Chapter 170 The library is in a mess, and Linghu is in danger?

Not long after, when Ni Ling was ready and began to silently recite the lifting spell in her heart, all of a sudden, streaks of holy golden light continuously flowed out from the surface of her snow-white body.

Ni Ling felt the changes in her white fox's body firsthand, she didn't dare to be distracted, she quickly and silently recited the magic spell for lifting the ban, just when Ni Ling felt that the golden light was shining all over her body, suddenly, she felt the temperature of her body As she continued to rise, the burning sensation in her body made her suddenly open her purple eyes.

The constant burning pain continuously invaded her whole body, almost making Ni Ling unbearable!

The stele said that to lift the forbidden spell, you have to sing it repeatedly or recite it silently. If you stop, you will be burned by the fire!

Ni Ling was writhing on the ground in pain, chanting over and over again while gritting her teeth.

She had always thought that lifting the ban was liberation, but she didn't expect that the spell to lift the mana seal would cause herself to suffer such pain that she could hardly bear.

Ni Ling had never felt this kind of feeling before, it was more intense than the pain she suffered from being struck by lightning, her body hurt, her internal organs hurt even more, and at the same time, when Ye Mingzhu kept rolling down in front of Zong Zehong At that moment, Zong Zehong suddenly raised his eyes and saw the strangeness on the top floor!

"Emperor... Your Majesty! What is that light!"

Zong Zehong didn't answer, the top floor was full of golden light, and vaguely, he heard the wailing of the little phantom fox.

Almost instantly, Zong Zehong ran up the spiral staircase.

And Ni Ling, who was in extreme pain, kept rolling on the ground. Suddenly, at the moment when she lost consciousness, she felt the depth of her body and the center of her soul, and a powerful aura surged along with the pain. out, and slowly closed his purple eyes... At the same time, the Zangshu Pavilion shook violently, and all the ancient books fell out of the dazzling layers of bookshelves, and Zong Zehong stepped on the last step. At that moment, he suddenly saw Ziyun Huanhu who had passed out on the ground.


Panicked, scared... Zong Zehong's heart trembled when he saw the little white group lying dead on the ground, and under the library, "Your Majesty, run, this building is about to collapse! "

Zong Zehong wobbled to the side of the little magic fox, hugged it tightly in his arms, and then performed lightness kung fu, spun in mid-air, and broke out from a tightly closed window in Zangshu Pavilion!

The library building is the third tallest building in Zongyue Palace after the Zhaixing Building and Zhenbao Pavilion. It seemed to be collapsing violently and shocked many court ladies and eunuchs.

Eunuch Fang escaped from the library, and then, just as everyone was worried about their emperor, Zong Zehong spun down from the sky and landed firmly on the ground.

Everyone thought the library would collapse, but just as Zong Zehong left with the little magic fox in his arms, the library stopped shaking immediately.

The building didn't collapse, but inside the library, it was a mess.

"Your Majesty, are you okay..."

"Quickly send the imperial doctor to Jinluan Palace!" Zong Zehong roared violently, and after finishing his sentence, he flew away from the library in a hurry.

On the way back to the bedroom at full speed, he was so anxious that even the hand holding the little magic fox trembled slightly.

"Ling'er, wake up!"

All the way back to Jinluan Palace, Zong Zehong rushed into the palace like the wind, put the little phantom fox on the dragon bed, and shook that limp little body vigorously.

However, no matter how Zong Zehong patted or shook it, the big white ball on the dragon bed did not move at all.

Please collect it, Smecta!
(End of this chapter)

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