The Demon King of Time and Space

Chapter 32 Zixiao 1 Lectures

Chapter 32

Just when Nuwa sat down on the fourth futon, the remaining two futons also belonged. First, Kunpeng exuded a cold air all over his body, making all the monks who approached him stiff and slow down their movements. , then Kunpeng laughed and sat on the fifth futon under the unwilling eyes of all the cultivators, and finally Hongyun sat on the sixth futon with the help of Zhen Yuanzi. After Hongyun sat down, he continued to fight.

Seeing that the futons were all their own owners, all the cultivators had no choice but to find a place to sit down. Not long after, Zixiao Palace was full of people and fell silent.

"Tap Tap!"

But at this moment, everyone was quietly waiting for Taoist Hongjun to appear. When he was speaking on the Dao, suddenly there was a rush of footsteps outside the palace gate. He stepped in with a messy figure and torn clothes.

"It's Xiying and Zhunti's two brothers!"

"Zunti that shameless guy is here too?"


All of a sudden, the cultivators recognized their identities and began to discuss in low voices, but it was Zhunti who often fought the autumn wind in the eastern land, not only snatching treasures, but even the good talents and beautiful jade among the oriental monks were sent to the west, which naturally made The cultivators are disgusted, but Zhunti is not only powerful, but also his senior brothers are also unfathomable, so the cultivators dare not meddle in their own business, and let Zhunti wreak havoc in the eastern land. Zhuang Guan's idea was to snatch the ginseng fruit tree, but in the end he was beaten up by Zhen Yuanzi, and he was defeated even when he was drawn out consecutively.

But even so, all the cultivators still felt shameless and disgusted at Zhuangti, and they didn't even wink at him. At this time, seeing the two people in a mess and arriving late, all the cultivators were gloating in their hearts.

"Senior brother, I never thought that you and I would travel thousands of miles to listen to the sermon. We wanted to seek a way for all living beings in the West, but we didn't even have a seat. It would be better if we died." Zhun Ti answered. As soon as the two of them walked in, they saw that the main hall was full of monks, and the six futons in front of them were already full. They couldn't help but look ugly, Zhunti rolled his eyes, and cried out loudly, With a cry of grief, he slammed his head towards the pillar beside him.

"Junior brother, absolutely not! There is no seat, you and I can sit in the corner casually, and you can still hear the truth!" Seeing this, the guide hurriedly stopped him, with a look of pain on his face.

"It won't come, will it?"

"Don't believe it, fellow daoist, I've seen this scene many times before!"


Most of the cultivators watched this scene with cold eyes and didn't say a word, but some people were still deceived by Zhun Ti's superb acting skills, and they were a little surprised.

As for Tongtian, he also watched the two play with playfulness in his eyes. At the same time, he looked at Hongyun who was sitting on the last futon from the corner of his eye. It was time for Hongyun to appear next.

Sure enough, upon hearing Zhunti's mournful cry, Taoist Hongyun stood up abruptly and shouted: "Brother Zhunti, don't do this, I will let you be the poor Taoist." Ti, give up his position to Zhun Ti.

"Thank you, Brother Dao." Zhun Ti didn't expect someone to be so stupid, and immediately thanked him with great joy, and hurriedly sat down.

In an instant, the faces of all the cultivators in the hall became stiff, looking at the red cloud as if they were looking at a fool, Zhen Yuanzi spent so much effort to snatch him a futon, but now he wants to let it out, Isn't this a fool?
"Red Cloud! You..."

Zhen Yuanzi's face was gloomy, he stood up, pointed at the red cloud, wanted to scold him but didn't know how to speak, so he turned to Zhunti who was sitting on the futon, Zhen Yuanzi's voice was a little cold, "Zhunti, now you get up, take your seat There is still time to return it to my brother, otherwise..." At this point, Zhen Yuanzi exuded a murderous intent.

"This..." Zhunti looked at Hong Yun innocently.

"Brother Zhenyuan, it's not easy for you to mention their senior brothers..." Seeing Zhunti's innocent face, Hong Yun persuaded Zhenyuanzi softly.

"Don't you know the virtues of these two people? They lied to you..." Zhen Yuanzi was a little annoyed.

"Okay, it's just a seat, if you let it go, it's not a big deal." Seeing that Zhen Yuanzi was still chattering, Hong Yun was a little irritable, so she casually responded with a few words, and walked towards a corner of the hall without going to talk to Zhen Yuanzi sit together.

"Bastard!" Zhen Yuanzi cursed in a low voice, gave Zhunti another cold look, and just sat down.

"Since you are sitting on a futon, you owe the karma of heaven. Even if you give up voluntarily, the karma still exists. You owe such a great karma and cannot resolve it. No wonder you, Hongyun, fell into the calamity of the Lich." .” Tong Tian was a little speechless, shook his head and continued to read.

At this time, Zhunti saw that his senior brother had no seats yet, so he began to look at the first five monks sitting on the futons. Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi who were sitting on the first two futons were two brothers.

Looking at Tongtian again, he was looked at by Tongtian coldly, and suddenly felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave. Zhunti was a little panicked. Looking at him, he saw Fuxi looking at him with murderous intent, and Nuwa was a girl, so he couldn't make things difficult for him.

