Chapter 8

Qian Zhiru spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground, unable to stand up anymore.

Careless distraction is a taboo for warriors when fighting.

Ning Yang was furious in an instant: "Damn, I dare to hurt people in front of me after making a move, I really think I'm just a display!"

It's also because Ning Yang has too little actual combat experience, so he just wondered why the pretense value was so high this time, and didn't notice that the leader suddenly took a strange medicine, and with Qian Zhiru distracted, he succeeded in a sneak attack, making Qian Zhiru was injured.

Ning Yang became furious, the clothes all over his body made puffing noises, and when there was no wind, his momentum changed drastically in an instant.

'Congratulations to the host for exposing his aura and gaining ten pretense points. '

Ning Yang didn't care about the pretentious value this time, but disappeared in place with a whoosh, bursting out at the fastest speed, and appeared in front of him in the astonished eyes of the leading warrior, before he raised his head. Raising his arms to resist, Ning Yang's palm seemed to be slow, but it was so fast that he couldn't see it clearly, and it stuck to his chest.

Hearing a muffled sound, the entire chest of the leading martial artist sank an inch, and he flew upside down ten meters away with a bang.

"How is it possible? I've already taken forbidden drugs." Until his death, the leading martial artist couldn't believe that his strength had soared to the point where he was temporarily close to the middle stage of body training, but he still couldn't catch this kid's move. How strong.

Killing a person at once, Ning Yang didn't feel the slightest change in his heart. Under the absolute power, the lives of these people were like ants in Ning Yang's eyes. Ning Yang didn't care about killing one or two.

The other two warriors obviously lost their backbone. Seeing that the boss had been fucked to death, they were so frightened that they didn't know what to do, and fled separately. There was a bang, and the glass of the Ferrari was smashed, and the thin warrior took out a wooden box from the car , fled quickly.

"My elixir." Qian Zhiru watched the thin warrior flee, and wanted to get up to chase after him, but found that she didn't even have the strength to stand up.

Ning Yang picked up two stones from the ground, one for each of them, and knocked the two warriors to the ground. Looking at the skinny warrior, he had run away without a trace. Although Ning Yang could go after him, he was a little worried. This Qian Zhiru did not go after her.

"Leave me alone, help me recover the elixir." After Qian Zhiru finished speaking, she fainted.

Ning Yang shook his head, picked up Qian Zhiru, found the key in her car, opened the door of the villa, entered the villa, and put Qian Zhiru on the sofa.

"System, exchange for a first-level healing medicine for me." Ning Yang said to the system.

The first-level healing medicine is a kind of elixir that can heal injuries instantly, but it is only used by first-level practitioners in the Qi refining stage, which is equivalent to the early stage of Body Refining Stage, and it is just right to treat Qian Zhiru's injuries.

This kind of elixir is one of the things that Ning Yang can exchange at present, and one of them needs ten pretense points, which is quite expensive.

Fortunately, he just acted a little bit aggressively, and gained a lot of pretending points, enough for Ning Yang to squander.

At this time, Qian Zhiru opened her trembling eyes and looked at Ning Yang beside the sofa: "Where's my elixir?"

"The person ran away, and I didn't catch up." Ning Yang shook his head, and handed the pill exchanged from the system to Qian Zhiru's mouth, "Eat it, and your injury will heal."

"What is this?" Qian Zhiru was a little puzzled, but she thought that Ning Yang would not harm her, otherwise she would not be able to save her, so she swallowed the healing medicine.

Originally, there was a burning pain in the back, and the breath in the body was rushing around. Breathing made the internal organs ache, and suffered serious internal injuries. However, after taking the healing medicine,
As if being caressed by a touch of coolness, the whole person was originally very weak, but at this moment he returned to normal, regained his strength, and all the injuries were healed. Qian Zhiru sat up from the sofa and looked at Ning Yang in surprise: "You give me What did you eat? Why did you cure me in one go, this"

This is so miraculous, Qian Zhiru originally thought that it was only temporarily delaying her injury, but she did not expect that this elixir from Ning Yang would heal her directly.

The slap just now required at least three months of recuperation and rest before she could recover. Now it was only a moment, just like a normal person, how could she not be shocked.

The Ning Yang in front of her was becoming more and more difficult for her to see clearly.

Qian Zhiru was full of thoughts, looking at Ning Yang in a daze, with such great strength and such a magic medicine, who is he?

"For you to eat." Ning Yang was silent for a while, "It should be regarded as a pill."

"The elixir? Can you tell me what the elixir is? Why didn't you say earlier that it can cure me in an instant, such a magic medicine, but it was wasted on me." Qian Zhiru's face was very annoyed. If you give it to your father, it is possible to heal his father's injury.

Thinking of this, Qian Zhiru was even more annoyed.

