Chapter 1 Wedges
Night falls, and the sky is full of stars.

Kyoto, which has been lively for a day, did not calm down. On the contrary, young people who like nightlife really started to get busy.

The young girls dressed in fashionable clothes, dressed themselves like flowers, stepped on high heels and hurriedly shuttled among the busiest restaurants and nightclubs in the city.

Under the cover of night, the men even gave up their daytime well-groomed clothes and indulged in luxury and luxury.

In front of the largest gymnasium in the capital, there was a long queue long ago for some unknown event.There are mostly young people in the queue, and all of them have happy and expectant expressions on their faces.Armed police and security guards dispatched countless numbers to maintain order. Under their maintenance, the team was slowly moving forward in an orderly manner.

In the backstage compartment of the gymnasium, the staff is even more busy.In half an hour, the show will start live.The largest Chinese pop music awards show in China, there is no room for mistakes.

This live broadcast, almost all the famous Chinese musicians gathered here, and many media from all over the country and overseas also gathered here.

Whether it is a veteran or a newcomer in the music scene, they all tried their best to show their respective styles.Everyone is eyeing the major awards.

"There are a lot of fresh meat this year." In the private room, a beauty secretly watched the people coming and going outside with red eyes, almost drooling.

"Xiao Jinse, pay attention to your demeanor." The manager grabbed her and pulled her into the cubicle, then vigilantly leaned against the door and looked around nervously.

There are too many media coming today, it is impossible for the paparazzi to capture Xiao Jinse's stupid appearance just now.She also doesn't want to see tomorrow's headlines read: The queen of the song is a nymphomaniac, she is too busy to peep at Xiao Xianrou.

"Just take a look, they won't lose a piece of meat." Xiao Jinse muttered, very dissatisfied with the agent's obstruction.

"They will not lose a piece of meat, but if you are caught, it will be miserable." The agent replied angrily.

Xiao Jinse stuck out her tongue with a look of disapproval.

"Jinyan, take good care of her. If she gets into trouble with the paparazzi, it will be too late for her to regret it." The manager looked pitifully at a girl wearing glasses next to him, hoping she could help him persuade Da Xiao star.

"Xiao Jinse, old mistakes can be made, but can I trouble you to check the location and time?" The little girl wearing glasses is not very old. She is wearing a big T-shirt, braided, and has a plain face.However, her skin is very good, with a white luster as if washed with milk, and people can't help but want to touch it after seeing it.She has a slender figure, and because she is sitting, it is not known how tall she is.

On the whole, girls are not outstanding, because they cannot be found in the crowd like ordinary people.

"If you don't want to be in the entertainment group, sister, you can take a break." The girl stared at the playful Xiao Xingxing.

"Okay, I'm afraid of you, I promise I'll never watch Xiao Xianrou again, it's okay." Under the double attack of the manager and the girl, Xiao Daxing finally succumbed.

Guarantees are too fast to be convincing at all.

After the girl and the manager looked at each other, they both shook their heads.

"What kind of eyes do you have?" Suspected, Xiao Daxing suddenly asked unhappily.

Neither the agent nor the girl looked at her anymore.

Xiao Jinse, who was left out in the cold, was immediately persuaded, "I admit that I was a bit too nympho just now, and it will be a big deal in the future, I just need to pay attention to it in public."

This is still like a human saying, the manager and the girl are finally satisfied, and they no longer stare at her to cool off.

"Jinyan, your skin is so good. I'm so envious of my sister." Seeing the girl laughing, Xiao Jinse simply stretched out her wolf claws to ravage the girl's fair face.

"It would be fine if you didn't smear makeup on your face." Xiao Jinyan tilted her head back, barely avoiding her wolf's claws.

"No, my sister is already old, how can I compare with a young and invincible girl like you. If my sister didn't smear her face with chemicals, she wouldn't dare to stand in front of people." Xiao Jinse retracted her paw regretfully, with a sad face to answer.

"Sister, you're only 24. Don't make yourself sound like you're [-] or [-]." The manager angrily dragged her to a chair and sat down, "Xiao Luo, quickly put on makeup for her, if you don't put on makeup, it's too late .”

"Jinyan, can you go up and accompany me in person later? I want my fans to meet you, the queen songwriter." Xiao Jinse asked Xiao Jinse while letting the makeup artist paint on her face.

"No." Xiao Jinyan refused without hesitation.

"Jin Yan, it's a pity that you don't enter the entertainment industry with such good conditions." The manager also chimed in.She was really sorry, everyone said that Xiao Jinse was the most perfect queen, but in her opinion, the one who was really perfect was Xiao Jinyan in front of her.

Not to mention that Xiao Jinyan is proficient in many kinds of musical instruments, even with her crisp singing voice and charming appearance, if she wants to develop in the entertainment industry, it is enough.