The only one left is Kunpeng. Although Kunpeng has a great reputation in the catastrophe of beasts, he has never seen it before. He raised his voice and shouted loudly: "Who are you, and what qualifications do you have to be equal to me?"

"Oh? Then how do you do?" Kunpeng raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile.

"Let's go aside!" Suddenly Zhunti brushed the Qibao Miaoshu fiercely in his hand, and Kunpeng, who was caught off guard, was brushed aside.

"Brother, hurry up!" Seizing this opportunity, Zhunti shouted hastily. Seeing Zhunti sitting down, I was already satisfied. After getting a seat, he sat down without thinking too much, looked at Kunpeng who was approaching angrily, and said with a bitter expression, "Thank you, Brother Kunpeng, for letting me go. I am so grateful!"

Kunpeng's face was ugly, and he ignored the words of guidance at all. Losing the futon was nothing to him, but Zhunti said he would sneak attack if he said it was a sneak attack. There was no rule at all, and it made him lose face for nothing. How can Kunpeng gain a foothold in the wild?Thinking of this, Kunpeng's eyes sharpened, and the light in his hands flickered, as he planned to fight.

"You're still too young!" Looking at Kunpeng who was about to make a move, Tongtian sighed a little, but he knew that the battle would not be possible, and Kunpeng would definitely suffer the loss, because Hongjun would not allow it, so Hongjun Jun was about to appear, and Tongtian looked at the preaching platform.

"Stop!" Sure enough, at this critical moment, on the platform of the preaching platform, suddenly a Taoist with a strange appearance slowly appeared. This is the first saint Hongjun in the prehistoric world. Seeing the ethereal but obscure aura around him, Hongjun stretched out his hand and casually annihilated the gloomy light shot by Kunpeng. Jieyin and Zhunti also breathed a sigh of relief. They felt a deep crisis when Kunpeng shot just now. They regretted it for a moment, and even picked a hard problem.

"Hmph!" Kunpeng's eyelids twitched, feeling the unfathomable depths on Hongjun's body, and he didn't dare to continue to make a move. With a cold snort, he walked back, found a corner, and sat down.

At the same time, all the cultivators in the hall were also awe-inspiring, and they took a deep breath one by one. Hongjun appeared silently, and they didn't notice it. Forbearance did not dare to continue to attack, which made them startled, and they thought to themselves, "This Hongjunguo is indeed the number one saint in the prehistoric world!"

"From now on, we will sit in this seat, and there will be no more disputes." Regarding the changes in the expressions of the cultivators, Hong Jun said calmly.

"Yes!" All the cultivators responded one after another.

"Since you have entered the Zixiao Palace, you have a predestined relationship with the poor Daoist. At that time, the heaven and the earth were first opened, and I insisted on creating a jade butterfly to become a sage. The palace gave three sermons, each time for 3 years, this is the first time, how much you can understand is up to you.” Hongjun’s eyes were flat, he glanced at the cultivators in Zixiao Palace, and said lightly , "Haotian, Yaochi, close the gates of the palace, and the poor Taoist is about to speak."


The two boys from Haotian Yaochi responded and closed the gate of Zixiao Palace at once, and then they also found a random place to sit down in Zixiao Palace, ready to listen to the lecture.

"In the chaos, there is a thing, lonely and lonely, the beginning of heaven and earth, the mother of all things, I don't know its name, so I force myself to call it Tao, I don't know its name, I force it to call it Tao, and I force it to call it Dao The big is death, the death is far, and the far is reverse. Therefore, the Tao is big, the sky is big, the earth is big, and the spirit is also big. There are four major in the domain, and all spirits live in one of them. The spirit follows the earth, the earth follows the sky, and the sky follows the Tao , Dao follows nature. Under the Dao, heaven and earth are the key points, and all existence is Dao. Therefore, the so-called Dao is everywhere, and Dao is everywhere.”

For a time, the sound of the sage Hongjun's preaching spread throughout the hall, but the voice was vicissitudes and ancient, and the way he said was also mysterious, infinitely mysterious, and contained profound principles of the way of heaven.

At the same time, in this hall, there are all kinds of visions. There are mysterious heavenly sounds reverberating, celestial maidens scattering flowers, golden lotus springing from the ground, and billowing spiritual energy surging, filling the hall.

All of a sudden, all the cultivators present fell into comprehension, and each of them was mesmerized listening to this saint's preaching. The blossoming golden lotuses that surged up under the earth also merged into the bodies of all the cultivators and were refined into cultivators. Cultivate the mana in the body.

"Hongjun, your holy way is really mysterious, it is also a chance for me, haha." A look of excitement flashed in the eyes of Tongtian who was sitting on the third futon, and he saw the mysterious aura flowing around him, quickly absorbing it. With the dao rhyme permeating the surroundings, at the same time, the little chaos in his dantian was tumbling endlessly at the moment, and the radiance of the three thousand cocoons floating in it was flowing, becoming more and more bright, and the life breath in it was gradually becoming stronger, as if it was about to break. Out of the cocoon.

(End of this chapter)

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