Chapter 283 Evolution of the Heavens
In the main hall of the Star Tower, the blazing and dazzling purple-gold light also slowly dissipated, and at this moment——


Lin Feng opened his eyes suddenly, like the supreme rule, indifferent and ruthless, full of majesty, the God King of Jin who was not far from him couldn't help but tremble with fear.


Lin Feng's figure gradually faded away. In his body, in the kingdom of God, above the endless ocean, Lin Feng dressed in black appeared out of thin air.

The vast kingdom of God has grasslands, seas, and mountains...

Lin Feng stood at a high altitude and looked at his endless kingdom of God: "My kingdom of God has already reached its limit."

"Now, let's break through and be promoted to the universe!"

Standing high in the sky, Lin Feng's face was very calm, and he wasn't too excited. At this moment, with one thought in his mind, earth-shaking changes took place in the Kingdom of God!


The vast kingdom of God immediately began to expand rapidly.

The boundary wall of the Kingdom of God, which had already reached its limit, swelled outward again.

This expansion immediately produced a violent reaction.


The entire Kingdom of God shook, and suddenly a void channel was directly connected to the Kingdom of God. This void of unknown origin, endless chaotic air flowed madly from this end of the channel. Crack the earth, tear up the ocean, break everything, and return to chaos.

With a large supply of chaotic airflow power, the Kingdom of God began to expand wildly.

"Boom!" With the expansion of the Kingdom of God, another void channel was born, and more chaotic air flow rushed in.

It's like a world-ending scene.

Lin Feng stood in the center of the Kingdom of God and looked around. Void passages were born one after another, and endless chaotic airflows poured in, causing chaotic vortices to form in the entire Kingdom of God, and the Kingdom of God continued to expand.


A powerful force appeared out of thin air, acting on the Kingdom of God!

The irresistible power is extremely powerful. This is the power of the original universe. Lin Feng also felt that he was rejecting the Kingdom of God. The universe has penetrated the membrane wall of the original universe and entered the cosmic sea!
"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The Kingdom of God is constantly growing, and it is growing even faster in this cosmic sea. The immeasurable chaotic airflow is rushing in even faster, like torrents of torrents, crazily colliding and converging...

It will take a certain amount of time to expand from the Kingdom of God to a small universe.


Suddenly, the entire Kingdom of God was shaken.

The original barrier of the Kingdom of God has turned into a cosmic membrane wall, and has become a huge celestial body with a diameter of [-] million light years. Following this small universe with a diameter of [-] million light years, it continues to expand.

"Still getting bigger?" Seeing this scene, the God King of Jin who came to the sea of ​​the universe couldn't help sighing in his heart, "Sure enough, all the true gods and small universes are all the same size. But Lin Feng has two routes of divine power and law. Qiqi's breakthrough has already broken the rules, how big will his small universe be?"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Lin Feng's small universe has exceeded the normal diameter of [-] million light-years, but it has not stopped. The diameter is getting bigger and bigger, and the volume is skyrocketing like a somersault.The expansion of this small universe is slower because more chaotic airflow is required: [-] million light-years in diameter, [-] million light-years, [-] million light-years...

Lin Feng was expanding the small universe there, but the entire primordial universe and even all the races in the universe sea were waiting for it. The rules of the universe blocked that universe sea area. Except for the King of Jin who was not restricted, everyone else couldn't get close to it. In the past, it was naturally unclear about the situation of Lin Feng's miniature universe.

"What's going on?" Chaos City Lord was also a little anxious, "It's been so many years, it should have been completed long ago, it's been half a year, why is there no news?"

On the opposite side of him was a rough man with a huge ax beside him.

Undoubtedly, this is another of the most powerful human beings in the universe, the 'Great Ax Creator'. He laughed and said, "Chaos, don't worry, this is definitely not a bad thing!"

"Although I don't know what happened." The founder of the giant axe shook his head, "But this is the moment when Lin Feng's kingdom of God expands, and the origin begins to be born, with the help of the original will of the universe, and the urging of the supreme rule... …I am not afraid of accidents at all, because now, no one can influence him, nor can I contact him. If there is any accident, it will only be a good situation! This shows that Lin Feng's being the strongest in the universe is not simple!"

When breaking through, it is absolutely protected.

No one can interrupt the opponent's breakthrough.

All races in the Universe Sea are anxious.

Lin Feng sensed the continuous expansion of the entire small universe in his own small universe. Finally, one day, the entire small universe suddenly stopped expanding and everything took shape.

This small universe is one billion light-years in diameter, not too much, not too little.


A burst of strong fluctuations radiated out, and the supreme rules covering this area dissipated, and Lin Feng's small universe officially began to be revealed in front of everyone.


"Is this still a small universe? How could it be so big?"

"Such a big miniature universe."

"How big is it?"

Because it is too big, coupled with the turbulent chaotic airflow, it is impossible to see clearly, and the visual inspection is also inaccurate.Immediately, the peak powerhouses of the universe of various races teleported around this small universe one after another to judge the size.

"This small universe has a diameter of one billion light years!"

"This... is unbelievable, one billion light years!"

"The other small universes of the true gods are all 21 million light-years. The universe of the Purple Moon Holy Land is 32 billion light-years, and the universe of the East Emperor Holy Land is [-] billion light-years. A higher level... Only a small universe can reach that size. The small universe of human Lin Feng is so big."

