Chapter 33 Mixed Blood Brother (5)

Su Bai became more and more clingy to him, and after being frightened by the noon event, he even took a bite of his meal, and looked at him, as if he was afraid that Cuomo would disappear suddenly.

Cuomo couldn't laugh or cry, and sighed slightly.

He could vaguely understand Su Bai's worries about gain and loss... From what his parents said, after Su Bai was born, his mother didn't do anything good. Standing under his biological father's company to block people is to lock him in a dark room alone, and drink for fun all night and all night.

After three years of living without a sense of security like this, it is said that one can remember things at the age of three, who knows how much Su Bai can remember in his heart.

After school in the evening, Cumo held Su Bai tight and waited for his mother at the door.

The two children are equally well-behaved and cute, but one is handsome and sensible, with a calmness that exceeds that of children of the same age, and the other has exquisite and beautiful features, and the blue eyes are ignorant and alert, but the little boy who is slightly taller beside him shows a dependent look , so cute that you want to steal it home.

Parents who picked up and dropped off their children looked sideways and sighed.

Back home, Cumo led Su Bai to take a bath. Although he was already familiar with him, Cumo was still an adult psychologically. He was not used to bathing in front of others, even a child, so he always insisted on washing him first and then washing himself. .

Su Bai was reluctant at first, but after seeing his irrefutable words, he could only nod sullenly.

Putting down the pajamas in his arms, holding Cumo for balance, Su Bai lightly kicked off the overalls, and then stood under the shower head like a little white ball, looking at him obediently with big pure eyes.

Cuomo couldn't hold it back. Before turning on the shower, he stretched out his hand and rubbed his little head lightly. He laughed and murmured, "How can you be so obedient?"

Su Bai, who was praised, blinked his eyes, feeling that this was intimacy, so Su Bai rubbed against Cumo's palm as softly as a small animal, undefended, and just wanted to be so close to his brother.

At night, before going to bed.

Kemo decided to do what a big brother should do. He took out the bedtime story, tucked the quilt up for Su Bai, and said childishly, "Have you heard of fairy tales?"

Su Bai shook his head blankly.

"Then brother will tell you." Cumo subconsciously rubbed him again, and when he withdrew his hand, he realized that the movement was too skillful.

——I heard that touching the head will not grow tall, he should pay attention, Cuomo was annoyed for a second, and then made a note in his heart.

The first time I told the story of Santa Claus, when it was said that he would jump into the house through the chimney, Su Bai’s first expression was to wrinkle his little face uncomfortably. Bad guy?"

Cuomo: "...No."

After finally explaining clearly, Xiao Su Bai was already sleepy, and her long eyelashes were drawn down and down again, and finally the child's voice was soft and soft, and he said in a daze: "Then I... don't want it either, Santa Claus... I have Brother...that's enough..."

Cumo was startled when he heard the words, then shook his head and wanted to laugh, but finally couldn't restrain himself, and cautiously tapped Xiao Su Bai's cheek, the touch was as good as warm milk.

Such a small and lively child trusted himself with all his heart, and even thought that as long as he had an older brother, it would be all right.Cuomo had an indescribable emotion, and he said softly, "Good night, Su Bai, have a good dream."


The following days were dull and warm. Kemo thought that after Su Bai got used to him, he would be less dependent on him, but he didn't expect that Su Bai's cling to him would only increase day by day.

Even when the woman told him helplessly that Cuomo was going to primary school alone, and that he would no longer be able to see him every day, her eye circles turned red on the spot, and she ran back to the room without saying a word, and came out after waiting for a long time, pulling at the corner of Cumo's clothes He choked up and said, "Brother wants me."

 [I'm so busy today, two updates will be delivered =V=
  Thanks for the encouragement and likes.Good night.

  PS: I don’t know how to write counterattacks. No matter how difficult it is to write, I can stand firm, calm and gentle, because my beloved once reversed CP and hurt too much, so I don’t write it. 】

(End of this chapter)

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