snow, suitable for those who practice ice and snow type exercises to stay in it.

And Ning Yang didn't want to build it like that, he just wanted to build a home of his own.

"Let's build it according to the appearance of the earth." Ning Yang thought for a while, and said, "The earth is my hometown, my hometown, and now the earth is missing, so I will build another one to commemorate it. "

After all, Ning Yang started to build this time and space of the Kingdom of God.

I saw that when Ning Yang thought about the wind and rain, and when he thought about the sun and the moon, powerful forces poured into it, forming various scenes and terrains.

The regions of each country were built, and cities, villages, roads, mountains, and plains rose from the ground.

Soon, a world almost exactly like the earth appeared in front of Ning Yang.

Ning Yang walked in this world at a very fast speed, and continued to improve some details of the landform.

"This is China."

Ning Yang walked to the Huaxia region that he built.

"This is Jiangnan Province."

Ningyang went to Jiangnan Province in the coastal area.

"This is Dongzhou City in Jiangnan Province."

Ning Yang finally stopped in Dongzhou City.

This is where it all started, the initial region where Ning Yang became stronger.

A mixed feeling stirred in Ning Yang's heart.

Touching the scene.

"It's a pity, I'm a little less angry." Ning Yang sighed.

Although the appearance of the regions in the time and space of the kingdom of God is the same as that of the earth, the people of the earth are missing.

Although the god emperor can create things, he cannot create people.

That is, they cannot create creatures.

To create a living being is already a violation of fate.

Only by mastering the destiny can the existence of the soul be created.

"But what I want is not to create people." Ning Yang shook his head, "What I want to create is only new people. What I want to see are old people."

Ning Yang wanted to see Aunt Wang, Aunt Wang, Li Yuxuan, Fade Chen, Qianyun Mountain, He Dali, Bai Luyun, Liu Xisheng and so on.

"It's a pity that they are all in the real Earth." Ning Yang sighed, "After I finish everything, I will get the Earth back and see them again."

Immediately Ning Yang stopped thinking about it.

It can be sad to think too much.

"By the way, let Ziqi and the others take a look." Ning Yang thought for a while, then decided to let Li Ziqi and the others take a look at the world he created.

Presumably they also miss the earth very much.

Moreover, they can also live in their own time and space of the kingdom of God.

After all, this place is almost exactly the same as the earth, and they will get used to it more when they live here.


With a wave of Ning Yang's hand, time and space trembled, and some figures appeared in front of Ning Yang.

It was Li Ziqi, Ye Feixue, Zhou Shuang'er and the others.

"This..." Li Ziqi and the others were suddenly called out by Ning Yang, still a little dazed, "Where is this?"

"This is a modern city!" Zhou Shuang'er shouted excitedly, "Are we going back to Earth?"

"And it's Dongzhou City." Ye Feixue was also extremely happy, "Ning Yang, did you bring us back?"

Ning Yang smiled and said, "Surprise."

"Surprise, what a surprise." Li Ziqi also looked extremely happy.

They are not the kind of people who like to wander, and naturally prefer to stay in a place with a sense of belonging.

"Hey, that's not right, this isn't the earth." Zhou Shuang'er shouted again, "Why is there no one?"

"Yeah, can't see anyone?" Ye Feixue was also extremely surprised, "Where did everyone go?"

Ning Yang looked at Zhou Shuang'er and joked, "I always thought you had big breasts and no brains, but now it seems that you are finally smart for a while."

"Who are you saying has big breasts and no brains!" Zhou Shuang'er immediately stared at Ning Yang, as if Ning Yang would not give up until he made it clear.

"Okay, Shuang'er, don't make trouble for now." Li Ziqi said, and then looked at Ning Yang, "Ning Yang, what's going on? Is this the earth? If it's the earth, where have everyone gone? Woolen cloth?"

"This is not the earth." Ning Yang shook his head, "This is the time and space of the Kingdom of God created after I was promoted to God Emperor. I built it according to the appearance of the earth."

"Ah, it's not the earth!" Zhou Shuang'er suddenly became listless like a deflated ball.

Li Ziqi and Ye Feixue were also a little disappointed.

"I'm so happy." Ye Feixue shook her head and said.

"I know you want to go back to Earth." Ning Yang said, "So this is not to build a place like Earth, and I plan to let you stay here first. When I am free, I will find Earth back. At that time, you will be able to truly return to Earth."

"That's right." Li Ziqi nodded, "Although this is not the real earth, it's always more comfortable to stay here."

"Yes, yes, yes." Zhou Shuang'er agreed, "It's really boring in the time and space of God Emperor Cang Wu, I'm almost bored to stay, and I have to take care of those little kids, it's so annoying .”

"I think those children are quite cute." Ye Feixue said with a smile.

"I don't think so." Zhou Shuang'er pursed her lips.

Li Ziqi smiled and said, "That's because you are still like a child."

"Maybe." Zhou Shuang'er nodded.


Ning Yang watched them chatting with a smile and didn't say much.

Ning Yang only feels that this kind of life is really comfortable.

How nice it would be to chat with them every day.

"Soon." Ning Yang sighed, "I have been promoted to God Emperor, and when I master my destiny, I will be free."

It's just a sentence, how fast is it?
No one knows.

Immediately, Ning Yang placed Li Ziqi and the others in his own time and space of the kingdom of God, transferred Dangu and the group of children to his time and space of the kingdom of God, and even transferred those subdued subordinates into it, making This time and space of the kingdom of God is so angry.

Soon, Ning Yang also flew to the entrance where the Dragon Realm was, and his consciousness returned to reality.

The dragon world is not built in the ocean like the ancient Chinese mythology.

The dragons living in the ocean are just one type of dragons in the dragon world.

There are many dragons in the dragon world, such as fire dragons, green dragons, earth dragons, etc., countless.

Therefore, the dragon world actually has mountains and waters and various topography.

The entrance to the Dragon Realm is upright, just like the Heavenly Court, with a dragon gate.

The dragon gate looks like a long dragon with an arched body. At the dragon gate, there are many dragon guards guarding it, preventing ordinary creatures from breaking into it.

But Ning Yang didn't stop, he just landed in front of the dragon gate and wanted to go in.

"Who is coming, dare to trespass on the Dragon Realm!"

(End of this chapter)

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