Shocked one by one.

Although shocking, it is also acceptable.

Because in their hearts, after all these years, they had already been mentally prepared. When Lin Feng first broke through, he caused hundreds of millions of people in the original universe to bow down. It is not surprising that there is such a miracle now.

Immediately, the news quickly spread to all races in the universe sea.

"Become a true god, a small universe with a diameter of one billion light years? This..."

"The true god has such a small universe, it's really...unbelievable, unbelievable."

"Impossible!" In Ziyue Holy Land, Ziyue's first ancestor also got the news and was also startled.

"Ancestor, this is what I saw with my own eyes! Besides me, many ethnic groups in the Universe Sea also's absolutely true." The divine power incarnation of the Lord of the Universe below said respectfully.

The ancestor of Ziyue was full of shock: "This, this, this..."

He has great fortunes in his life, and even the Eastern Emperor doesn't pay attention to him, so he naturally knows a lot.

"In the past, hundreds of millions of ethnic groups worshiped and celebrated, but now the small universe of the true god has reached one billion light years." The ancestor of Ziyue shook his head, "My lineage once gave birth to several beings who stood at the pinnacle of ancient civilization, but when each true god, the small universe The universe is [-] million light-years away. This is the case in all ancient civilizations, without exception."

"This Lin Feng, suddenly rose, why is it so exaggerated? How did he do it? Could it be that he came from the continent of origin?" The ancestor of Ziyue was puzzled, and then he gritted his teeth, "It doesn't matter who you are? How powerful you are , don't even think about competing with me, that chance can only belong to me!"

All races in the universe are shocked and amazed. Of course, the most exciting is the human territory. Another strongest person in the universe will be a big event for the entire race and will affect the future development of the whole race. The human race will speed up. Flourishing, no one... can stop it!

No matter how shocking the outside world is, no one can contact Lin Feng.

in the small universe.

Lin Feng looked around from a distance, those void passages had disappeared, and the entire small universe was filled with endless and majestic chaotic air currents.

"The expansion of the universe has reached its limit."

"The next step is the origin of the universe and the structure of the universe." Lin Feng smiled slightly. The next few steps were completed one after another, and the structure of the universe was the most important step!
The internal structure of the small universe must be set before everything is finalized at the beginning. Once the chaotic airflow begins to transform into the ten basic law forces, then there will be no chance to structure.Any super strong person... only has one opportunity to build in a long life.

This architecture.

One, it determines the future of the evolution of the small universe in the future.

Two, determine the origin of the small universe!
Third, it determines the limit that the strong can achieve.

This most basic structure is like laying the foundation when building a skyscraper. If the foundation is not well laid, skyscrapers cannot be built naturally.If this cosmic structure is not done well --- the gradual evolution of the small universe in the future will also have limits, for example, the evolution to the "eternal true god stage" cannot be broken through.

Even if you already have a very high level of awareness, if the small universe does not evolve and improve, then you will never be able to break through.

This step should not be taken lightly!

Lin Feng stood in the endless chaotic airflow, but his eyes could easily see every place in his small universe.

"Heart of the True God, Ning!"

Lin Feng shouted softly, and the voice resounded throughout the small universe.


A powerful force immediately acted on Lin Feng's body, and he was instantly moved into a space.This is within the 'miniature origin of the universe', and the interior of the origin of the universe at this moment is also a piece of chaos that has not yet been fully finalized.

Only when the structure of the universe is finalized can this source be fully finalized.


Lin Feng's body shattered in an instant, turning into monstrous divine power, constantly surging, and right in the center, a 'heart' was floating, that is the heart of the true god.

The heart of the true god is the most important place in the true god's body.

The soul hides in it and also communicates with its own small universe origin.The origin of the small universe, if it transforms and stores a large amount of divine power, it can be directly transmitted to the heart of the true god.Once the heart of the true god is broken, the true god will be finished.Lin Feng's small universe origin is tens of millions of times stronger than a true god at the same level, and this true god's heart is also tens of millions of times stronger.

"Return to the source!"

With the sound of Lin Feng's will.

The endless divine power began to condense and condense continuously, and in the process of condensing, it became more and more refined, and it soared tens of millions of times in an instant.At the same time, it began to condense into flesh, tendons, membranes, hair, etc. Soon, a naked black-haired man appeared in this unformed small universe origin.

"Next, it's the structure of the universe!"

Lin Feng stood in the original space of the universe of the small universe, and the interior was also in chaos, and everything had not yet been finalized.


Lin Feng's thought enveloped the entire universe, whether it was the original space or all the chaos in the universe, they all vibrated.

"Time and space are the basis, and the heavens evolve!" Lin Feng's will shrouded everywhere, and he began to mobilize.

A series of illusory laws were mobilized, with the laws of space-time as the basis and other laws as auxiliary, and the universe began to be constructed!
I saw the chaotic airflow in the entire universe, manipulating the division and rotation everywhere, and began to gradually condense into shape, and the planes of space began to be born rapidly.When I think about it, hundreds of millions of planes are born, each of which is extremely strong and exudes a very mysterious aura.

Time and space are the skeleton, linking these billions of planes together, assisting each other, influencing each other, producing a kind of hidden force, covering the entire small universe, making this small universe even more mysterious, as if... Potential Bigger, can grow infinitely...

(End of this chapter)

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