Chapter 761 Eternal Ghost Emperor
Nanshan ghost domain.

This ghost domain is under the control of a ghost named Nanshan Ghost Emperor.

I saw that the city in this ghost domain is almost the same as the human city.

However, there are all kinds of ghosts in it, such as human race, monster race, dragon race, demon race and so on.

Although the ghosts of these races, when they were alive, they were inseparable and hostile to each other, but they turned into ghosts after death, but they had to get along with each other, and there was no distinction between races.

After all, if you become a ghost, then you can only be a ghost clan.

At this time, in the Nanshan Ghost Domain, a huge ghost mansion, the Nanshan Ghost Emperor is meditating in it, absorbing the unique death energy in the ghost world.

call out!
Suddenly, a powerful aura descended from the entire Ghost Mansion, startling the Nanshan Ghost Emperor.

"Who is it!" Nanshan Ghost Emperor immediately opened his eyes and looked forward.

I saw several figures flashing in front of him.

Among these figures, the one in front of him looks like a white-faced young man, and behind him are several powerful subordinates of the Ghost Emperor, standing respectfully.

"Nanshan Ghost Emperor, don't come here unharmed!" The white-faced young man smiled lightly.

The Nanshan Ghost Emperor got up immediately, and said with a little awe: "It turns out to be the Eternal Ghost Emperor. I don't know why you came to my little Nanshan Ghost Realm today?"

This Eternal Ghost Emperor is the same as him, also a first-class God Emperor, but his strength is not as good as this Eternal Ghost Emperor, so he is a little in awe of him.

And he was extremely puzzled, why did this Eternal Ghost Emperor suddenly come to his city mansion today?
You must know that he and Eternal Ghost Emperor have no relationship at all, and they have never had a good relationship. He absolutely does not believe that Eternal Ghost Emperor is here to visit him.

Absolutely nothing is not allowed to go to the Three Treasures Hall.

"It's nothing special." The Eternal Ghost Emperor smiled, then walked to the guest seat at the side calmly and sat down, "I've heard that in your Nanshan Ghost Domain, there is a ghost king recently. right?"

"Ah?" The Nanshan Ghost Emperor was startled, and then asked, "There are quite a few ghosts who have been promoted to Ghost Lord recently. Eternal Ghost Emperor, your attention?"

It's really strange, could it be that the Eternal Ghost Emperor came here just to find a little ghost king?

what's going on.

"I'm not talking about your local promoted ghost emperor." Eternal Ghost Emperor shook his head, "I'm talking about a foreign ghost emperor. This ghost emperor is said to be entrusted to you by a devil emperor."

"Oh, that's what you're talking about!" Nanshan Ghost Emperor realized instantly, "That ghost gentleman is called Lin Xiaoxiao, a troll in the devil world, who once communicated with me and entrusted me to take care of a ghost , now placed in my ghost domain, don't you know?"

Nanshan Ghost Emperor, some don't understand what Eternal Ghost Emperor means, why do you ask these questions.

Eternal Ghost Emperor nodded: "Yes, it's her. I want to meet this Ghost Lord now, but I don't know if it's convenient."

"You want to see this ghost king? This..." Nanshan Ghost Emperor hesitated.

"Why, can't you?" Eternal Ghost Emperor asked.

The Nanshan Ghost Emperor was a little confused: "It's not impossible, but I don't know, why do you want to see her?"

The Eternal Ghost Emperor smiled and said: "One of my subordinates met Lin Xiaoxiao when he was in your Nanshan ghost domain, and then found that he was very similar to my ghost wife who passed away, so he came back and reported to me, and I punished her. After investigating, I found that she is really similar, so I want to meet her, and even marry her as a concubine."

Ghosts can also marry each other, which is called ghost marriage.

And this Eternal Ghost Emperor couldn't forget his ex-wife, and wanted to find someone very similar to remarry, so he fell in love with Lin Xiaoxiao.

"Well, I'm afraid this is not right." The Nanshan Ghost Emperor looked a little embarrassed, "If you just see her, it's fine, but if you want to marry her as a concubine, I'm afraid the Devil Emperor will know it and won't agree. Ah, I can't do that well."

"What are you afraid of?" The Eternal Ghost Emperor snorted coldly, "I already know who that troll is, isn't he the Ruthless Demon Emperor? My strength is not weaker than him. I don't believe that he would do this for a mere ghost emperor. As for the grudge against me, I think if he knows, he will agree, stop talking nonsense, call her out quickly, and let me have a look first."