It's a pity that Xiao Jinyan has always been reluctant to enter the entertainment circle, and she still wears big glasses all day long, completely covering up her radiance.If it wasn't because Xiao Jinse was her cousin of Xiao Jinyan, she would definitely not be willing to write lyrics for Xiao Jinse.

It's really a pity that such an all-around singer-songwriter doesn't develop in the entertainment circle.

"Not interested." Faced with the persuasion from Xiao Jinse and her manager, Xiao Jinyan was unmoved.

"I really don't understand what you think." Xiao Jinse looked at her regretfully, "You have been a gifted child of our old Xiao family since you were young. Grandpa forced you to learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. I expected you to choose the same to carry forward, but you are lucky. , I actually chose to study Chinese when I grew up. Look at how angry your grandparents are at you, how long it has been since they gave you a good face."

"What's wrong with Chinese?" Xiao Jinyan didn't want to talk too much about her major.What the cousin said is certainly reasonable, she is involved in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and she is not proficient in everything, but it is quite effective to use it to fool people.After all, all the elders in the family, even the cousins, have all developed in these areas.The Xiao family is a well-known cultural family in China and even abroad.

Because she was smart and smart since she was a child, she was forced to learn so many things by her parents.But those are not what she really likes, okay?That's why when it was time for the college entrance examination, she secretly changed her choice and chose what she liked to do.

"In this day and age, there are few people who can calm down and learn ancient prose. You are the only one who can hold your temper. You can be regarded as a wonderful work in our old Xiao family. Of course, what you have learned over the years is useless. If you come to ancient times , you can get along smoothly." Xiao Jinse said regretfully. "Let's go back together tonight."

"Okay." Xiao Jinse agreed, her mood was not affected by her at all, and Xiao Jinse was left alone.

"It would be miserable for Jin Yan if she really came to the ancient times. Don't forget, the ancient times were not as open as we are. Singing is the most despicable profession. Don't listen to her." The manager likes to play against Xiao Jinse.

"What do you mean, I'm just talking, and I don't really want her to go to ancient times. Jin Yan is the treasure of our old Xiao family, who is willing to let her go?" Xiao Jinse yelled dissatisfied.

"Miss, if you don't cooperate, you will be too late." Xiao Jinyan reminded her maliciously.

"It's all your fault." Looking at the time on the wall, Xiao Jinse wailed, finally sat down obediently, and began to cooperate with the makeup artist's work.

The make-up artist smiled gratefully at the manager and Xiao Jinyan, and then stepped up the work in hand.

The awards ceremony started as scheduled, and when it was Xiao Jinse's turn to come on stage, Xiao Jinyan stood behind the scenes and watched quietly.

Xiao Jinse sang and danced vigorously on the court, and quickly turned the audience over.

Glamorous!Xiao Jinyan smiled with satisfaction.The singing and dancing were all tailor-made by her for Xiao Jinse. This new song must become popular after tonight.

At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, the awards ceremony ended.

Xiao Jinse took away the queen trophy as she wished.

"Let's go, let's go back, let's celebrate." After the awards ceremony was over, Xiao Jinse hurried back to his side and clamored to go back.Just now she was dealing with stars, directors and hosts, and now she is almost exhausted.

Seeing her tired look, Xiao Jinyan and her manager didn't say anything, and immediately started walking out with packed things.

Many big-name stars have already gone out first.The nanny van at the door was already waiting, and in order to avoid the crazy fans, the organizer even arranged many security guards.

But even so, when Xiao Jinse and his party came out, they were still surrounded by crazy fans.

"Goddess, sign for me."

"Goddess, I'm a fan."


It was normal at first, but as more and more fans came out, the scene suddenly got out of control.

The security guards worked hard to maintain order, but they did not stop the crazy fans.

"Everyone, calm down and pay attention to safety." Xiao Jinse yelled loudly.But it was useless, because one after another the stars came out, and there were conflicts among their fans. It started from a small dispute, and it actually developed to the point of fighting.

The stars hurriedly persuaded loudly, but unfortunately, the red-eyed fans could no longer calm down.

Xiao Jinyan wanted to hide, but there was no way, she was tripped by the conflicting people, and then many people stepped on her.

She wanted to get up, but unfortunately there was nothing she could do. Countless feet stepped on her body.

It's over, when her eyes were dark, this was the last thought that popped into Xiao Jinyan's mind, at this moment, she seemed to hear Xiao Jinse calling her name in horror.

 Dear friends, Lanyu is back again, thank you for your continued support of Lanyu.Lazy language will definitely write with heart. Of course, if you have new friends who don't like lazy language style, you can close the page directly without leaving a message.

(End of this chapter)

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