Chapter 226 Evil Cultivator, Empty Sword

Everyone knows that he is cruel and cruel, but they don't know that he is bathing people now.

In the end, a certain person said in dissatisfaction: "Then you wash me up every day from now on!"

After the words fell, Zong Zehong was not only not angry, but was happy in his heart.

"So, you plan to stay by my side for a long time?"

If so, then his long-dead Bing Xin will be completely unsealed.

Because Zong Zehong knew from the bottom of his heart that he needed her and needed her to be by his side.

Stay with Zong Zehong?Ni Ling was taken aback for a moment, when did she say that?
Disapprovingly glanced at Zong Zehong's extremely handsome face, Ni Ling was silent for a while, "I'll think about it..."

She didn't directly tell Zong Zehong that she had to go back to the God Realm because...she was struggling.

God Realm is her home after all, but...

Taking a sneak peek at Zong Zehong, she suddenly wanted to stay here, because there is Bingshan Daddy in God Realm, and here is a man who is similar to Daddy but loves her very much. She likes the feeling of being loved by others, so, There will also be reluctance.

Zong Zehong didn't say anything else, although she didn't hear the answer she wanted, but at least she didn't make a fuss about leaving him.

Moreover, this little guy seems to have no idea what it is, she is too innocent, if she wants to make her truly understand her mind, it seems that she needs to spend more time and energy...

Just when Zong Zehong tested the water temperature and was about to let Ling'er stand up from the barrel, suddenly, almost at the same time, their eyes met.

Zong Zehong suddenly covered Ni Ling's small mouth that was about to open, and made a silent finger.

In the huge Jinluan Palace, it was eerily quiet, and the candles flickered on and off, making it look a little weird...

"who is it!"

Fully vigilant, Zong Zehong quickly carried Ni Ling out of the barrel, wrapped him in a blanket, and his extremely cold voice echoed in the bedroom... No one answered.

Zong Zehong touched Ni Ling's cheek reassuringly, leaned into her ear, and whispered: "Stay here obediently, I'll go out and have a look."

After finishing speaking, Zong Zehong walked around the screen and went out to investigate.

And he left with his front feet, and with his back feet, a stench that seemed to come from hell gathered together and merged into a black mist. In the blink of an eye, a man with an evil and strange appearance appeared in front of Ni Ling.

His eyes were empty and dead, lacking light.

The black and purple lip color is extremely strange.

Ni Ling opened her big eyes and stared at the person who appeared out of nowhere in front of her, and subconsciously called out: "Zong Zehong..."

Hearing Linger's dumbfounded call, Zong Zehong turned around quickly and was about to return to her side.

After quickly returning to the screen, Zong Zehong looked at the "man in black" who appeared silently, manipulating the ancient decorative sword hanging on the palace wall from a distance, stabbing at Ling'er extremely fast, Almost without hesitation, he dodged to Ling'er's side in an instant, and grabbed the sharp sword with his bare hands.

Zong Zehong recognized the person in front of him almost at a glance.

"Heretic cultivator!"

An extremely strong internal energy burst out, and Zong Zehong instantly broke the ancient sword in his hand, protecting Ni Ling behind him, and looked at the living people who were not living people in front of him with vigilance and coldness.

"Give... the Thunder... Ling... Bead... to me..."

Accompanied by the fast flickering candle, the extremely weird cultivator in front of him spoke stiffly, and slowly... stretched out his hand towards Ni Ling.

"Lei Lingzhu?" Zong Zehong frowned, but he didn't dare to relax his vigilance, "Linger, what Lei Lingzhu?"

(End of this chapter)

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