"This..." Nanshan Ghost Emperor still hesitated, "I think it's better to ask the Ruthless Devil Emperor first. How about you leave first and discuss this with you when I get in touch with the Ruthless Devil Emperor?"

Unexpectedly, Eternal Ghost Emperor's face was extremely cold, and he even started to show a little anger: "Nanshan Ghost Emperor, I see that you are also a ghost god in the ghost world, so I want to save face, so I can talk to you, don't you dare to talk nonsense! , don’t blame me for directly attacking you and killing you, then your Nanshan Ghost Realm will belong to me, and I can also search her out.”

When he spoke, he deliberately contained killing intent, expressing his meaning.

This frightened Nanshan Ghost Emperor.

He was no match for the Eternal Ghost Emperor, if the Eternal Ghost Emperor really wanted to kill him, then he might really die in the hands of the Eternal Ghost Emperor.

So Nanshan Ghost Emperor said helplessly: "Okay, I'll help you summon her right now."

Then he thought to himself, he will contact the Ruthless Devil Emperor in a while, and let the Ruthless Devil Emperor fight the Eternal Ghost Emperor by himself, he doesn't want to interfere in such a thing.

"Is that right?" Eternal Ghost Emperor nodded in satisfaction, "Hurry up and summon."

The Nanshan Ghost Emperor used a peculiar soul seduction technique, and instantly hooked Lin Xiaoxiao from the ghost domain into his own city like a stream of light.

"Nanshan Ghost Emperor, what's the matter with you? Why did you summon me?"

The voice was extremely light and crisp, if Ning Yang could hear it, he would be extremely excited.

It was Lin Xiaoxiao's voice.

I saw Lin Xiaoxiao's figure flashing in the stream of light, she still looked the same, but she was lifeless, her body was that of a ghost, lifeless, exuding an aura of the realm of a ghost king.

"Like, it's so similar!" Eternal Ghost Emperor made a direct voice, staring at Lin Xiaoxiao dumbfounded, "It's you."

Lin Xiaoxiao was a little puzzled, not knowing what was going on: "What is me?"

"This is a ghost in our ghost world, the Eternal Ghost Emperor. He wants to..." Nanshan Ghost Emperor looked embarrassed and hesitated, "He wants to marry you as his concubine."

"What?" Lin Xiaoxiao was shocked immediately.

"That's right, I want to marry you as my concubine." Eternal Ghost Emperor looked at Lin Xiaoxiao with satisfaction and said, "You are so similar to my ex-ghost wife, I must marry you back."

Lin Xiaoxiao quickly shook her head: "No, I don't want to."

"En!" The Eternal Ghost Emperor directly frowned, "Why don't you want to, I am a majestic Ghost Emperor, could it be that I am not good enough for you?"

How many female ghost kings and even the female ghost emperor wanted to marry him, but he never agreed. He never thought that when he offered to marry Lin Xiaoxiao, Lin Xiaoxiao would not agree.

"It's not that I don't deserve it, but that I already have my heart." Lin Xiaoxiao looked far away, as if seeing someone, "I've been waiting for him."

If it wasn't for waiting for him, Lin Xiaoxiao would have been in reincarnation long ago, reincarnated and reborn, so she wouldn't have to suffer from the calling and tugging of heaven and earth.

"Wait for him?" Eternal Ghost Emperor frowned even more, "Who is it? Could it be that he is stronger than me? To make you wait so hard?"

"He may not be as strong as you." Lin Xiaoxiao shook her head, but smiled, "But I love him."

When we parted from him, he was still in the foundation building stage. Although so much time had passed, Lin Xiaoxiao didn't think his strength had improved much.

After all, it takes a lot of time for a practitioner to become stronger.

So Lin Xiaoxiao is ready, waiting for him for a hundred years, a thousand years or even ten thousand years.

Now, less than ten years have passed.

In such a short time, he must not have become strong enough, so he didn't come to him.

However, Lin Xiaoxiao has made up her mind and will wait forever.

Wait until the day when her ghost will also be shattered and disappear.

"Hmph, I don't care so much about you." Eternal Ghost Emperor became impatient, "Anyway, I must marry you. If you don't agree, I will take you away."

He intends to use force.

"I won't go with you." Lin Xiaoxiao suddenly became anxious.

"It's up to you." Eternal Ghost Emperor raised his hand and grabbed Lin Xiaoxiao.

At this moment, a cold voice came.

"If you dare to touch her, I will kill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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