Chapter 825 Revenge Plan
Even in the face of such a fierce attack, Ning Yang is enough to parry.

Then the more fierce Emperor Zhenyan's attack was, the more power he lost.

But Ning Yang has not been resolved yet.

Gradually, Emperor Zhenyan began to panic.

He is really at the end of his rope.

If this can't solve Ning Yang, then he really has no other way!

His end was to be killed by Ning Yang.

The breeze blows away the magma smoke in the sky, and Ning Yang stands firmly in the sky, with the corner of his mouth curled up and said disdainfully: "Emperor Zhenyan, it's useless, your strength has already begun to weaken, and before you came weak, you didn't even know what to do." You can't kill me, let alone now?"

"No, I'm not willing!" Emperor Zhenyan roared again, and then mobilized all the strength in his body, compressing all of them together, to make the final blow.

Like a laser cannon, or like a volcanic eruption, Emperor Zhenyan gathered all his power together and delivered the final blow.

Win or lose in one fell swoop!
"Supreme Divine Fist!" Ning Yang also became more serious, not daring to underestimate it, and immediately mobilized his whole body, and in an instant, he punched out a divine fist that surpassed everything else.

It was as if a god aloft, saw the overwhelmed ant angry at him, and extinguished its anger with a punch.

The sound of fierce collisions resounded throughout, and the resulting shock wave almost destroyed everything.


The power of Ning Yang's punch dissipated, and the power of the roaring magma also dissipated, and it was a tie.

However, Ning Yang still possesses great power, while Emperor Zhenyan no longer exists.

The blow just now completely consumed him.

Emperor Zhenyan seemed to be breathing for a while, the lava on his body was slowly extinguished, like a broken body, falling off piece by piece.

In the end, his even more rickety, somewhat broken body appeared.

Immediately afterwards, Emperor Zhenyan bent his body, as if he was a pregnant woman, and couldn't help opening his mouth to spit out a stone.

The Stone of Origin.

But the original stone has lost its original powerful aura, and also lost that brilliance and color, completely turning into an ordinary stone.

Emperor Zhenyan looked at the stone with despair in his eyes.

Ning Yang came in front of him, stretched out his hand, grabbed the stone from the air, and after looking at it, he threw it casually.

call out!
The stone just fell to the ground and turned into shattered pieces.

It's like fine porcelain, broken all over the place, losing its original value.

"It's a pity, you just let a stone of origin go to waste." Ning Yang shook his head, "Do you know that it's shameful to waste it? So I'm going to take your life now to punish you."

In the words, Ning Yang sent out a rolling force, wrapping Emperor Zhenyan's body like a shackle, making him unable to move.

Although Emperor Zhenyan lost the power of the Stone of Origin, his own power is still there.

But he did not resist.

Because he knew he couldn't resist, it would only be pointless resistance.

"Hahahaha." Emperor Zhenyan's eyes were gloomy, but he was still laughing like crazy, "Kill, kill me, anyway, in the end, you will end up like me."

Ning Yang narrowed his eyes, but he didn't rush to act, and asked with interest: "What do you mean by that?"

"Someone will avenge me." The corners of Zhenyan's mouth curled up, and he smiled sinisterly, "You will all die in their hands by then."

Ning Yang frowned, and asked again: "Really? Then can you tell me who those people are? Or, if you don't tell me, I can check it out myself."

The power of the soul has turned into tentacles, which sprang out from Ning Yang's body. As long as Emperor Zhenyan refuses to agree, Ning Yang will instantly penetrate these tentacles into his body to probe his memory.

Emperor Zhenyan didn't hide anything, and said straightforwardly: "Who else can it be? Of course it is an immortal."

"Eternal life?" Ning Yang frowned even more, and then asked, "By the way, I just wanted to ask, how did you let the eternal life accept you and improve your strength? You know, we These foreigners are their sworn enemies!"