"It's just healing medicine." Ning Yang said indifferently, "What kind of magic medicine is this? If you want it, I still have it, as much as you want."

This kind of elixir is only the lowest-level elixir in the mall, and it is only effective for warriors in the early stages of body refining, so to Ning Yang, it is not a magic medicine at all.

"What!" Qian Zhiru's eyes widened. She actually wanted as much of this magical medicine as she wanted, and she couldn't help breathing fast, "Is what you said true?"

Qian Zhiru's heart was completely shocked at this moment, if there were as many of this magical medicine as there were, how much shock would it cause to the world?
Not to mention the world, just in the ancient martial arts world, this kind of elixir can be sold at sky-high prices.

If two warriors of the same strength were fighting, both of them were seriously injured, and one warrior suddenly took out this magical medicine and became intact in an instant, wouldn't it be easy to deal with the other seriously injured warrior?

Ning Yang didn't know what Qian Zhiru was thinking at all, he only knew that the system told him that he acted a little bit more, and gained two points of pretense.

"Of course it is true. Although the words are a bit big, as long as there are enough materials, I can really have as many as I want, and I need time to refine them, but the materials on the earth are scarce now, so I can refine as many as I want. Just talk." Of course, Ning Yang couldn't say that he was traded from the system, so he lied, and he couldn't brag too much, so he just rounded it up.

Only then did Qian Zhiru breathe a sigh of relief. It would be terrifying if she really wanted as much as she wanted, and Ning Yang's words were indeed flawless, because there are too few cultivation resources on the earth, and they are basically in the hands of big forces. To make this kind of elixir, it is estimated that the materials must be difficult to find.

Immediately, Qian Zhiru looked at Ning Yang with hope: "Well, do you still have this kind of elixir? Do I still want another piece of this elixir? I can buy it with money."

"Spending money?" Ning Yang was taken aback.

"100 million." Qian Zhiru held out a finger.

Ning Yang was even more stunned. Seeing Ning Yang like this, Qian Zhiru thought to herself that Ning Yang has such strength and this magical medicine, so he must be rich. : "200 million."

Hearing that the system said that he was pretending to be invisible, and got three points of pretending, Ning Yang was speechless. He didn't brag or do anything, and he actually pretended to be aggressive again. He thought that this Qian Zhiru secretly speculated about himself. His identity and the like, he thinks of himself as an expert.

Thinking of this, Ning Yang decided to do whatever he could, and said in a masterly manner: "You don't need that much, 100 million is enough. I will treat you and me as destined, and I will give you a chance. But if you want it now, I don't have it for the time being. I need money." Time refining, you wait for two days."

So people can't lie, if you lie, you need to lie one after another. It is impossible for Ning Yang to conjure the elixir in front of Qian Zhiru with his bare hands, which may expose the system, so just now Ning Yang was also in a coma before Qian Zhiru The elixir was changed by the system at that time, so Ning Yang could only lie to Qian Zhiru that he wanted to refine it, delay a little time, and wait two days before giving it to Qian Zhiru.

"Okay." Qian Zhiru quickly agreed, fearing that Ning Yang would regret it, she took out a bank card, "There are 150 million in this card, the password is six ones, and the extra 50, just treat it as what I just ate." The money from that elixir is taken advantage of by you."

Qian Zhiru doesn't like to owe favors, just now Ning Yang gave her a pill for free to heal her wounds, she is still a little grateful to Ning Yang in her heart.

"Oh." Ning Yang didn't delay, he needed the money now, and after he accepted the bank card, "Remind you, this pill can only heal the injuries suffered by warriors in the early stage of body refining, beyond the initial stage of body refining." , it’s useless.”

Qian Zhiru was stunned: "It can only treat the initial stage of body training."

In this way, the value of this pill in Qian Zhiru's heart was greatly reduced, but it was worth buying it for 100 million. Generally speaking, ancient warriors in the early stage of body refining state had at least millions of net worth and could They are still willing to exchange 100 million for one life.

Moreover, my father failed to force a breakthrough in the middle stage of the body refining state, and the internal injuries left behind caused his father's state to drop to the peak of the early stage of the body refining state. Barely counting, his father also belongs to the early stage of the body refining state, so this medicine should also be able to heal his father injury.

Even if it can't be cured, it's only 100 million, just take it as a thank you to Ning Yang for saving his life.

Thinking of this, Qian Zhiru remembered the elixir that she had been robbed of, but it cost 300 million to buy, and it was also to heal her father, but Qian Zhiru secretly compared it with the elixir given by Ning Yang After a while, I still felt that the elixir given by Ning Yang might be more effective than the elixir that was taken away by him.

After all, this magical medicine is an instant cure, and the elixir is only used to strengthen the foundation and strengthen the injury, and it is a chronic medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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