Chapter 234

"Result! When I arrived at the National Teacher, I didn't want my pet to fall in love with the National Teacher's Moon Sacrifice Temple, and I didn't want to go back to the palace." Zong Zehong gently pinched Ling'er's pink cheeks, and then said, " All lovers should know that I keep pets to relieve boredom, and this beloved thing was taken away by the national teacher. Naturally, I can't let myself suffer." Looking deeply at Ni Ling, "So, I will let the national teacher The beloved chief female disciple has been brought into the palace."

One fox for one person, is that right?

The officials looked at each other in blank dismay, the emperor handed over the little Huanhu to the national teacher, but brought back such an astonishing beauty from the national teacher, it was worth it!

"So, does the emperor want to bring this girl into the harem?"

I don't know who it is, such a sentence popped up suddenly.

There are many emperors' harems, but the beauties in those harems are just "decorations".

Everyone knows that the emperor seldom goes to the harem, and only when he is physically necessary, he will choose a concubine to visit him once. Every time the empress is "lucky" by the emperor, he will either die or be disabled, which is daunting.

But looking at the emperor's reaction to the girl, he seemed to be extremely doting, could it be that he was also moved?

Ni Ling couldn't understand what a group of ministers were saying there, she blinked her purple eyes, and asked Zong Zehong foxy.

"What is included in the harem?"

"I'll explain to you later." Zong Zehong squeezed Ni Ling's little face, and turned to look at the officials.

"The matter of canonization...for the time being, let's move it to the back for the time being. I will make a decision after I finish handling the matter of King Anwu's collusion with the Queen Mother."

Zong Zehong knew very well in his heart that the person in his arms could not be compared with those women in his harem. He had always looked down upon those women, but Linger was the only one.

As soon as King Anwu's plot was mentioned, everyone's conversation changed suddenly.

But Zong Zehong had no intention of discussing with the crowd how to execute the Queen Mother and King Anwu, and left the court hall with Ni Ling behind saying "Let's discuss tomorrow".

On the way back to Jinluan Palace, the passing court ladies and eunuchs all stared dumbfounded at the dauntingly familiar figure, Princess Daheng was hugging a charming and stunning figure.

That is the emperor without a doubt!

It is indeed their cold and cruel emperor who everyone fears!

The emperor was carrying a girl in his arms and heading towards Jinluan Palace, did they see it right?
After only half a day, the news that the emperor brought back a stunning beauty from outside the palace spread throughout the palace.

The concubines and concubines in the harem were all pale, because everyone who saw the girl would either click their tongues in praise or lose their composure. The female disciple of the closed door of the national teacher is the emperor's new favorite, and everyone knows it.

Because there were a lot of government affairs to deal with, after Zong Zehong ordered the maid to dress up Ni Ling, he held her little hand inseparably and took her all the way to the imperial study. When night fell, he did not leave the palace. .

And just when Zong Zehong had finished dinner with Ni Ling, a man who claimed to be Li Yeyang, the owner of Li Jian Villa, waited outside the palace gate, saying that he wanted to see Zong Zehong.

"Li Jian Villa?"

Zong Zehong took a mouthful of the glutinous rice chicken that Linger tore off for him, and looked at Jin Xi in surprise.

Li Jian Villa is a famous martial arts school, not under the jurisdiction of the imperial court. Li Yeyang is arrogant by nature and always likes to oppose the imperial court. Why did he come to him?
"The slave doesn't know either, but see, or not see?"

Jin Xi was respectful and respectful, waiting for Zong Zehong to make a decision.

"See you, of course I want to see you, what a joy it is to have friends coming from afar, of course I must see you!"

Before Zong Zehong could refuse, a well-fed person answered for him.

(End of this chapter)

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