This question was asked by Ning Yang on behalf of the Emperor of Yuanling, and also on behalf of many creatures.

Although Ning Yang does not need the help of immortals to improve his strength, Ning Yang is also a little curious as to what the reason is.

"That's right, it's because we foreigners are the mortal enemies of the immortals." Emperor Zhenyan said with a smile, "That's why they have improved my strength for me!"

"What do you mean?" Ning Yang was stunned and didn't understand.

The Emperor of Yuanling flew over, his limbs were still petrified, but he understood the meaning of Emperor Zhenyan's words: "You mean that you have become a weapon of immortals!"

"That's right." Emperor Zhenyan nodded, looked at the emperor of Yuanling and smiled, "As expected of my deadly enemy, you still understand me!"

Ning Yang gradually understood, and reacted and said: "I understand, what you mean is that the immortals will show you your strength, and you will do things for the immortals, which is tantamount to becoming their weapon, their slave, right? ?”

Although immortals have eternal lifespan and incredible abilities, their only shortcoming is that they do not have the power to fight.

But that doesn't mean they don't have brains.

They can kill with a knife!
Guys who need power like Emperor Zhenyan can sell themselves for power and become their mercenaries and slaves.

"That's right, I have sworn to fate to serve the Immortals forever." Emperor Zhenyan smiled wildly, "That's why they will remind me of my strength!"

"Crazy, you are so crazy." Yuanling Emperor shook his head expressing his incomprehension.

He surrendered to Ning Yang, but only temporarily, it is impossible to surrender to Ning Yang forever.

After all, submitting to others is tantamount to losing one's own freedom and being controlled by others.

But Emperor Zhenyan chose to do this for revenge.

This approach can only be described as crazy.

"And you just said that these immortals will avenge you, which means that there are many guys like you?" Ning Yang asked again.

Emperor Zhenyan smiled and said: "Of course! There are countless!"

"Then, according to this, the Immortals are preparing a big plan?" The Emperor of Yuanling said with a frightened face, "A plan of resistance, a plan of revenge!"

Emperor Zhenyan nodded and said: "That's right, we... No, it's you alien creatures who have occupied the territory that should belong to them. They couldn't resist before, but now, they have cultivated a bunch of avengers who will replace them , resist you, and take back their territory!"

Ning Yang's lips moved, but he didn't know what to say.

Unexpectedly, the heavenly world is also not peaceful.


Territorial disputes exist in any age, in any star, in any world.

From ancient times to modern times on the earth, there are tribal disputes, warring states disputes and so on.

In the world of cultivators, there are disputes between states and all walks of life.

What are you fighting for?
It's not a survivable area!

The heavenly world is the native domain of the immortals. Their hometown has been occupied by alien races. They will naturally try their best to take back their territory.

"Hahaha, you all just wait." Emperor Zhenyan continued with a smile, "It's not that you won't report, it's that the time has not yet come. You can still live now, but it won't be long. When the immortals come back, all the cities will be destroyed. If you are destroyed, all alien creatures will be slaughtered, and you will not be able to avoid the end of death, you..."


Before Emperor Zhenyan finished speaking, he heard a sound, as if his heart had been pulled out.

Ning Yang grabbed the original power of Emperor Zhenyan and slowly plundered it into his body: "Okay, I don't want to listen to your nonsense."

After merging the power of Emperor Zhenyan, Ning Yang once again had a crazy surge in strength.

But Emperor Zhenyan's gaze slowly dimmed, still showing a trace of unwillingness.

His body also lost the support of strength, and began to shatter into pieces, disappearing into ashes.


The connection between Ning Yang and the Emperor of Yuan Ling was cut off by a sharp blade in an instant.

It is the blade of fate.

Ning Yang swore to fate that after killing Emperor Zhenyan, he would restore the freedom of Emperor Yuanling.

Therefore, the Emperor of Yuanling has now regained independent control.

(End of this chapter)

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