Chapter 58

Angry roars came from afar, and then even the neighing of war horses and the sound of swords colliding, the screams of human voices were drowned in it.

Hao Mei frowned and turned her eyes to the direction of the sound. She could vaguely see tens of thousands of horses fighting each other. A look of dissatisfaction flashed in her eyes, and a crazy murderous thought suddenly emerged in her heart.

I saw her body lightly leapt towards the battlefield over there, and then fell silently into the crowd.

From the mouths of the respective generals, Hao Mei had probably heard that the two countries were fighting not for territory but for a woman, and this made the hatred in her heart even more intense.

For a woman who appeared suddenly, all those people were stunned when they saw Hao Mei's face, with obsessive expressions in their eyes.

Now she is no longer the ugly woman in the past who can scare people to death, and on the contrary, that captivating face makes everyone put down their weapons and just stare at her with wide eyes.

Hao Mei frowned in dissatisfaction, and was extremely disgusted by their reaction. She took a step back and wanted to leave but was blocked by one of the generals.

Those hands were dishonestly placed on her waist, and a smirk rose from the corner of her mouth, "The girl who was born so extraordinary must not be something I can have in this world. Swords have no eyes on this battlefield. Why don't you let this general protect you?" how are you?"

He deliberately bit down on the word general, as if to show off his identity, the hand on Hao Mei's waist did not loosen but hugged it even tighter, and his eyes never moved away from her face.

"Shameless!" I don't know who said it dissatisfied, but no one is willing to really stand up, and on the contrary wants to imitate him.

Hao Mei frowned and didn't open her mouth for a while. She was calm about his unreasonable behavior, and suddenly there was a scream. Before everyone recovered, the man who called himself the general hugged him. The hand on Hao Mei's waist was broken, and the blood spurted far away, but this was nothing on the battlefield.

"Hmph." Hao Mei just snorted coldly, she was really not interested in talking to this kind of man.

The smell of blood came from all around, the general never expected that his arm would be chopped off just for such a frivolity, and his face became ugly at the moment. Although Hao Mei is beautiful, but in so many people Naturally, he could not accept that his face damaged the face of a dignified general.

Without the slightest hesitation, he waved to the soldiers present, "Catch this witch, I will teach her a lesson!"

He gritted his teeth and said, looking at this hostile look, he seemed to have blood feud with Hao Mei, but he still couldn't hide his coveted beauty of Hao Mei.

The general's order has been issued, and the soldiers naturally only have to execute it.

"Hmph." Hao Mei still gave a cold snort of disdain, and lightly waved the long sword in her hand at the general behind, and before he could react, his head had already been separated from his body.

Seeing this, everyone took a few steps back and woke up from the infatuation just now. They are not stupid and can naturally see that Hao Mei is not simple.

Now calm down and think about it carefully, how could a woman appear on the battlefield for no reason.Fortunately, there was a big general standing in front of him, otherwise if he didn't hold back and walked over to do so, he would be the one who died.

Thinking up to this point, everyone felt like they were going to survive a catastrophe, and they took a sigh of relief and didn't want to fight anymore, they all backed away and wanted to leave here.

"I'm here, are you going to leave like this?" Hao Mei asked in a neutral tone, her voice seemed to carry some kind of lethal force, everyone felt a feeling of scalp numbness, and their bodies became slightly stiff Suddenly, he stopped in place and didn't even dare to move.

It seemed that there was a special force controlling them somewhere, causing them to be unable to move an inch.

"It doesn't make much sense to fight back and forth, why don't I help you end this war." Hao Mei said with a light smile, with a wave of the long sword in her hand, a powerful energy emanated from it, and more than 10,000+ troops She was the center and fell to the ground in an instant, with a stream of bright red blood spilling from the corner of her mouth.

It looked dead.

Seeing this, Hao Mei nodded in satisfaction and smiled without stopping, jumped up and turned to leave.

Since then, wherever she has been, there will be death, and Hao Mei has become a veritable witch, which makes everyone frightened.

On the other side, the tightly closed door of the stone room slowly opened, and Zhiqing walked out unhurriedly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Retreating for so long finally healed the injury." He whispered to himself, looked up at the bright blue sky and took a deep breath, feeling refreshed.

"I don't know how the junior brother's case is going." He said, without stopping, raised his feet and walked down the mountain.

However, according to the original route, they couldn't reach the imperial city, instead they came to another place, and the crowd didn't look any different.

Zhiqing frowned strangely and grabbed a person to inquire, only then did he know that this is Donglai Kingdom, as for Han Lianguo, Shangguanran and even the number one beauty, Hao Mei, they didn't know.

"I didn't go wrong, don't tell me!" He immediately became dignified, as if he had thought of something, and immediately exclaimed that he was not good, then turned and left under the surprised eyes of everyone.

Zhiqing's master said long ago that if the world changes, don't panic, and there will be guidance in the mountains behind the Moon Valley.

And now, it is exactly the corresponding.

He naturally did not expect that Hao Mei was here, and Hu Meiniang and Liu Guannan were also in this Donglai Kingdom.

After the illusory world was broken, the two came here with Hao Mei's heart.

It was night, and the red fire clouds were so oppressive that people couldn't get through it. The strange sky made people feel like something was about to happen.

A man and a woman stood facing each other and looked at each other. There was no sound in the surroundings, which was so weird and scary.

"Have you decided to hand it over?" A deep voice came from the man's mouth, it was Liu Guannan!
On the opposite side is Hu Meiniang, she smiled charmingly, with a bit of undetectable dissatisfaction in her eyes, she said coquettishly: "Since it is the Lord Demon King who is speaking, there is no reason for me not to listen, but you must keep your word." .”

This sounded like a submissive tone, but it carried a hint of warning.

Liu Guannan chuckled twice, "Of course I keep my word, the person has already been brought, as long as you hand over her heart."

(End of this chapter)

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