Chapter 116 There are so many situations!
"Oh my god, what is the emperor's little magic fox going to do!"

"It will fall to its death!"

The auditorium was in an uproar, and his eyes almost followed the white shadow. Jin Xi held up the dust of Buddha with a mournful face, "Oh, my little ancestor! Why don't you let the miscellaneous family worry!" Eunuch Jin Xi chased after him from the high platform. The little Huanhu ran all the way down, one of them was impatient and didn't see the way, and suddenly rolled all the way down to the bottom with his head on the ground.

Zong Zehong eliminated all the black wolves in the arena in one go. At the same time, he noticed the restlessness in the auditorium, raised his eyebrows, and looked up at the chaotic seats under the high stage.

In astonishment, Zong Zehong opened his phoenix eyes wide in disbelief at the animal cry from above his head.

"Ling'er!" Zong Zehong looked at the white meat dumpling that fell from the sky in shock, what is it doing!
There was no time to hesitate, just when everyone thought that the little Huanhu would fall to his death in the arena, Zong Zehong flew, and the little Huanhu threw himself into his arms at the same time, and entered his arms without any mistakes.

Big iceberg!Linger is here!

Ni Ling crashed into Zong Zehong's arms, her eyes were full of gold stars, but she didn't realize that she had just done a very dangerous thing.

Just when she was about to praise Zong Zehong, but didn't want to think about it for a second, Zong Zehong put her on the ground with a dark face, and the shadow instantly enveloped her, Zong Zehong stared at the little phantom fox with an innocent face and excited eyes , There was a burst of anger shouting at it!

"Do you even know what you're doing!"

If it wasn't for his quick reaction, it would have fallen to its death by now!
The high platform is some distance away from the arena, how dare it fall from the sky so recklessly!

If something really happens...

Zong Zehong didn't dare to think about it, the veins on his forehead twitched violently, and his face was extremely ugly.

Facing Zong Zehong's sudden shout, Ni Ling shrank back in fright, what's wrong?What's wrong?Did she do something wrong?
The watery purple eyes seemed a little wronged, Ni Ling looked up at Zong Zehong's cold and angry expression, and was at a loss for a while.

"If I don't catch you, you will be like that black wolf now!"

Seeing that Ling'er didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, Zong Zehong pointed angrily at a black wolf hanging on the iron net, drenched in blood and without vital signs, how dare it jump over the sharp barbed wire so boldly!The extremely angry Zong Zehong stared at the little magic fox, his strong body was dripping with sweat, his chest was heaving, and he seemed to have forgotten something crucial...

This impromptu performance is not over yet.

The biggest danger has already quietly walked out from the slowly opened iron door.

Zong Zehong looked at the innocent and harmless expression on the little Huanhu's face, turned around angrily and panted heavily, he held his forehead, his heart almost jumped out just now!
How dare it do such a dangerous move?
Above the auditorium, Eunuch Jin Xi, who fell down the steps and became dizzy, was helped up by a group of ministers. His head was bleeding and he moaned in pain. He was in either this pain or that pain, his old bones were almost tormented to death!
And the little phantom fox, who had just arrived on the field, squatted there obediently. Seeing Zong Zehong turned his back and ignored it, he stretched out his little claws and hugged Zong Zehong's thigh mischievously.

Big Bingshan, you are my idol, Linger wants to hug your thigh, rub it!
Thinking about it, I really rubbed it hard a few times. This naughty and cute little move successfully made many people laugh.

But soon, the laughter stopped, because behind the little magic fox, a black wolf king that was bigger than the other fire evil black wolves slowly approached it...

(End of this chapter)

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