Chapter 447 Four Girls Defeated

A terrifying hiss came from Fu Dou's throat.

The sound made my eardrums hurt. Before I could react, Fudou had rolled up bursts of fiery red hurricanes and rushed towards us fiercely. It seemed that it was going to harvest it all at once. all of our lives.

A few meters away from us, its mouth bulged like a toad, and black smoke billowed from its huge nostrils.


Seeing this scene, an ominous premonition suddenly hit my heart, and I always felt that something bad happened.

As soon as the words fell, I only felt that I couldn't breathe suddenly, and the oxygen around me seemed to be inhaled into the nostrils of Fu Dou.Immediately afterwards, a large group of hot flames spewed out from Fudou's nostrils, like a fire dragon, rolling towards us.

The flame was very red, and in just a few seconds, the clothes on my upper body were blackened. It felt like someone was pouring [-]-degree hot water over my head.

Fatty, Wang Yuanchao, and Uncle Ming also groaned in pain. I retreated as fast as I could, but I still couldn't avoid the fire dragon.

"Is it all over?" was the last thought in my mind.

At this critical moment, I saw the fourth girl sprinting and climbing along the wall to the ceiling of the Hall of Stars. His legs hooked a protruding stone on the ceiling, and then he hung upside down like a golden hook. Right above the fight.

The next moment, he let go of his feet suddenly, and his whole body slammed down fiercely. Speed, strength, and corpse-suppressing ruler were combined into one, and he stabbed Fudou's head without hesitation!
The dead body ruler stabbed Fudou's head with precision. The world's number one soldier, as soon as he touched Fudou, violent sparks erupted, as if a cutting machine was cutting metal.

The hairs all over that Fudou's body stood on end, it howled miserably, and its long tail lashed towards Miss Si.

After Miss Four intervened, Fu Dou stopped breathing fire at us, and the long fire dragon finally dissipated, and I also breathed a sigh of relief from the smoldering flames.

I raised the flashlight to shine it, and Miss Si's corpse ruler was almost invisible. After a closer look, I found that the corpse ruler was trembling crazily at a terrifying frequency, and then slowly sank into Fudou's head!
The intense pain caused Fudou to frantically flick his tail in the dark, and soon the tail was on the fourth girl's chest.Fortunately, the fourth girl immediately pulled out another corpse measuring ruler and held it in front of her chest, but the huge force still made his face livid.

That Huo Dou didn't give Miss Si a chance to catch her breath at all, seeing that this trick was successful, he swept his tail fiercely at Miss Si again.

The fourth girl's hair was scattered on his face, and the body-restraining ruler in front of his chest was already burned red. Fudou is indeed one of the best monsters in "Shan Hai Jing", and the white flame on the tail is even bigger than the body-restraining ruler. Can't resist!

The fourth girl let out a loud roar, and blood gushed out of his mouth like a fountain. He suddenly released the corpse ruler inserted into Fudou's head, and then slapped it down with his palm, and the corpse ruler sank a few more times. centimeter.I even heard the sound of Fudou's bones breaking.

It may be that he has been sleeping in the ancient tomb for thousands of years, and has never encountered a small fish or shrimp who provoked him. At this moment, Fudou has completely entered a state of rampage.It raised its head to the sky and let out a long cry, and slapped the fourth girl's waist with one paw. The fourth girl flew upside down like a rag bag, and then hit the wall, lying limply on the ground, not knowing whether she was dead or alive. .

"It's over, even the unfettered General Faqiu Zhonglang is no match for it, who else in the world can defeat it? This a powerful character in the legend after all."

Uncle Ming stood in the corner and said blankly, he was hiding behind at the beginning, but now he was the only one in the team who was fine.

I stood up and looked at Wang Yuanchao and Fatty who were writhing in pain on the ground, and Miss Si who had spilled blood all over the ground. I was really confused.

The fat man raised his head slightly, and under the light of the flashlight, I found that his face was blackened by the flames, and I was shocked.

"Fatty, are you fucking okay?" I asked.

