Chapter 806
At the same time, many powerhouses who had just recovered also exerted their strength one after another, turning into a torrent in an instant, gathering together to meet the attack from the Mother Goddess.

The attack of the Mother Goddess was a ray of holy light from heaven and earth descending straight down, like an Optimus Prime, oscillating non-stop, causing a large area of ​​void to be shattered.

Bang bang bang!
The demons of heaven and earth gathered the power of the gods and many powerful people from other worlds, and after colliding with this holy light, the fluctuations caused were simply devastating and appalling.

In an instant, the heaven and earth that the mother god used to resist collapsed on a large scale, and the entire lower world disappeared directly.

Because of the whole world, only the heavens are left now.

The only thing the Mother Goddess can use to resist attacks is the heavens.

So we can only start from the lower world first.

After the current heaven is defeated, it will be the middle heaven, and then the upper heaven, until the entire heaven also disappears, and everything will be wiped out.

At that time, she can only show her body.

Moreover, even at that time, she can only rush through the five declines of heaven and man, and cannot continue to fight.

At this time, in the shattered lower world, there is still a figure flying around crazily.

"Oh my god, what's going on!" Ning Yang said in a very speechless manner, and kept rushing towards the middle heaven, "Isn't there still some time left before the lower heaven collapses? Why is it starting to collapse now? ?”

Ning Yang came all the way, and it can be said that he has experienced all kinds of difficulties and dangers.

The world outside has been dying and collapsing, Ning Yang is non-stop, almost being swept into the storm of decay.

Then just after arriving at the Netherworld, before I walked a few steps slowly, the Netherworld suddenly began to collapse and explode.

But the decaying storm hadn't reached the lower world yet, which made Ning Yang completely puzzled, but he could only continue to run wildly to escape.

But just now, he didn't escape to Zhongjietian, only heard the loud rumbling noise.

The sky began to collapse again, and the earth began to shatter again, as if it had been hit hard.

"Mom sells batches!" Ning Yang couldn't help cursing, and could only continue running wildly.

I saw a bombardment like a dark meteor hitting Ning Yang straight, and Ning Yang could only resist quickly.

One palm smashed the meteor, Ning Yang only felt the power, as if he had touched it there.

"Hey, isn't this the power of the Dark Emperor God Emperor?" Ning Yang was taken aback and remembered.

In an instant, Ning Yang thought that the Dark Emperor God Emperor was attacking him.

Immediately, Ning Yang quickly cast the Great Karma Technique, trying to find the figure of the Dark Emperor God Emperor.

But after searching for a long time, he still couldn't find where the Dark Emperor was.

"Strange? Could it be that I made a mistake?" Ning Yang couldn't help asking.

In fact, Ning Yang was not mistaken, this was indeed an attack by the Heaven and Earth Heart Demon controlling the Dark Emperor God Emperor, but it fell into the world transformed by the Mother Goddess, just hitting where Ning Yang was.

Totally a coincidence.

Bang bang bang!
The world was still collapsing, Ning Yang didn't think about it anymore, and continued to run wildly, plundering towards the upper world.

Along the way, Ning Yang encountered several attacks, including the power of the Great Elder of the Dragon Clan.

But Ning Yang didn't think too much about it, and had roughly guessed a clue.

You will know what's going on when you reach the Upper Realm.

And when they reached the entrances of the Middle Heaven and the Upper Heaven, they saw figures surging like tides, and they were all the army of alien creatures.

They haven't even had time to enter the Upper Realm, because the Upper Realm is already almost overcrowded, filled with the entire Heavenly Court army.

If they want to go in, it is tantamount to competing for territory with those heavenly armies.

Then you can only fight.

But it’s impossible not to fight now, because the middle heaven is also starting to collapse and disappear. If they don’t enter the upper heaven, they can only disappear with the middle heaven.

And Ning Yang didn't care about these shrimp soldiers and crab generals, just jumped out of the three realms, not in the five elements, passed through them, and directly entered the upper realm.

After reaching the Upper Realm Heaven, Ning Yang figured out what was going on.

I saw that the gods of the heavens and the powerhouses from other worlds joined forces and bombarded the empty world.

Then, in the world, the voice of the mother god came: "Heaven and earth demon, do you really think I can't subdue you!"

From the body of the Emperor Xinhuang Shendi, the voice of the heart demon of heaven and earth came: "Hahaha, Mother God, stop bluffing here, don't think that I don't know, your current strength is already weaker, The world has already decayed so much, and the original power is about to disappear, if you continue to fight, you will not be my opponent!"

"Hmph, if I really want to kill you before the world completely perishes, I still have the strength to spare!" The Mother Goddess said with a cold snort, and then there was another tide-like wave breaking out between the world and the earth, sweeping across.

Bang bang bang!
I saw that this time, the gods were swept away by the wave, not only the body was overturned, but the inner demons that were urged out of the body were also severely injured and began to shatter, and then the gods began to slowly regain control of themselves body.

"What happened to us just now? How could we attack the Mother God!"

"It's the demons of heaven and earth who control us! Let us do that kind of thing."

"Damn it, Heaven and Earth Heart Demon is too cunning!"

The gods said angrily.

At this time, a huge piece of debris suddenly descended from the sky, like a small island or a spaceship, and landed above the gods in the heaven.

This fragment exudes an aura of primordial primordial desolation!

The voice of the mother god came: "Come up quickly, I will take you through the five declines of heaven and man!"

Up to now, the mother god also knows that she can't delay, so she intends to bring the gods into the fragments of the wild first, and then in this way, one can prevent them from being controlled by the demons of heaven and earth, and the other is that they can leave at any time when they want to leave. Walk.

When the gods saw this, their eyes immediately beamed with joy, and they flew over one after another, as if rushing forward.

Seeing this, many heavenly soldiers and generals became a little crazy.

"Mother God, what about us? We also have to go through the five declines of heaven and man!"

"Please, take us through the five declines of heaven and man together, we don't want to die!"

"Mother God, don't abandon us!"

Some heavenly soldiers and generals even tried to rush up, but found that there seemed to be a thin film on the debris, preventing them.

But the gods and the others did not.

But after the gods fell into the fragments, a large number of figures also escaped from their bodies.

Those are the disciples or heirs stored in the time and space of the kingdom of God in their bodies.

Because the mother god said, they can only bring one heir each, and in the end they can only bring their most important heirs, most of them are those little emperors, so the rest of the heirs and disciples were abandoned by them.

At this time, those heavenly soldiers and generals still don't understand that the mother god really wants to abandon them, and it is impossible to take them away again to survive the five declines of heaven and man.

"Damn it, I've worked so hard for Heavenly Court for so many years, yet I've been abandoned like this!"

"Mother God, you are a liar!"

"Damn heaven, I want to be an enemy of the gods!"

In the face of life and death, they forgot their fear of the mother god and began to insult her.

There was even a burst of attacks, bombarding the fragments of the wilderness, as if you didn't take me, and I wouldn't let you go easily, and you wanted to die with the gods.

Then more and more heavenly soldiers and generals took action, as if they all rebelled, attacking the fragments of the wild.

Bang bang bang!
Even though the strength of these heavenly soldiers and generals is mostly uneven, they add up to a ferocious force, shaking the fragments of the wilderness.

Many otherworldly powerhouses also shouted one after another.

"Could this be the method used by the mother god to overcome the five declines of heaven and man?"

"Definitely, absolutely, we're going to grab this piece!"

"That's right, we need to survive the five declines of heaven and man, so we can only snatch this fragment from the Mother Goddess!"

Immediately, they also shot again one after another, bursting out with strength, and bombarded away.

And the Mother Goddess naturally couldn't let them snatch and smash the fragments of the Great Desolation, otherwise, she would have no way to survive the five declines of heaven and man.

I saw that she absorbed all these attacks again, and then Zhongjietian resisted.

Bang bang bang!
I saw that the Middle Heaven was completely shattered immediately after receiving these attacks, and all the army of alien creatures who hadn't had time to enter the Upper Heaven all died out.

(End of this chapter)

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