"Little Dingdong, little Dingdong, I'm afraid the fat man won't be able to hold on this time, remember to grab some ashes and bring me back to Panjiayuan. Fatty was born as a little prince who touches gold, and even if he dies, he will shine forever in Panjiayuan..."

The fat man spat out a word with difficulty, and then he passed out.

Suddenly, I heard a loud voice, I turned my head, and saw a scene that made my eyes tear apart.

That Huo Dou was annoyed by the fourth girl, and the fourth girl had already fallen down, but it still didn't let it go, it ran over with a roar and knocked the fourth girl away with one paw, and trampled the fourth girl under its feet with another claw.

There was a 'hum' in my mind, and my eyes suddenly became blood red.

Catherine, Fatty, Wang Yuanchao, and Four Girls, each and everyone's faces turned in my mind. If I am the only one left in this world, then what's the point of me being alive?
"Little beast! Let it go."

I let out a loud roar, and then rushed towards Fu Dou. At this moment, I only had endless hatred for this monster in my head.

I raised the revolver high and shot Fu Dou in the face with a large-caliber bullet. I actually collapsed a long time ago, but I don't know what kind of force is supporting me to fight more and more bravely.

I am now using a revolver nicknamed the python. Although it is a pistol, the bullets have a larger caliber than a submachine gun, and the bullets it shoots are also serious armor-piercing bullets. Even the body armor is like paper in front of it.

Boom boom boom!
The bullets made Fudou unable to move backwards, but the revolver only had six bullets, and before I had time to reload, I saw Fudou's big tail moving towards me at a terrifying speed Pulling it over, the pale white flame at the tip of the tail is particularly dazzling.

"Ding Dong, watch out! Avoid this thing's tail."

The fourth girl didn't know where the strength came from, she got up from the ground with difficulty, grabbed the only remaining corpse measuring ruler and met the tail again.

Undoubtedly, he was thrown out again by Fu Dou, leaving a long bloodstain on the ground.And the dead body ruler held in his hand showed a slight sign of melting, and it took several seconds for it to cool down after smoking.

"Miss Si, Miss Si, are you okay?" I frantically rushed over and picked up Miss Si.

The fourth girl spit out a mouthful of black blood, which seemed to be mixed with some lumps, I don't know what it was, I found that the fourth girl's eyes became very dim, and her fingernails also became terribly black.

I quickly pulled out the dagger and cut my wrist, and dripped blood into the fourth girl's lips. I know what fourth girl needs most now, blood, fresh blood!
"Ding Dong, the attribute of the evil fight is fire, and I can't restrain it at all, but the dragon king in the pool is water, which happens to be its nemesis. You have taken the heart of the dragon king, I wonder if you can cure this evil fight? Give it a try, last chance..."

Fourth Miss said these few words, he seemed to want to say something more, but his throat could no longer make a single tone.

I stared at the arrogant and invincible Fudou. This is indeed the most difficult monster we have encountered so far. It seems to have gathered all the advantages of all monsters and is invulnerable.

Killing Catherine in seconds, knocking down the fourth girl in a very short time, even the only wound on the head, it was the fourth girl who worked hard to get in.

What exactly is the opportunity that the fourth girl refers to?
Let me kill this monster with a dead body ruler?But how can I do it, the four young ladies have all been defeated in the battle, how can I, a brat, have the ability to fight against this ancient monster?

Even though I ate the dragon's heart, I can't become the Dragon King...

Miss four, Miss four, you have given me a big problem.

Just when I was thinking wildly, a icy chill suddenly touched my face, I was taken aback, and when I turned my head, I saw Miss Si's alluring smile.

What kind of a bitter smile is that?Complicated, nostalgic.

A glistening tear trail ran down from the corner of Miss Si's eyes. His hand slowly squeezed mine, and he said with the last bit of strength: "Use your blood to cover... the corpse ruler, water can overcome fire, maybe That's it, if it doesn't work, let's die together. I have no regrets to know you!"

(End of this chapter)

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